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Wolves in Europe.

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  On 16/03/2023 at 07:18, foxdropper said:

It’s a wonder there arnt the odd wolves about here .They have been kept in captivity for centuries .I know 3 places where private individuals have packs of wolves and F1 hybrids .The one lad lives in the centre of a nearby town in a terrace with 7 F1 wolf dogs .I supply deer heads etc to him .Another has 3 pairs of different sub species ,Grey ,red and timber .

Hes on the outskirts of Bath .

The other is a very private chap who has 9 wolf dog F1 hybrids and a grey dog stud .They are probably borderline tbh .

I try spend time with them when time allows .F1 very affectionate when you get to know them ,straight not so .Along with my son we’ve walked them with the owner fair few times .


Thanks for that , never heard of them before so just googled it ?

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i have put this pic up before....this was my wife's dads canadian timber wolf x from the 1950's time  

Shame nicepix was harassed away as he had some good info on them having travelled as far as France if my memory serves me right think a solitary animal like a lynx is far safer to release than an anim

there was a program on tv a while back now...it was all about the wolves in Yellowstone National Park, the wolves were taking over the park so they took all of them out thinking it would solve the pro

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There are plenty of Wolves in captivity in this country, many in wildlife parks, just waiting for some idiot to break down the fences!!

There is a park only 15 miles form me which pretty exclusively houses the Wolf, double fencing, but there is always a way!!

Edited by Deker
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Much of Europe already has a population of wild Wolf, very limited numbers in some cases.

What is the idea/purpose of introducing packs/increasing numbers??????

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  On 16/03/2023 at 07:45, FOXHUNTER said:

Thanks for that , never heard of them before so just googled it ?


Some people just think a laugh will do mate but your better than that and actually took the time to find out .I’ve a picture somewhere of me and my son  sat in amongst a pack of F1 ‘s near Trowbridge ,wilts .F1s don’t need the security that wolves do ?These are kept in a 8 foot fenced area in town .Bet the neighbours love the  dawn chorus .



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  On 16/03/2023 at 07:18, foxdropper said:

It’s a wonder there arnt the odd wolves about here .They have been kept in captivity for centuries .I know 3 places where private individuals have packs of wolves and F1 hybrids .The one lad lives in the centre of a nearby town in a terrace with 7 F1 wolf dogs .I supply deer heads etc to him .Another has 3 pairs of different sub species ,Grey ,red and timber .

Hes on the outskirts of Bath .

The other is a very private chap who has 9 wolf dog F1 hybrids and a grey dog stud .They are probably borderline tbh .

I try spend time with them when time allows .F1 very affectionate when you get to know them ,straight not so .Along with my son we’ve walked them with the owner fair few times .


that could well explain this sighting...


"I know I had seen a wolf - it was not a dog"


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  On 16/03/2023 at 17:15, Daniel cain said:

that could well explain this sighting...


"I know I had seen a wolf - it was not a dog"



During the course of the big cat thread I have had a lad pm asking if I’d ever heard of wolf sightings in the uk as he had been out at night and heard a call and a while later found a large catch alive trap in the same wood, I believe there also was an off duty copper that claimed to have seen a wolf in the F,O,D a few years ago he owned a malamute dog so had a good idea he wasn’t looking at a dog and third and final one was someone playing a call recons he had a response also in the FOD but I couldn’t call it one way or another myself as I have never personally had an encounter of any kind ??

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  On 16/03/2023 at 19:24, mackem said:

Heard the timberwolves howling in Algonquin provincial park,the ranger howls and they respond.


i heard them howling at a zoo once......lol lol......

when i was driving around the great lake superior in Ontario i came with in 20ft of a wolf, it was a magnificent sight but it was huge in size, when i was saying about it here to the locals they were saying it was probably a coy wolf as they now have started to spread across from there over this way to nova scotia.....i haven't seen one here but others claim they have....but i can tell you that the coyotes here are bigger than the ones i saw in Calgary....i don't know if that's because there are more forests here which has more prey than the flat lands of Alberta with less trees and less prey, or if they already have a bit of wolf in from time back.....   

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  On 16/03/2023 at 20:13, tillylamp said:

i heard them howling at a zoo once......lol lol......

when i was driving around the great lake superior in Ontario i came with in 20ft of a wolf, it was a magnificent sight but it was huge in size, when i was saying about it here to the locals they were saying it was probably a coy wolf as they now have started to spread across from there over this way to nova scotia.....i haven't seen one here but others claim they have....but i can tell you that the coyotes here are bigger than the ones i saw in Calgary....i don't know if that's because there are more forests here which has more prey than the flat lands of Alberta with less trees and less prey, or if they already have a bit of wolf in from time back.....   


coywolves just across the river from Ottawa,roaming around Gatineau.

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  On 16/03/2023 at 19:24, mackem said:

Heard the timberwolves howling in Algonquin provincial park,the ranger howls and they respond.


Same in Yellowstone mate .Our guide was brilliant at it .We had two packs at it with us in the middle .He’d heard that  only twice in his career there .Next day we were told there was two dead wolves but we never saw them .The bison are Feckin huge mind .Far bigger than I thought they would but cow elk were smaller than I thought .Never saw a bull elk in 23 days .Never saw a wolf either but bears were common as .

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  On 16/03/2023 at 20:51, foxdropper said:

Same in Yellowstone mate .Our guide was brilliant at it .We had two packs at it with us in the middle .He’d heard that  only twice in his career there .Next day we were told there was two dead wolves but we never saw them .The bison are Feckin huge mind .Far bigger than I thought they would but cow elk were smaller than I thought .Never saw a bull elk in 23 days .Never saw a wolf either but bears were common as .


Where we hunt we often hear them howling, and when it's calm / still the howls travel a right distance. We have shot a couple but it is pure chance seeing them. When you drop one the pack will scatter, then quite often start howling to call for the dead one.

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