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Chinese Spy Ballons

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Think one slipped by what a prat these celebs need locking up

There's a lad from the next village down back in Wales..  His name is "dai" He told the boys when he was a teenager about 30 odd yrs ago. That he shot his air rifle at a jumbo jet which

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  On 06/02/2023 at 18:45, mC HULL said:

we will see if what i put on the boxing thread is correct won’t we ? soon enough

people make me laugh when they say how great at modern warfare the usa are they have lost every war they have been in since ww2 ? 


Aaannnnndd you guys have been holding hands with us the whole time.....mabye just for old times sake though.....y'all where getting whipped in alot of places before us anyhow *cough* Afghanistan *cough cough* 

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  On 06/02/2023 at 18:43, Born Hunter said:

The NSA were probably gathering signals intelligence the whole time. Coupled with the fact that there’s literally no intelligence it could gather that a spy satellite hasn’t already. Then they shoot it down with the most  unnecessarily dominant combat aircraft in the world just before it would enter the Atlantic Ocean proper and become unrecoverable…

The whole thing was a grey zone game of ‘poke and see what reaction you get’.


This, the f**k is a balloon gonna collect the their massive data harvesting and intelligence system hasn't or won't ? 

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  On 06/02/2023 at 18:43, Born Hunter said:

The NSA were probably gathering signals intelligence the whole time. Coupled with the fact that there’s literally no intelligence it could gather that a spy satellite hasn’t already. Then they shoot it down with the most  unnecessarily dominant combat aircraft in the world just before it would enter the Atlantic Ocean proper and become unrecoverable…

The whole thing was a grey zone game of ‘poke and see what reaction you get’.


i would  of thought a balloon can see and stay in one area a lot better than a satellite ?

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  On 07/02/2023 at 13:19, mC HULL said:

i would  of thought a balloon can see and stay in one area a lot better than a satellite ?


It probably lingers longer yeah, but then once it's gone by it's gone by, a satellite constellation will give repeated coverage as they orbit. It's not like a 'weather' balloon is particularly manoeuvrable. If it genuinely did provide any intelligence threat then it'd have been shot down much sooner. It's not like Montana is heavily populated.

Ironically the whole event was probably of more intelligence value to the US than to China. The fact is, it provided a negligible threat, so any risk associated with 'shooting it down' is inherently unacceptable. Conversely, it provided the US with a counter intelligence opportunity to mop up signals intel' associated with it, and the cynic in me would say a political opportunity to ramp up public anti-china sentiment.

Again, the fact they shot it down with their most advanced combat jet speaks volumes to me. I'd suggest the balloon was sent as a "let's f**k around and find out" show and it was dealt with similarly.

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☝️ A few weeks ago I ⚠️ WARNED ⚠️ of




_i didn't post last evening<

My sources from told me to wait few hours and see what's happening in middle easte.


Now I know what he meant was going to happen////


This is no joke PATRIOTS. ..

The WAR to control middle eastern oil is happening ..

This High grade TECTONIC WEAPON they are using is for several reason////


_ Cover the news with new catastrophe as the Investigation into Biden LAPTOP. Business. Into BIDEN crime family begins

February 8


_The STAGING/ FALSE FLAG CATACLYSMIC EARTHQUAKE by use of High Grade military Tectonic Weapons for  [ DS] U.S. interest in oil from the middle East to Ukraine and Northern Europe begins with a catastrophe in


(this is only the begging as the DEEP STATE wants pipe lines through SYRIA and plan to create a huge WAR in the region)


_ROTHSCHILDs controlling the [ DS] Military OPERATIONS that created the EARTHQUAKE in TURKEY was a HUGE WARNING for TURKEY who is planning to leave NATO and join BRICS

( ROTHSCHILDs just sent a huge message to TURKEY!..... ROTHSCHILDs also created the same event in Fukushima Japan

For control of their GDP and had other plans for Mass migration PROJECTS in Japan///... Due to the help of SEVERAL white HATS including dragon families China, Italian ELITES and Bin Salman family stepping in with mil. Backing.. ROTHSCHILDs with held their plan to destroy Japan)




Real and do much known patents exist on tectonic weapons and other weapons that cause Earthquakes <



[ They] [ DS] are keeping tabs on countries and high positioned elites to keep their countries inside NATO. UN. /////


Serval prime ministers. Presidents are planning to quit as head of their countries in the next 5 months into fall////






is what The CABAL wanted to use to unearth Alien technology

( This FALSE FLAG EVENT _ was long ago in the works just like the PLANDEMIC and major wars created..) .... ROTHSCHILDs . ECT ECT ECT ECT VATICAN Jesuits ECT ECT>>>wanted a new religion to be born after a new TECHNOLOGY was found after Earthquakes and The NEWS would be world wide and later connected to new LAWS and suppression of information sharing at the highest levels for security clearance ...... Their is many many reason the DEEP STATE want to use the alien agenda to bring world CONTROL

... Create deaths.. Scare humans


That's why VATICAN has been pushing alien agenda with Israel the CIA PENTAGON//////


The real TRUTH is their is much extraterrestrial Life...... But the first by the Rockefellers CIA PENTAGON REGIMEN [ DISCLOSURE] < is the false one


Much is going to happen in the next 2 years into TRUMPS PRESIDENCY<




EARTHQUAKE WARS  is happening into 2024




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All sounds pretty plausible to me..

Tectonic weapons 

Earthquake wars 

Dragon families 

White hats 

Big message to Turkey about staying in Nato... start an earthquake... those pesky yanks!


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