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another big cat sightings 2

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  On 27/05/2023 at 07:21, Greyman said:

No just a few of you but the one with the biggest mouth was making all the noise as normal, it would be very simple for Tim our resident thermal no it all no nothing to just go and film a house cat at about 20 meters and show you all how much of the tail comes up in the footage because unless you have a tail the thickness of a mans arem it won’t even by Tim’s own admission a fox’s tail won’t show on thermal, though his kit does look a bit dated by comparison 


You are dead right Paul ,my kit is now dated but I don’t feel the need to spend out another 4 K to spot what I can spot with the xq38 .I’ll leave that to the dedicated followers of fashion .

Wheres the tail as thick as a man’s arm Paul and where’s the scale you were going to provide lol.

Any thermal image depends on a few factors .How well insulated the animal is and foxes seem to lose heat fast with only the head really glowing bright white .

The cats  i see seem to be an even shade overall .Badgers glow the brightest of all night time creatures .

If you remember Paul I was on the fence as to whether it was a puma but from rough scaling and the side on view I now think it’s a good sized cat ,possibly Siamese .Unless you know different 100% then I’m happy with that .

Ive always stated conditions are perfect for large cats and I’d be the first to say something was the real deal but so far nothing has impressed me along with quite a few others .

The  “it must be ,at all costs “ speel is doing the cause no good at all ,yet we continually see rubbish put forward and in most instances never rebuked by any of the cat enthusiasts which sort of tells me they are happy to go with anything that almost fits ,however sloppy .

My own thermal is for hunting and as long as i can  ID an animal at 200m I’m happy .When that goes wrong ,if it goes wrong I’ll get another updated pulsar .

Im no expert on anything Paul never said I was ,but experience with the kit has meant I know a bit about the game .

The person taking that thermal vid apparently stated he could see the eyes and ears of a large cat which if you know anything about thermal is a lie and leads me to wondering what else he’s lied about .

The dark patches seen are the inner of the ear and the whisker area ,both areas of intentional heat loss on the cats part .

Anyway Paul thanks for a reasonably   polite post in which you havnt sworn or otherwise made yourself look a ….


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I think it's great Greyman does his thing and doesn't give a f**k about his critics. Carry on carrying on Greyman.

Id trap it and take the cage to Notton Lane with a note saying " ave that soppy bollocks " ?

Feeders have been there years...get the odd rat but they don't last long,  either the cat or the airgun sorts em out ....I find the cover encourages the birds more 

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  On 27/05/2023 at 07:34, Greyman said:

Ok Eddie your getting there, you now need to look at the most prestigious cat to own back then and the country’s that supplied the pet trade with them also despite more of sandys wild claims the environment here is more in keeping with the naturally habitat of a black leopard ie wooded and shaded and dark as opposed to the spotted variety that is more suited to open grasslands, 


I'm sure either would survive in the British countryside. That's not an issue for me. The idea that black leopards were the most popular cat kept in the UK at the time, is not so clear though. I've searched, and found no real evidence of this being the case.


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  On 27/05/2023 at 07:15, Greyman said:

Basically it’s just more I’ll informed nonsense from our medical expert sandy black leopards can only throw black offspring so they will never revert to spotty ?


Not true Paul so please do some research before spouting crap .

Recessive genes are the opposite to dominant .Recessive occur when both genes types are recessive .Dominant + recessive = dominant + recessive offspring with dominance reduced .




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  On 27/05/2023 at 08:22, foxdropper said:

You are dead right Paul ,my kit is now dated but I don’t feel the need to spend out another 4 K to spot what I can spot with the xq38 .I’ll leave that to the dedicated followers of fashion .

Wheres the tail as thick as a man’s arm Paul and where’s the scale you were going to provide lol.

Any thermal image depends on a few factors .How well insulated the animal is and foxes seem to have that covered with only the head really glowing bright white .

The cats  i see seem to be an even shade overall .Badgers glow the brightest of all night time creatures .

If you remember Paul I was on the fence as to whether it was a puma but from rough scaling and the side on view I now think it’s a good sized cat ,possibly Siamese .Unless you know different 100% then I’m happy with that .

Ive always stated conditions are perfect for large cats and I’d be the first to say something was the real deal but so far nothing has impressed me along with quite a few others .

The  “it must be ,at all costs “ speel is doing the cause no good at all ,yet we continually see rubbish put forward and in most instances never rebuked by any of the cat enthusiasts which sort of tells me they are happy to go with anything that almost fits ,however sloppy .

My own thermal is for hunting and as long as i can  ID an animal at 200m I’m happy .When that goes wrong ,if it goes wrong I’ll get another updated pulsar .

Im no expert on anything Paul never said I was ,but experience with the kit has meant I know a bit about the game .

The person taking that thermal vid apparently stated he could see the eyes and ears of a large cat which if you know anything about thermal is a lie and leads me to wondering what else he’s lied about .

The dark patches seen are the inner of the ear and the whisker area ,both areas of intentional heat loss on the cats part .

Anyway Paul thanks for a reasonably   polite post in which you havnt sworn or otherwise made yourself look a ….



the xq38 is more then enough for spotting from using thermal id agree with everything you have said about them 

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  On 27/05/2023 at 08:33, mC HULL said:

the xq38 is more then enough for spotting from using thermal id agree with everything you have said about them 


Cheers mate .Some just need to get out and do a bit rather than continually trying to belittle others .
You know as well as I do it’s not the kit but the man using it .

Mate of mine has a very basic pulsar x19 or something but he can ID out to 200 no probs .Familiarity is the key .

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  On 27/05/2023 at 08:18, Bakerboy said:

Bristol Live yesterday reported Claire Balding spotted a big cat in the west country countryside, I reckon she just met up with a big black pussy


She was live on air when she saw it mate doing the ramblings radio program think you can still find the program online she’s also been on the podcast talking about it I was meant to meet her but it was at the start of covid and it never happened limited numbers and social distancing etc ?

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I know 3 people who's word I trust 100% who have told me they have seen a big cat in the UK countryside, I was with 2 of them when they saw 1 i n Mid Wales a very long time ago while out badger digging, the other guy is a very commited bird watcher who  saw 1 also a long time ago, thats where my interest in the subject ends, all these endless threads full of pointless bickering bore me shitless tbh, I only put the Claire Balding reference up for the black pussy joke

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  On 27/05/2023 at 09:03, Greyman said:

She was live on air when she saw it mate doing the ramblings radio program think you can still find the program online she’s also been on the podcast talking about it I was meant to meet her but it was at the start of covid and it never happened limited numbers and social distancing etc ?


Bet if you had a gash, she'd a been right down. Covid or no Covid?

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  On 27/05/2023 at 09:17, Bakerboy said:

I know 3 people who's word I trust 100% who have told me they have seen a big cat in the UK countryside, I was with 2 of them when they saw 1 i n Mid Wales a very long time ago while out badger digging, the other guy is a very commited bird watcher who  saw 1 also a long time ago, thats where my interest in the subject ends, all these endless threads full of pointless bickering bore me shitless tbh, I only put the Claire Balding reference up for the black pussy joke


So, had to get that in first!! Lol.

You are telling us that you know for 100% certainty that 3 people you personally know have seen big cats in britain?

So, howcome you didn't see the cat that your two mates saw in Mid Wales?

Definitely not calling you a liar Bb, but I'm wondering why the 'usual suspects' haven't yet called you a liar!!  ?

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As I said 3 people I trust 100% told me theyve seen a big cat in the countryside, the bird watcher just mentioned it as a sort of matter of fact type thing, the time in Mid Wales we were on a massive sette, I was on the opposite side of the sette to the other 2 lads, theres not a doubt in my mind there have been genuine big cat sightings in the uk but I'd say 99.9 of them are bollocks, escapees, let loose due to legislation, I dont know, as for what others might want to call me, I dont really give a fck...lol

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  On 27/05/2023 at 18:58, shaaark said:

So, had to get that in first!! Lol.

You are telling us that you know for 100% certainty that 3 people you personally know have seen big cats in britain?

So, howcome you didn't see the cat that your two mates saw in Mid Wales?

Definitely not calling you a liar Bb, but I'm wondering why the 'usual suspects' haven't yet called you a liar!!  ?


Nobodies disputing there have been cat releases Fergal so calm down bud .

It’s the current claims that are a tad iffy .


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