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emergency phone alarm

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At three today all the jabbed will be alerted an turn into zombies an attack the unjabbed lol

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There's certainly ulterior motives behind it. 

Apparently China is our new enemy and concern....you know the china we keep doing increasing amounts of trade with, china we allow to buy into our infrastructure. 

We have learnt from covid that the government likes to spread panic.... I don't see this being any different.

I trust the government so little I'm actually genuinely wondering what Scotty can tell us about this new alarm.... and that in itself is worrying ?

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I hardly ever take my phone anywhere these days as i find it more of a hindrance than anything else. if it was not for my family's insistence i would not have one at all, It would not be the first time i have lost my rag with one, in fact the last one before this one ended up in the canal after multiple attempts to answer a call by swiping the screen failed.

As for this alert test, seems pointless to me. just put a post on any social media outlet and it will be spread in seconds. 

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57 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

There's certainly ulterior motives behind it. 

Apparently China is our new enemy and concern....you know the china we keep doing increasing amounts of trade with, china we allow to buy into our infrastructure. 

We have learnt from covid that the government likes to spread panic.... I don't see this being any different.

I trust the government so little I'm actually genuinely wondering what Scotty can tell us about this new alarm.... and that in itself is worrying ?



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MY MRS COME IN EARLYER ON MATE AND ASKED HER HAD SHE HAD HEARD ANYTHINK ABOUT IT BECAUSE WOMEN  have always got there heads stuck in a fone and to be fair i was a bit shocker  she said yes next sunday were going to get an alert on are fones   but its nothink she said its about  incase  we have floods and what not when has that ever happend   all i can say is ive followed this war in ukrain  and  we have been involved  and lied 2 from the get go the kremlin always says we are easy to wipe out and should do it 

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5 hours ago, tonyormy1 said:

MY MRS COME IN EARLYER ON MATE AND ASKED HER HAD SHE HAD HEARD ANYTHINK ABOUT IT BECAUSE WOMEN  have always got there heads stuck in a fone and to be fair i was a bit shocker  she said yes next sunday were going to get an alert on are fones   but its nothink she said its about  incase  we have floods and what not when has that ever happend   all i can say is ive followed this war in ukrain  and  we have been involved  and lied 2 from the get go the kremlin always says we are easy to wipe out and should do it 


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