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Ferret Court Location - And Questions

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This is posted elsewhere, so appologies for the duplication.


Sorry for all the questions, but you know me, its how I learn. So the wife says I can have a Ferret Court, wish she had told me a few days back, but nevermind. People have offered to build me one, and please be sure it IS very much appreciated, but I have decided to have the one below custom made. Thanks again for all the offers of help.


Now the purchase does pose some issues that can hopefully be easily sorted. Firstly I have asked the company in question to change the doors round so I can access it easily baring in mind its location. So first the pics.


I have 2 options, both I think will mean either trimming the tree on the left or removing it completely, i will take advice on that from you guys please. i am not a gardener. The Conifur will be going whatever happens. Gonna rope that to the landy, cut a v, then saw so it falls toward the Landrover. The picture below shows an 8 foot long version x 4 foot wide. Going back to my 2 options I can have either 6 foot long x 4 foot, or make it 7 x 4. What do you think? The sleeping quaters will remain the same size, its just the run will get bigger by a foot.




This picture depicts the 6 foot version in the configuration I want it.




This piccy shows the side against the garage




Another view of the 6 footer




The next pictures show where i plan on putting it, with crude measurements. The camera is pointing East, so no direct sunlight in the summer until 18:00. Its more seltered from the Rain and wind also.




Another view





And another




i will obviosuly make some ladders and housing qauters for the ferts. Do i need to Sawdust the entire run though? I have seen these courts with and without Sawdust.


Anything else I should consider?


Thanks for the help as always.

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Wood shaving are best its easier to scoop the poop. any luck with that vets? :thumbs:


I did not call them. Since the wifey has given the green light to the Court I have been thinking........ I guess I could leave them alone? I plan 1 Hob, the infamous and lovely Brian (Got the Ferret box today BTW) and 2 Jills. I am assuming they will leave in harmony until they come into season? At this point Brian either goes back into his current hutch for that period, or i do indeed get a knot toed in it and he can fire blanks into the Jill's?


Good? Bad? Indifferent?

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you could always save the expense of getting brian the snip, and bring your jills to me, or someone else with "snipped" hobs, to bring them outta season, whilst brian is on his own,


the court looks great, I would however, put a concrete base down, and ask for it to be built without that base on the outside section at least, with 3 ferts wetting onto that, and damp from the floor rising up, its gonna be rotted in no time


my only other worry would be security, as you say, this is all in your front garden, whats to stop someone entering and snipping the wire and making off with ya ferts

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Thanks for the advice and continued offer of help chaps.


Cant have it concreeted Stubby, Its gonna have to stay as it is. I am going to try and get them to crap in litter trays with Sawdust in the run, I know several people have had success with this, Im not saying its gonna work, but it worth a try. what I will do is keep some of the fresh poo etc and chuck it in a tray and show the Ferret's where it is. Other than that can I treat that wood with anything before they go in?


Security is always going to be an issue, however, I live in a private road full of security lighting. Its the best I can do, what I shall do though is put padlocks on all the doors to the sleeping area. During the day someone is always home.


Good idea about bringing the Ferts over to one thats been done. I like that idea. I was also thinking of maybe putting the current hutch in the sleeping area? Dunno about that yet, may take up too much space.


Another concern is the smell in the summer for the neighbours. 3 Ferts in total. Any comments on that?

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you could always save the expense of getting brian the snip, and bring your jills to me, or someone else with "snipped" hobs, to bring them outta season, whilst brian is on his own,


the court looks great, I would however, put a concrete base down, and ask for it to be built without that base on the outside section at least, with 3 ferts wetting onto that, and damp from the floor rising up, its gonna be rotted in no time


my only other worry would be security, as you say, this is all in your front garden, whats to stop someone entering and snipping the wire and making off with ya ferts


Thats what i was going to ask as well, i personally wouldnt house ferrets in the front of the property, apart from anything else you will have kids shoving stuff through the wire that could proove fatal

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personally i think ferrets are the sort of animals that attract crowds so if you dont mind your front lawn being trampled on & hoards of people shoving there fingers through the wire then go ahead :laugh: carry a good insurence as well as when little johnnys gone home crying to mom coz he has been nipped you could find you need it

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Kay. i will have tp post some pictures, but its in a Private Drive :) You cant see the Road from my front lawn, its about 50M away, I am surrounded by the house you see to the left, a huge feild behind me and then a private road leading to the main road.


They will be fine. It where Brian is at the mo :)

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the court looks great, I would however, put a concrete base down, and ask for it to be built without that base on the outside section at least, with 3 ferts wetting onto that, and damp from the floor rising up, its gonna be rotted in no time

Thats a very good point stubby :yes: If putting it on a concrete base isn't possile then you could try covering the floor with pond liner? I used that in my last hutch (The one with the floor in) and I took it a few inches up the sides too. The floor stayed dry and it was easily wiped clean. I dont imagine the pond liner would last as long as it should in those circumstances mind, but its far easier to replace that than a whole new floor. By the way - its looking like a great set up :D

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