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Brexit. Success? Too early to judge? Disaster?

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  On 27/06/2023 at 17:04, chartpolski said:

I think it’s extremely patronising to think that people choose one party and stick with it all their lives. 
Of course, especially up here, people say “ I vote Labour because me da did and so did me grandad so I will”, but people are a lot more politically savvy with the access to 24 hour news channels and the internet these days.

Political parties change; the Labour Party was the party of the working class when I was younger, and voted for them for years, until they deserted us and became the party of immigration and identity politics.

The Tory’s were right wing, the party of privilege and business, but I had to vote for them when Boris promised to get Brexit done and to keep the old traitorous, communist, terrorist supporting fool Corbyn away from number 10, but they are now a centre left party of high tax and immigration.

The LibDems said they would simply ignore the votes of 17.4 million people and refuse to leave the EU if they ever got into power, so they could never get my vote.

Ive voted for right of centre parties; UKIP and Brexit parties, and will probably vote Reform Party next time if they stand a candidate in my constituency, if not I’ll vote for an independent who’s views most align with mine.

So, NO, we are not always Tory or Labour, red or blue.
Some of us are not brainwashed and can think for themselves .



your a similar age to me old lady chart she was exactly the same all for labour then voted conservative now she won’t vote neither 

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me i saw what labour did let in untold immigrants ruined community’s took us to war on lies imagine we’re the country and services would be now if them c**ts never took us to war and spent untold trillions 

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  On 27/06/2023 at 17:04, chartpolski said:

I think it’s extremely patronising to think that people choose one party and stick with it all their lives. 
Of course, especially up here, people say “ I vote Labour because me da did and so did me grandad so I will”, but people are a lot more politically savvy with the access to 24 hour news channels and the internet these days.

Political parties change; the Labour Party was the party of the working class when I was younger, and voted for them for years, until they deserted us and became the party of immigration and identity politics.

The Tory’s were right wing, the party of privilege and business, but I had to vote for them when Boris promised to get Brexit done and to keep the old traitorous, communist, terrorist supporting fool Corbyn away from number 10, but they are now a centre left party of high tax and immigration.

The LibDems said they would simply ignore the votes of 17.4 million people and refuse to leave the EU if they ever got into power, so they could never get my vote.

Ive voted for right of centre parties; UKIP and Brexit parties, and will probably vote Reform Party next time if they stand a candidate in my constituency, if not I’ll vote for an independent who’s views most align with mine.

So, NO, we are not always Tory or Labour, red or blue.
Some of us are not brainwashed and can think for themselves .



The only vote I've cast that a truly believed in was the vote to leave the European Union, I respect peoples views/reasons why they chose to vote remain, but I'm sick of people trying to de rail the vote and blame anything that is wrong with the country on Brexit... if we were united politically and socially to see through the good that could come from the vote we would be a strong independent nation imo... but it has driven huge divides through the people and even within political parties there is no unity (let alone cross party). Surely at some point its a wipe your mouth and get on with it moment, like we would've of if the vote was remain.

 we all have our views regards what we want for our country and I don't think the 2 main parties will ever deliver on any of them tbh.. as you, I voted Tory last time round as there was no way I could see the country ran by Corbyn and Abbott, I felt to make a political stand against the main 2 with that vote would've detracted from the leave vote I cast... f**k knows now though, I too will vote for a party that aligns with my views but I know that is another win for labour, Stammer is not someone I want to see running the country but that's what we'll get. 

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  On 27/06/2023 at 18:04, mC HULL said:

your a similar age to me old lady chart she was exactly the same all for labour then voted conservative now she won’t vote neither 


I'd guess most of us on here are from working class families mate, so labour was the vote for most... unfortunately Blair happened and Labour were never labour again... the facts are labour and tories are all c**ts, last election there was no choice it was Tory or Corbyn, no brainer for me, now it's a throw away vote to make a point, hopefully 20m people at least throw their vote away,,, 

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  On 27/06/2023 at 20:22, NEWKID said:

Surely at some point its a wipe your mouth and get on with it moment, like we would've of if the vote was remain.


Never gonna happen mate, they will never give up on the europhile dream, they will do everything possible to take us back in, democracy my arse

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  On 27/06/2023 at 20:42, Bakerboy said:

Never gonna happen mate, they will never give up on the europhile dream, they will do everything possible to take us back in, democracy my arse


Ain't that the truth imo there was too many high up people wanting us to stop in the EU I can't get my head around why those on the left would support and want to stop in the EU which imo is a capitalist organisation that promotes cheap labour with it's freedom of movement agreement. 

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  On 28/06/2023 at 05:55, tatsblisters said:

Ain't that the truth imo there was too many high up people wanting us to stop in the EU I can't get my head around why those on the left would support and want to stop in the EU which imo is a capitalist organisation that promotes cheap labour with it's freedom of movement agreement. 


Definitely, that same idea seems to run through the whole of the political left. Remember when lizz Truss was pm and the bankers and investment companies didn't like her idea of allowing people to keep more of the money they earned, so in collusion with the media moguls they destroyed her and had her gone straight away. Yet the political left thought that was great. The left seem to have been captivated by mass growth and mass financial control by investment bankers. It's bizarre. 

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  On 28/06/2023 at 06:07, DIDO.1 said:

Definitely, that same idea seems to run through the whole of the political left. Remember when lizz Truss was pm and the bankers and investment companies didn't like her idea of allowing people to keep more of the money they earned, so in collusion with the media moguls they destroyed her and had her gone straight away. Yet the political left thought that was great. The left seem to have been captivated by mass growth and mass financial control by investment bankers. It's bizarre. 


I know a lot of folk don't like and detest him but Arthur Scargill summed the EU up in word's and urged people to vote to leave the EU. To me it seems to be the modern day lefties who want open borders and are happy with mass immigration that wanted us to stop in the EU thankfully the proper working class of this country decided otherwise. 

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Not Brexit related but look how the left now support war when a few years ago they would be protesting it now they openly encourage it , its like the political poles have flipped...its no longer left but neo liberalism, , nothing more than useful idiot mouth pieces for the corporations ,big pharma and the industrial military complex none of which give a dam about the people just the globalists dream. 

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  On 28/06/2023 at 07:49, kanny said:

Not Brexit related but look how the left now support war when a few years ago they would be protesting it now they openly encourage it , its like the political poles have flipped...its no longer left but neo liberalism, , nothing more than useful idiot mouth pieces for the corporations ,big pharma and the industrial military complex none of which give a dam about the people just the globalists dream. 


Nail on the head 

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  On 28/06/2023 at 07:49, kanny said:

Not Brexit related but look how the left now support war when a few years ago they would be protesting it now they openly encourage it , its like the political poles have flipped...its no longer left but neo liberalism, , nothing more than useful idiot mouth pieces for the corporations ,big pharma and the industrial military complex none of which give a dam about the people just the globalists dream. 


That's exactly what it is mate and sandy and his ilk buy into it 100%

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  On 28/06/2023 at 07:49, kanny said:

Not Brexit related but look how the left now support war when a few years ago they would be protesting it now they openly encourage it , its like the political poles have flipped...its no longer left but neo liberalism, , nothing more than useful idiot mouth pieces for the corporations ,big pharma and the industrial military complex none of which give a dam about the people just the globalists dream. 


Watched something the other day where a woman was calling the son of immigrates far right because he never got the vaccine and didn't wear a mask during covid. 

And the right are being called  the fascists. 

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Watched a piece on the news this morning about the lack of labour in the fishing industry, The usual stuff, Brits and the youngsters do not want to do the jobs available and how desperate they are for foreign labour again, This really pisses me off, Its got cock all to do with Brits not wanting the jobs, Its all about the fact they can pay foreign workers 20% less than the minimum wage. Plus deduct food and accommodation from them, So basically Greed above country........Again. 

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