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APBT x wheaten

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I wouldnt mind a bigish pitbull with a good coat on it for messing about hunting and that be able to take it abroad to work and if it gets a few lumps and bumps all hidden under its jacket sounds ideal to me.

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Had a new pup join the ranks . Been here 2 weeks now and settling in nicely. Was a little noisy in the kennel for the first week but now as quiet as a mouse . 4 month old APBT x wheaten bred by my fri

Exactly not about the terrier about working the strong dogs.  This is my pups grandsire on a trip to Spain last year hunting boar in the Basque region. He performed very well but alas being what he

Pups coming along well . Fitted in well with the other dogs and responding well to her training . Just been concentrating on livestock training and environmental exposure. Not got any complaints about

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As someone who has very little experience of Wheatons and even less of pigs other than being partial to a nice bacon sandwich this is an interesting thread. Always nice to see photographs of unusual types and the work that they do.

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Just curious to as why lads would do this cross and I’m not having a dig at anyone, each to their own but would u not be best off with a pure bulldog or a proper Wheaton, what’s the point of the cross diluting blood. I know you can say to give a better coat but if you want a dog with jacket why not keep full wheatons? And if you need put gameness into your wheatons and feel the need for bull blood well then I’d be questioning that line of dogs to begin with?? Surely you wouldn’t keep a bitch and tell yourself well she’s not great but fuvk it it’s a Wheaton I’ll just throw a bull over it and hope for good pups?? Why keep that dog at all ?? It’s gonna crop up it’s head again down the line. I never kept either breed just my opinion 

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13 hours ago, sionnach99 said:

Just curious to as why lads would do this cross and I’m not having a dig at anyone, each to their own but would u not be best off with a pure bulldog or a proper Wheaton, what’s the point of the cross diluting blood. I know you can say to give a better coat but if you want a dog with jacket why not keep full wheatons? And if you need put gameness into your wheatons and feel the need for bull blood well then I’d be questioning that line of dogs to begin with?? Surely you wouldn’t keep a bitch and tell yourself well she’s not great but fuvk it it’s a Wheaton I’ll just throw a bull over it and hope for good pups?? Why keep that dog at all ?? It’s gonna crop up it’s head again down the line. I never kept either breed just my opinion 

I'm no expert on Wheaton or bulls so my opinion doesn't mean much but like has already been said I think it would be mainly for coat , I've kept full bulls and a bull without any marks on it brings unwanted attention a bull with marks on it and your labeled a dog fighter by any one who accidentally sees it , adding coat to it most people wouldn't even look at it or give it a second though, ..as for people saying just use a full Wheaton,  we'll unless your part of the secret squirrel club you won't get your hands on these mythical game bred Wheaton,  everyone I know who's had a full Wheaton off supposed good stuff never seemed to stay long and never turned out to be as game as were made out to be, however I understand people will say don't use a mediocre Wheaton and add bull to make it more game because its not 100% but if the person who does it is honest with the people he gifts the pups too they can take there chances and cull whatever doesn't make the grade , the problem would be if there pups were been bred for profit and people been sold a lie , I would personally take a chance on a bull x Wheaton even if the Wheaton was mediocre  as long as the bull was the real deal as a bull with a bit of coat would be ideal , I'm not realy to keen on the full Wheaton but the couple of bull Wheaton I've seen I've liked the look of ( and I know looks don't get job done its just preference) if it doesn't make the grade you cull accordingly and not pass it on, in my eyes it's no diffrent than someone adding beddy to a whippet to add coat , or a grey hound to a collie to produce speed,  

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Fair enough take your point but Good wheatons are definitely out there , I know a few lads with good ones, but definitely very few about, only a couple of pockets of them in the country and your not getting one if you don’t know them. But I suppose the same can be said for any breed. Anyone with good stuff not just gonna hand it out to any One. 

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On 12/05/2023 at 15:09, sionnach99 said:

Day of going around with a Wheaton or pitbull in the field in Ireland is gone , and has been for years, definitely wouldn’t be for me, asking for trouble. 

Most people dont no what a wheaton is ,lurchers draw trouble.

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5 hours ago, Hatch28 said:

Most people dont no what a wheaton is ,lurchers draw trouble.

Surprising what people know, all takes is wrong Cnut , all I know anyways is I’d rather be seen without one than with one

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1 hour ago, sionnach99 said:

Surprising what people know, all takes is wrong Cnut , all I know anyways is I’d rather be seen without one than with one

I'd a few wheatons up an down no one batted an eye lid, to the average joe bloggs their just another hairy mutt.

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10 hours ago, Hatch28 said:

I'd a few wheatons up an down no one batted an eye lid, to the average joe bloggs their just another hairy mutt.

Your definitely right about the lurchers. I keep a couple and wouldn’t walk them in public . Don’t use them much for daytime work either to hot around here farmers just presume your hare coursing. Lamp the f**k out of them?

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On 12/05/2023 at 21:37, sionnach99 said:

Just curious to as why lads would do this cross and I’m not having a dig at anyone, each to their own but would u not be best off with a pure bulldog or a proper Wheaton, what’s the point of the cross diluting blood. I know you can say to give a better coat but if you want a dog with jacket why not keep full wheatons? And if you need put gameness into your wheatons and feel the need for bull blood well then I’d be questioning that line of dogs to begin with?? Surely you wouldn’t keep a bitch and tell yourself well she’s not great but fuvk it it’s a Wheaton I’ll just throw a bull over it and hope for good pups?? Why keep that dog at all ?? It’s gonna crop up its head again down the line. I never kept either breed just my opinion 

In days gone by bull blood was added when an outcross was needed, now it seems the norm as these individuals can’t get their hands on genuine Wheatens 

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20 hours ago, sionnach99 said:

Surprising what people know, all takes is wrong Cnut , all I know anyways is I’d rather be seen without one than with one

Your a 100% , people know what they are , just look at these Facebook pages who some have tens of thousands of followers and only a very very small minority of people if ur lucky are actually hunting people and vast majority of the guys who own them have never been on a days digging or lurcher work in their lives but they are promoting working dogs be it terriers , wheatens lurchers to people who has no business knowing what they’re for.

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13 minutes ago, Jackmo said:

Your a 100% , people know what they are , just look at these Facebook pages who some have tens of thousands of followers and only a very very small minority of people if ur lucky are actually hunting people and vast majority of the guys who own them have never been on a days digging or lurcher work in their lives but they are promoting working dogs be it terriers , wheatens lurchers to people who has no business knowing what they’re for.

Your spot on. It seems any lurcher on those pages that have a jacket are Wheaton x , all antis on those pages have to do is look up working Wheaton google and you see what comes up. Doesn’t take a genius to know what they are . Why do lads think everyone got out of them. It’s not because they had to outcross and ran out of road with them, the old timers packed in cause it got to dangerous and no one replaced them and they fizzled out. There was no shortage of wheatons before cameras and the lid was lifted on terrierwork. Everyone knows what they are there not some hidden unicorn. Lads seem to think that wheatons are this amazing breed that no one heard of. Whether you have a Wheaton or bulldog if your using it at what its job is, it gonna show it. And if your caught walking up to the van with terrier digging tools and a Wheaton your goosed . 

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50 minutes ago, sionnach99 said:

Your spot on. It seems any lurcher on those pages that have a jacket are Wheaton x , all antis on those pages have to do is look up working Wheaton google and you see what comes up. Doesn’t take a genius to know what they are . Why do lads think everyone got out of them. It’s not because they had to outcross and ran out of road with them, the old timers packed in cause it got to dangerous and no one replaced them and they fizzled out. There was no shortage of wheatons before cameras and the lid was lifted on terrierwork. Everyone knows what they are there not some hidden unicorn. Lads seem to think that wheatons are this amazing breed that no one heard of. Whether you have a Wheaton or bulldog if your using it at what its job is, it gonna show it. And if your caught walking up to the van with terrier digging tools and a Wheaton your goosed . 

I dont think its the fact that it got too dangerous to keep them I think it was  the fact that they are one trick pony and a handful to manage,its dangerous keeping marked up terriers but yet they are favoured and have become harder in recent times,theres more people about me with either wheatons or pits than there are lurchers.



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