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.22lr testing ideas ?

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Well my little.22lr ammo testing videos are becoming a favorite on my YouTube  so decided to do some more. Seems every where I go there's little 50rd boxes of various .22lr ammo for sale for less then $10 so why not. Anyhow was looking to see what folks might wanna see in some testing videos. I don't have any real high class .22lr rifles or high end optics or anything like that usually it's just my life set up here @25yd and ten round groups


Was thinking about stretching the distance out more to maybe 45-50 after the 25yd group ooorrr mabye try and get some ballistic jelly made up and so some of that. Anyhow got some more to test and just wanted to hear some ideas. 



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Most .22lr guns and ammo are capable of surprisingly good results, once you have matched ammo to barrel. 

High end target tools and glass will always have the edge, but the expense goes up dramatically for quite often a tiny return.

Normal/daily setup tools are often a better guide for many shooters.

Many in this country would use air guns at 25 yards (although years back our indoor .22lr club was in a 25 yard postal league).

I suspect 50-100yard area would be of most interest to shooters in the UK, its sort of assumed 25 yard is easy for .22lr.



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