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Bit slow in the airgun section so I’ll put this where the actions at ……lol.

Had a sesh on the last nut saloon this morning .Got  there to find horrors of horrors the feeder had run dry or should I say feeders as there two at this spot .A decent sized on and a small one I made years ago .

Id brought a bag of peanuts so hurriedly tipped them in and got in the hide as there was a squig calling very near .

As the light came up proper small birds started to arrive ,the precursor to squigs finding it I’ve found .Hopefulky the feeder on lumpy ran out yesterday at best .A squig arrived and was duly shot followed by another that messed about ,wouldn’t settle and was off .Finished on 6 squigs and a jackdaw ,shot under the GL as we have marsh tits here breeding that are on the red list .Saw half a dozen or the same one lol that came  to the feeder today .




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