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another big cat sightings 2

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I think it's great Greyman does his thing and doesn't give a f**k about his critics. Carry on carrying on Greyman.

Id trap it and take the cage to Notton Lane with a note saying " ave that soppy bollocks " ?

Feeders have been there years...get the odd rat but they don't last long,  either the cat or the airgun sorts em out ....I find the cover encourages the birds more 

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57 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Wheres the head lol.Cherry picked photos to hide it Id say .

The trail-cam actually looks as if it's pointing at a tree, wouldn't mind seeing the full unedited pic if any with time/date etc on? 

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Reoccurring theme Mac .Quick enough to stick a laugh on though lol.

25 minutes ago, mackem said:

Someone is def. 

Still a no show here too .Must have been a hectic month in the woods of Gloucester .In the vid ,old Paul did look like he’d piled on a few pounds though and was puffing like a paedo .

I thought I was West Country but by f he can crunch carrots .

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14 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Reoccurring theme Mac .Quick enough to stick a laugh on though lol.

Still a no show here too .Must have been a hectic month in the woods of Gloucester .In the vid ,old Paul did look like he’d piled on a few pounds though and was puffing like a paedo .

I thought I was West Country but by f he can crunch carrots .

Have you a link to the video, is it  big cats UK declassified one?

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2 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

The vid Eddie put up Mac .Have to download Plex to watch it .Few pages back .

I shall download, thanks, I didn't realise Greyman was in it. 

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1 hour ago, mackem said:

I shall download, thanks, I didn't realise Greyman was in it. 

Some of us just talk bollox and hope no one notices to try and be relevant and some of us actually do what we say, you can also watch me on amazon prime I believe though I think you have to pay for the privilege I,m also available on several bbc platforms in one form or another for those that are  interested, 

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1 hour ago, foxdropper said:

Nor did he by the state of him ???

Bless you Timothy still chomping at the bit to show your relevance, you’ve been quiet for a few weeks now but it’s obviously more than you can bare, so let’s get it all off your chest yes I have a funny West Country accent whoopie you could have found out all these things and seen the things you constantly ask for if you actually came and met me instead of just saying it to look brave then spending weeks embarrassing yourself and ruining threads to back peddle, so I,ll leave you once again to turn things to shit in a vane attempt to show anyone watching that you really are  kiddie now I have to leave you to stew for a bit as I have autographs to sign 

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5 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Bless you Timothy still chomping at the bit to show your relevance, you’ve been quiet for a few weeks now but it’s obviously more than you can bare, so let’s get it all off your chest yes I have a funny West Country accent whoopie you could have found out all these things and seen the things you constantly ask for if you actually came and met me instead of just saying it to look brave then spending weeks embarrassing yourself and ruining threads to back peddle, so I,ll leave you once again to turn things to shit in a vane attempt to show anyone watching that you really are  kiddie now I have to leave you to stew for a bit as I have autographs to sign 

What’s this relevance thing about lol.Your the one who can give but can’t take lol.Your the  one says he’s coming here to have a word but when told where I live you’ve bottled it lol . I asked you numerous times to meet me here but you’ve declined .The threads in good hands Paul so don’t fret .

If asking a few questions is what turns the thread to shit  then that’s on you Paul .

Youve called me names in a vain attempt to belittle me but that’s backfired on you many times with everyone seeing you for the coward you are lol.

Take it to pm and arrange a meet if you want or just carrying on thinking your something on here .Lads see the shite you write ,nobody buys into it,.Your full of shite ,talking of pics of this and that we never see ,dead leopards lol ,cubs lol.

Whether I met you or not makes not a jot of difference  to anyone bar yourself Paul .They are either there or they ain’t and no amount of playing to the gallery can conjure up something that’s never been proved in 50 years .Anyway ,nice to see you back posting after a long layoff .You must have much to discuss from  all those pms you alluded to when you were in hiding .Anyway if the threads still going I’ll look in later lol.Tatta fatty .





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