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Oh and just to add....sometimes it's best to just walk away from some jobs you know are going to be a headache...especially if they eyes of the world are on you

Got asked by the council to clear rabbits off the local cemetery...2 other pest control companies walked away from... the 2 other companies offered the same advice...snares drop boxes... I walked

Night vision on an air rifle. Go late night/early hours and inform the parish council (and local plod if necessary). Don't tell anyone who might object.

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Mate....we do alot of this kind of work in public places and it can be a nightmare...snares traps drop boxes are all excellent methods ....however in public spaces there not much use ...because they bring on unwanted attention...and are prone to being nicked or vandalised..

Honestly your better of ferreting..or shooting...both of which can be done at night...

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Whatever you do, in what is apparently a public park, you are going to get grief.

I did a major squirrel job in a public park some years ago, and the wardens closed off and patrolled the areas I was working in, it was still a pain and I'd never do it again.

I'll be interested to hear the outcome of all this!!!!!!

I'd walk away.  Good luck ! 

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Agree with some of the answers. If you can't shoot or use snares I'm not sure how you would get away with cages. 

Personally I'd walk away unless you can get permission to work on the land they are coming from. I'd go back to see the woman and turn on the charm....I'd tell her they are going to get mixy if their numbers get to high. It's spring and if they are in large numbers now they are going to get mixy and she will see em all dying. Plus before then the damage to trees and shrubs will get worse as numbers increase and weather turns dry. I'd also tell her you can release them elsewhere. I've just got a paid job for rabbits where the owners wife was against it, even though they were ringing all the tree bark. We are going to catch em and release on a local shoot that has lost all its rabbits, with the agreement of the farmer there who misses seeing rabbits about, it's a moorland edge farm so they don't do much damage there. I'm sure you can find somewhere to drop em to give future sport. Rabbits need all the help they can get at the minute.

If you cant get her onboard then the only other option is night shooting with permission of the council and knowledge of local police....but i wouldn't think the chances of that were very high. Beyond that it's walk away time. Unless they are paying thousands then it can't ever be worth it. 

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Got asked by the council to clear rabbits off the local cemetery...2 other pest control companies walked away from... the 2 other companies offered the same advice...snares drop boxes...

I walked around a wee bit with head groundsman... they were chewing all new floors shrubs and young trees quite a few rabbits to be fair... I said you want them gone quickly and humanely 

Oh yes he said... so I ring my FAO ciara, I said I'm going to shoot rabbits using a FAC .22 with night vision and silencer between the hours of 12am to 6am...

She laughed at the start and I said what you laughing at she said you can't shoot a burial ground... I said you can't shoot it without getting permission from the owner which is the council and there giving me the go ahead...

2 nights later me and a mate were driving around the cemetery and shot 173 rabbits in 3 nights and paid very handsomely at that for absolute pleasure of a job...then paid again by the game dealer and my own freezer full... and now I undertake all the councils work...including commercial.... Good luck and let us know how you get on .

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  On 14/04/2023 at 15:55, stop.end said:

Got asked by the council to clear rabbits off the local cemetery...2 other pest control companies walked away from... the 2 other companies offered the same advice...snares drop boxes...

I walked around a wee bit with head groundsman... they were chewing all new floors shrubs and young trees quite a few rabbits to be fair... I said you want them gone quickly and humanely 

Oh yes he said... so I ring my FAO ciara, I said I'm going to shoot rabbits using a FAC .22 with night vision and silencer between the hours of 12am to 6am...

She laughed at the start and I said what you laughing at she said you can't shoot a burial ground... I said you can't shoot it without getting permission from the owner which is the council and there giving me the go ahead...

2 nights later me and a mate were driving around the cemetery and shot 173 rabbits in 3 nights and paid very handsomely at that for absolute pleasure of a job...then paid again by the game dealer and my own freezer full... and now I undertake all the councils work...including commercial.... Good luck and let us know how you get on .


I've done, and got, several cemetery jobs, they are straight forward compared to public parks! 

I think the OP is likely to incur issues with the job he is talking about!

If he can make it work then great, but it is likely to be difficult whatever!!!

Edited by Deker
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys

I'm having no luck with the traps, i bait them with carrots but the rabbits wont enter, if i tip the carrots out they eat them!  No problems with two legged pests so far but i have take the precaution of having a security cable through them all.  Thought i may try a change of bait to some apple perhaps, any thoughts?  I think the grass is just too lush at present.

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  On 07/05/2023 at 05:24, sparky the hunter said:

Hi guys

I'm having no luck with the traps, i bait them with carrots but the rabbits wont enter, if i tip the carrots out they eat them!  No problems with two legged pests so far but i have take the precaution of having a security cable through them all.  Thought i may try a change of bait to some apple perhaps, any thoughts?  I think the grass is just too lush at present.


I have never had much luck with cage trapping rabbits but you could try spraying the cages with apple juice plus try different baits. Rabbits might not be very smart but their sense of danger is out of this world.

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  On 07/05/2023 at 05:24, sparky the hunter said:

Hi guys

I'm having no luck with the traps, i bait them with carrots but the rabbits wont enter, if i tip the carrots out they eat them!  No problems with two legged pests so far but i have take the precaution of having a security cable through them all.  Thought i may try a change of bait to some apple perhaps, any thoughts?  I think the grass is just too lush at present.


I've tried all sorts in Rabbit traps and never found anything that good.  I left some of my traps at a garden centre and they tried all sorts as well, they caught 1 rabbit in about 6 months!

If anyone does ever come up with a cracking rabbit bait please let me know, Thanks!!!

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Wooden Traps possibly? Pretty easy and cheap to build. Don't show the caught rabbit unless your right up on it.Know alot of guys use them here because well..they don't look like a trap. Most people have no clue what they are. Especially if you put them in ares that are a little bit out of the way.Could probably make up some tags that say their property to the park and their some kinda gardening or lawn care instrument and don't mess with them or you could get fined.  

They are bulky but form my understanding after the first rabbit or two they get scent up and are supe attractive to other rabbits to the point you may no need bait.

Anyhow heres something from a life long ADC guys from over here who does it for a living. Might help


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have used traps for rabbits. Bait with carrots. Buy the cheap economy ones, they have a higher water and sugar content. Cut them long ways as this'll keep them fresher for longer, if cut in discs they dry out. Put a little pile at the back of the cage and one or two pieces at the front. I did this in a garden that didn't want shooting. daft thing is I would dispatch them with an air pistol while they were i the cage. In a garden was O.K. but a public place and I reckon the cages will get recked.


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