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You’re so right Luckee, nothing is lost until you give up trying to fight for it. Unfortunately that appears to be where the lurcher world is right now and as someone with a great affection for runnin

So, I must admit that I find it more than sad that a way of life I was born for has during my lifetime been eroded by well meaning but sadly misinformed politician's.  I have always maintained th

Dont think you will change the mind of the green party full of arrogant mixed up c..ts had a good day yesterday bolting  to the dogs 

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6 hours ago, OldPhil said:

Barrie, you have always done great work for the Terrier fraturnity,...I am sure ALL genuine hunting men, wish you well and thank you, for your service?


Hi Phil.... that's very kind of you to say such a thing. But in all honesty I'm just the person who puts his head above the parapet every now and again (one of us has to) and I'm just a cog in the wheel which makes up the NWTF. The real grafters (who rarely get any credit or thanks) are those who set up and run the Clubs which make up the NWTF. Without their hard work and committment there wouldn't be a Federation and terrier work wouldn't have a voice. I've been around long enough to remember when the lurcher world was in a very similar position to ourselves and I saw first hand the valuable work which was done by the A.L.C.

I'd hoped that what's happened in Scotland would have served as a wake up call for everyone and was surprised to see it hadn't even been mentioned on this forum. I'd also hoped there might be people out there willing to step up to the mark again and that was the sole reason for my original post.

As I said before, there are organisations out there willing and anxious to work with the lurcher world and I don't just mean the NWTF. But they do need someone to talk to and who can act as a focal point. And numbers really do count.

Kindest Regards - Barrie  

Edited by Barrie
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The argument for lurcher work should not be just about pest control but also a very sustainable method of harvesting meat that should be encouraged. The green types want  more free range, low carbon types of food harvesting and ferreting and lamping is as free range and low carbon as you can get.

Edited by harryshounds
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44 minutes ago, Barrie said:

Hi Phil.... that's very kind of you to say such a thing. But in all honesty I'm just the person who puts his head above the parapet every now and again (one of us has to) and I'm just a cog in the wheel which makes up the NWTF. The real grafters (who rarely get any credit or thanks) are those who set up and run the Clubs which make up the NWTF. Without their hard work and committment there wouldn't be a Federation and terrier work wouldn't have a voice. I've been around long enough to remember when the lurcher world was in a very similar position and saw first hand the valuable work which was done by the A.L.C.

I'd hoped that what's happened in Scotland would have served as a wake up call for everyone and was surprised to see it hadn't even been mentioned on this forum. I'd also hoped there might be people out there willing to step up to the mark again and that was the sole reason for my original post.

As I said before, there are organisations out there willing and anxious to work with the lurcher world and I don't just mean the NWTF. But they do need someone to talk to and who can act as a focal point. And numbers really do count.

Kindest Regards - Barrie  

What are these organisations and how do u get started ? 

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57 minutes ago, Barrie said:

Hi Phil.... that's very kind of you to say such a thing. But in all honesty I'm just the person who puts his head above the parapet every now and again (one of us has to) and I'm just a cog in the wheel which makes up the NWTF. The real grafters (who rarely get any credit or thanks) are those who set up and run the Clubs which make up the NWTF. Without their hard work and committment there wouldn't be a Federation and terrier work wouldn't have a voice. I've been around long enough to remember when the lurcher world was in a very similar position and saw first hand the valuable work which was done by the A.L.C.

I'd hoped that what's happened in Scotland would have served as a wake up call for everyone and was surprised to see it hadn't even been mentioned on this forum. I'd also hoped there might be people out there willing to step up to the mark again and that was the sole reason for my original post.

As I said before, there are organisations out there willing and anxious to work with the lurcher world and I don't just mean the NWTF. But they do need someone to talk to and who can act as a focal point. And numbers really do count.

Kindest Regards - Barrie  

Barrie ....I remember your Dad walking his whippets round Darlaston ,cracking dogs and your Dad was always very smartly dressed ?......i hate to say it but i really think us lurcher lads are up against it due to the fantastic job the police ,media even the CA have done on us by throwing us all under the " hare coursing ,organised crime gang ,driving the land " banner ,just walking a lurcher down a country lane is an arrestable offence now ,sadly i think we are beyond help 

I wont stop ,i cannot stop ,i love seeing my dogs run ,are 56 now ,had a whippet at 7 year old ,greyhounds ,lurchers since ,i lamp with my son who at 26 has never been without a running dog round him since birth ,i will carry on for him and his generation to let them enjoy the sport like i have .      

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3 hours ago, zigzag dan said:

Barrie ....I remember your Dad walking his whippets round Darlaston ,cracking dogs and your Dad was always very smartly dressed ?......i hate to say it but i really think us lurcher lads are up against it due to the fantastic job the police ,media even the CA have done on us by throwing us all under the " hare coursing ,organised crime gang ,driving the land " banner ,just walking a lurcher down a country lane is an arrestable offence now ,sadly i think we are beyond help 

I wont stop ,i cannot stop ,i love seeing my dogs run ,are 56 now ,had a whippet at 7 year old ,greyhounds ,lurchers since ,i lamp with my son who at 26 has never been without a running dog round him since birth ,i will carry on for him and his generation to let them enjoy the sport like i have .      

Thank you Dan, that's very kind of you to say. I suspect we may have some friends in common in that part of the world, I still get to see a few of my old mates from over there.

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4 hours ago, harryshounds said:

The argument for lurcher work should not be just about pest control but also a very sustainable method of harvesting meat that should be encouraged. The green types won't more free range, low carbon types of food harvesting and ferreting and lamping is as free range and low carbon as you can get.

youre [BANNED TEXT] there harryshound  its about trying to educate the next gen who dont move from games and computers and live off kfc and mcdonalds they would starve to death if they  had to harvest there own food and britain has turned into a joke i am not politacly minded but but if i could i would sack every 1 of these polatitions and replace them with comonsence

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12 hours ago, harryshounds said:

The argument for lurcher work should not be just about pest control but also a very sustainable method of harvesting meat that should be encouraged. The green types want  more free range, low carbon types of food harvesting and ferreting and lamping is as free range and low carbon as you can get.

You are right there when some thing falls under pest control it opens it up to loads of restrictions. I basically do it for sport and watching a dog work is the best thing ever and some free range food is a bonus. The country side the conditions you just can't explain it to some one who doesn't know. Pottering around at dusk or dawn with a dog and a net or what ever. All the poor old pigeons shooters have to preach this pest control nonsense and I am one of them too. But the truth is we just enjoy shooting things out the sky and the skill and effort it takes. The surroundings. Lovely weather and sights again some lovely free range food and as an aside protect some crops. Us hunters have a heart too. One thing that gets me every time is shooting a goose. I only take half a dozen a year and every one I shoot makes me a little bit sad. But the flip side is the buzz at first light calling in a flock over a sun rising. That  honking in the distance that carries bloody miles. The will they won't they come in range. The rush is huge and then when one hits the deck I can't help but be a little sad. Though again some more lovely meat and I can't wait to go through the whole process again. This hunting lark is a funny old game 

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