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Line breeding again !!

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Takes a bit to get your head round, it's the way my borders have been bred. Luckily I'll I've got a good mentor who was successful with the pits and is guiding me because it can be quite confusing at times especially when you have a small gene pool.

Edited by jossa
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  On 19/04/2023 at 20:54, chesney said:

Done bro/sis and father/daughter matings got results out them didnt get big numbers in the litters but got decent dogs that know there job from the off. Last litter have 2 young dogs coming on 12months were dog from father/daughter mating back to his mother and they both half bro/sis 2 tidy size dogs from that same again 3 on tge litter 2 died.


Are you loosing any size in your terriers? Mine seem to get a bit smaller with each generation?

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  On 20/04/2023 at 09:29, steve t said:

Are you loosing any size in your terriers? Mine seem to get a bit smaller with each generation?


Not really at the moment coming more less same size of whats behind them an odd small one on each litter ya get that with any cross. Bitch of the father/daughter mating tidy sized bitch was put to pure dog from same original root stock and pups of at 6 months are coming stronger than parents bit more leg and fairly switched on for there age time will tell more i suppose

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In America  if you want decent terriers then you will have to breed them yourself.I bred my foundation stud to his mother.That breeding produced an above average bitch.I bred this above average bitch back to her father/half brother.This produced an entire litter of decent terriers.I bred a male from this litter back to his mother.It produced 3 pups.2 of which quit at the end of their second season.?

Luckily I had a plan b and had already bred my foundation studs son to his first cousin.Which is what I am currently working.Im happy with them.

The only thing I can tell you for sure about breeding dogs is You better have a back up plan for your backup plan. Just my experiences.



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  On 16/04/2023 at 21:54, stop.end said:

Excellent post...








Forgot to add the pics 

On the left a thought out mating by the man who knows his line inside out....

Wee dog done his first real season... there's  standards and he's well past his...his aunt on the right mistake mating... coming up her 3rd proper season.... she 5th gear all time when at work at home she the most pleasant thing...she got pyemeteria and to be fair thanks be to the terrier God's...

I'd a took a litter of her to her dog beside her ...  but the way things are going ill see this yard out and I'm finished. 






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