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Ratting Jack Russell help

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Hi my Jack Russell pup Oz is 9months old now  can anyone tell what’s the best age to start him ratting? I have been offered to tag on with a rat pack in my area when Oz is ready. He comes ferreting with us and loves it he’s started showing signs of marking the holes. Our back garden is big and backs onto fields with horse stables in so at certain times of the year we get a fair few rats in the garden, the neighbour doesn’t help by throwing loaves of bread out all over her garden for the bloody seagulls. We have got five mk4 fenn traps in tunnels constantly running around the garden and we do wind quite a few up this way, Oz does grab hold of any rat that’s been caught in the traps and crunches and shakes them so he’s got the idea I just didn’t want him to get bitten to hard while he’s young and put him off grabbing them my old Jack Russell was a master at rats but sadly passed away last year,  So I’m hoping Oz can take his place on the rats, as well as being our ferreting companion. Would appreciate any advice please? Thanks 

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