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Just received a lot of videos of marches in Dublin mainly of the community from all areas,the people are not happy with the bus loads of imigrants turning up,...one bloke attacked an Irish girl and wa

Even the centrist people are waking up and joining the protests, the government are getting desperate now some TDs are nervous and only speak on radio stations they haven't got the balls to be on came

got to love the irish they are the only ones with any backbone left in the uk ?

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:28, harryshounds said:

Not always Francie.....Irish mobs in America, Liverpool etc....

Criminals exist in every ethnic group and every class. Most of the big social problems we have in Ireland can be traced to our own native Irish banker class. 

Should we tolerate criminals? No. Should we tar every immigrant with same brush? No. 

As an Irish man, proud socialist republican, I don't support these protests. But I come on this site for the hunting stuff and for bit of a entertainment.....so I'm finished with this thread now. 




I agree we shouldnt tar them all with the same brush harry,but let me ask you this would you house any of them or be happy if 100 or 200 moved into your street?i dont think you would tbh its very hard for me to be sympathetic towards them when we see what there upto.

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:28, harryshounds said:

Not always Francie.....Irish mobs in America, Liverpool etc....

Criminals exist in every ethnic group and every class. Most of the big social problems we have in Ireland can be traced to our own native Irish banker class. 

Should we tolerate criminals? No. Should we tar every immigrant with same brush? No. 

As an Irish man, proud socialist republican, I don't support these protests. But I come on this site for the hunting stuff and for bit of a entertainment.....so I'm finished with this thread now. 




How  can you call your self a republican and want open borders and mass immigration  and except being ruled out of brussels ? .

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:46, Francie, said:

I agree we shouldnt tar them all with the same brush harry,but let me ask you this would you house any of them or be happy if 100 or 200 moved into your street?i dont think you would tbh its very hard for me to be sympathetic towards them when we see what there upto.


My last response to this thread cos I not on here for political debate.

I live in an area with many immigrants of all countries and I'm happy with it. We've problems with Irish scumbsgs and forigen scumbags, like most areas. I'm coach in a local boxing club and we've kids of all types, colours and religions and all are welcome. 

No I wouldn't have an issue with refugees being housed in my area. Would I have an issue with some of them behaving criminally? yes obviously and I'd deal with that IF or WHEN happened. Criminalizing all refugees is no different to "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" to me.

I'm out.




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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:59, harryshounds said:

My last response to this thread cos I not on here for political debate.

I live in an area with many immigrants of all countries and I'm happy with it. We've problems with Irish scumbsgs and forigen scumbags, like most areas. I'm coach in a local boxing club and we've kids of all types, colours and religions and all are welcome. 

No I wouldn't have an issue with refugees being housed in my area. Would I have an issue with some of them behaving criminally? yes obviously and I'd deal with that IF or WHEN happened. Criminalizing all refugees is no different to "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" to me.

I'm out.





Say your house was infested with rats, would you let the rest destroy your property with the hope you find 1 or 2 that can be tamed or just get rid of-the lot and save your property?

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:59, harryshounds said:

My last response to this thread cos I not on here for political debate.

I live in an area with many immigrants of all countries and I'm happy with it. We've problems with Irish scumbsgs and forigen scumbags, like most areas. I'm coach in a local boxing club and we've kids of all types, colours and religions and all are welcome. 

No I wouldn't have an issue with refugees being housed in my area. Would I have an issue with some of them behaving criminally? yes obviously and I'd deal with that IF or WHEN happened. Criminalizing all refugees is no different to "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" to me.

I'm out.





I am not looking for argument but hundreds of republicans died during the troubles and thousands did long sentences behind the wire , men did years on the blanket in cold cells with there on shit and piss around them and were beating daily . 12 very brave men died on hunger strike . Was all that for a united ireland where nationalist and unionists would be a minority on this island and controlled out of brussels ? .

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:53, paul sr said:

How  can you call your self a republican and want open borders and mass immigration  and except being ruled out of brussels ? .


id say he thinks hes a republican because he sings a few ballads at last orders in the pub, just so his mates will shake hands with him with him ?

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  On 04/02/2023 at 23:59, harryshounds said:

My last response to this thread cos I not on here for political debate.

I live in an area with many immigrants of all countries and I'm happy with it. We've problems with Irish scumbsgs and forigen scumbags, like most areas. I'm coach in a local boxing club and we've kids of all types, colours and religions and all are welcome. 

No I wouldn't have an issue with refugees being housed in my area. Would I have an issue with some of them behaving criminally? yes obviously and I'd deal with that IF or WHEN happened. Criminalizing all refugees is no different to "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" to me.

I'm out.





I was actually helping a homeless romanian oldman in my town,give him blankets an duvets,coats food money an then got him more help,when the snow was here i got in touch with a charity that came down an took him to hospital cause he nearly froze to death,then he started acting a c**t to the doctors an got arrested,turns out he was wanted for a few things fair enough we all make mistakes, then a week later seen a pic of him on fb butt f***ing naked getting arrested,that dont mean i wont help others.

As i said in my previous post i dont tar them all with one brush but these young fighting age males are doing all sorts to locals,i havent seen not one woman or child?

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  On 04/02/2023 at 20:23, paul sr said:

All the political parties are infavour of open borders and they are labelling ordinary working class people how object to large numbers of unvetted males being moved into there areas as racist , far right and sinster . They need to start housing these people next to the politicians and in areas like dalkey, sandycove , foxrock sandymount, etc .


They’ll get a shock if t happens, all

the peace loving fcukers in york

were well up for imigration till it


on there doorstep.. careful what you wish for ??

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I'm not well up on political agendas or the strategy of our government in dept but I think it's almost too late,there's so many arrived allready ,if they work and contribute to society fair fuks to em,but just off loading bus loads of dossiers and deviants can't be allowed continue,...god help the next generations

Edited by jigsaw
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