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Camrosa ointment

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I’d just rubbed some ointment in on the second pic which made it look worse, not sure wether it is mange or something else, I’ve treated her with advocate about 2 weeks ago incase it is mange and just started using camrosa ointment yesterday which has to be done twice a day for a month, it’s supposed to work miracles for healing and hair regrowth 

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  On 11/02/2023 at 11:18, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

not sure wether it is mange or something else


Looks like a hot spot, my American bulldog used to get these a lot. I used to shave the hair on the edge of the hot spot to stop it spreading and use Malaseb wash. Leave on ten mins and wash off. The spots looked real bad but would heal quickly using the wash. ?

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  On 11/02/2023 at 12:19, Aussie Whip said:

Looks like a hot spot, my American bulldog used to get these a lot. I used to shave the hair on the edge of the hot spot to stop it spreading and use Malaseb wash. Leave on ten mins and wash off. The spots looked real bad but would heal quickly using the wash. ?


Cheers for the info I’ll look into it, have you any idea what use to cause the hot spots and how long did it go on for with your dog 

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  On 11/02/2023 at 13:14, Black neck said:

Camrosa if good stuff you got 2 slaver it on tho and it gets in your hair if you ain't careful, u can get anti fungal cream from the chemist about 2 nicker ,gets shot of ring worm and hot spots and all manor o carbuncle 


Do you know what it’s called 

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  On 11/02/2023 at 16:39, Penda said:

That stuff was dogs danglers I used to have to tell the chemist mrs had crabs 


You can still get it 

One of the meatballs at work was asking what he should use to treat his baldy dog 

I told him Benzyl benzoate would grow hair on a billiard ball

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