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emergency phone alarm

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At three today all the jabbed will be alerted an turn into zombies an attack the unjabbed lol

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To be honest, even if there is the minutest threat of an event that may end my life, I’d rather we we were prepared for it !

Not much chance of avoiding a nuclear conflagration, but might be handy in event of some catastrophic weather event. 
Not that it would make much difference to me; I’ve got the alert turned off !

The missus will let me know if owt’s up, she usually does !


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It sounds like a right load of old bollocks, akin to the lockdowns - scaremongering shite for the TV tax paying masses.

 ........ We're in no imminent danger here.


I'm sure I've already knocked it on the head - I'll find out at 3pm on St George's day. 

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On 16/04/2023 at 20:27, DIDO.1 said:

No sure how an alarm on a phone would help with a nuke on its way.....it would however help spread the fear of a nuke 

It will give us all enough time to get to our fully equipped nuclear bunkers

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