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What a piss take

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On 28/02/2023 at 09:55, tatsblisters said:

That estate had South Yorkshire police in its pocket even to the point two coppers were prepared to lie on oath to secure a conviction against me at Doncaster crown court some 30 odd year's ago after a run in with some keepers on the estate. A brief from the well known Rotherham solicitor Steve Smith's office got me off before it went before a jury.

But, did you go back there, just for a walk, as it were?

No need to answer, just in case!!  ??

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The words just carry on & keep sneaking about a going to cut it lads we need to organise to save our traditions f%kin sad days coming if we just  bury our heads in the sand 

That estate had South Yorkshire police in its pocket even to the point two coppers were prepared to lie on oath to secure a conviction against me at Doncaster crown court some 30 odd year's ago after

don’t believe everything your told 

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Once again repeating myself,but weve LET the gov take away our freedoms an livleyhoods,doesnt matter if some buck ejits are caught being cruel,thats a small minority,the gov have a cheek to ban anythingl,ook at the cruelty the gov have dished ,they are the worst culprits, weve let them do this and done nothing in response or give up to easy

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11 hours ago, D Lloyd said:

Take my kid out teach him right but there's nothing left for them now but to get in trouble because some noise c**t thinks it's illegal to Evan look in a field 

On point there mate. You stand at a farmers gate with a running dog ya fooked lol Give it five mins you've got about 10 panda cars round you. ? 

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8 hours ago, Francie, said:

Once again repeating myself,but weve LET the gov take away our freedoms an livleyhoods,doesnt matter if some buck ejits are caught being cruel,thats a small minority,the gov have a cheek to ban anythingl,ook at the cruelty the gov have dished ,they are the worst culprits, weve let them do this and done nothing in response or give up to easy

Thing is with us Brits we knew this was happening along time before it's happened in many things that's been band an taken away from us. You only have to watch some old comedy or drama programs from back in 70s an 80s and you hear on there some of the things that's now true. One of them is what's happening with Ukraine Russia doing what there doing taking over Europe crushing us. But still we make moves about it or have Brits playing russians on dramas. But still down size our military over the past 80 years abit long since ww2. A don't even think we can put a full second brigade together for the front line if we did go to war. I'm sure I've heard this someone where. So that there shows me that the british government don't care one bit for the general welfare of the british public.

But they'll f**k about payin coppers to run about on the Lincoln fens with brand new motors and all the fancy tec. Its same in most rural area now , they've all got a rural crime squad. But that's because we've got numpties out stealing farm equipment or running farm gates down because the lazy b*****ds can't Arsed walking the land.

" So think you know what will just drive the land f**k the gate off. Farmer will see it in the morning come six o'clock it will be on local news an will have a laugh because we're immature c**ts with no respect. " 

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9 hours ago, shaaark said:

But, did you go back there, just for a walk, as it were?

No need to answer, just in case!!  ??

I realised I was up against it mate when a plain clothed copper told me I would never win against the people who owned the estate and years previous to the incident that landed me in Crown Court another incident that put me in hospital I believed they could have got away with murder tbh.

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10 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

always encouraged and taken  my 3 along ,but other than fishing,I don't want them getting into hunting flatout,no future in it D?

Same here with my grandson's . The wife was looking after one of them last week wile his mum was at work and the old woman showed him some of my photo albums to stop him being bored and he never shut up asking questions wether he will take more than an interest when he's older we will have to wait and see i would sooner he didn't tbh

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