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Brexit. Success? Too early to judge? Disaster?

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  On 05/04/2023 at 19:03, sandymere said:

The old farts will soon have passed


Although  it would be a different result already. 


As of March 2023, 55 percent of people in Great Britain thought that it was wrong to leave the European Union...




Probably a similar graph showing similar age support for mass immigration and rights for people with 96 genders.... doesn't mean they are right..... indeed it probably proves older people have more life experience and better world view. It's well known that most people's opinions move to the right of politics the older they get. 

......if while young you aren't a little bit to the left you have no heart, if as you grow older you don't move to the right you have no brain.....

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  On 05/04/2023 at 20:17, DIDO.1 said:

Probably a similar graph showing similar age support for mass immigration and rights for people with 96 genders.... doesn't mean they are right..... indeed it probably proves older people have more life experience and better world view. It's well known that most people's opinions move to the right of politics the older they get. 

......if while young you aren't a little bit to the left you have no heart, if as you grow older you don't move to the right you have no brain.....


It's not about being right it's simply about being on the left and opposing anything anyone to the right of them does regardless of any common sense, but to be fair many on the right are just as guilty,  polarisation has fukt common sense right over. They have us just where they want us,  at each others throats.

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The UK’s free trade agreements now outnumber the EU’s


The UK now has free trade agreements in force with 94 countries around the world, including the 27 countries which are members of the European Union.


The EU has just 79 and many of these are looser arrangements described as a “Stabilisation and Association Agreement” or other vague categories.


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  On 06/04/2023 at 19:09, kanny said:

The UK’s free trade agreements now outnumber the EU’s


The UK now has free trade agreements in force with 94 countries around the world, including the 27 countries which are members of the European Union.


The EU has just 79 and many of these are looser arrangements described as a “Stabilisation and Association Agreement” or other vague categories.



Michael Gove tweeted a graphic claiming the UK has signed new trade deals with more than 70 countries...

The UK and Australia have signed off the first British trade deal negotiated from scratch since Brexit. The...

basically most of the new deals, are with countries that have lower fòod standards than us so produce crapp food etc more cheaply which just under cuts us.

the rush to get deals has led to making one sided deals,  simple but true. 



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So they check our exports to them but we don't check their imports to us! Just to hide the mess the tories negotiated.

How can our companies compete if the playing feild is so uneven?



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  On 06/04/2023 at 19:31, sandymere said:

Michael Gove tweeted a graphic claiming the UK has signed new trade deals with more than 70 countries...

The UK and Australia have signed off the first British trade deal negotiated from scratch since Brexit. The...

basically most of the new deals, are with countries that have lower fòod standards than us so produce crapp food etc more cheaply which just under cuts us.

the rush to get deals has led to making one sided deals,  simple but true. 





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There you go - the UK happy to go for a free trade agreement. You know - just like we did with Europe before they wanted to go all 4th fucken reich on us.


We don't need those scumbags. There's nothing wrong with the deals and imports - it's just scare mongering by the bitter mob.



The U.K. said this was the country's largest post-Brexit trade deal and makes it the first European nation...


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