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Stand up for ourselves

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As everyone reading this is no doubt aware this week was a dark dark day for Scottish hunters with all kinds of actual killing of animals with dogs (bar rats and mice) completely banned by the Scottish government. No longer can you catch even a rabbit without the fear of a potential 5 year prison sentence. The organisations that are supposed to be on our side The Countryside Alliance and BACs claimed that no one uses dogs for catching rabbits anymore and as per the main ban and coursing threw us dog men (and women) right under the bus. Make no mistake this will become an issue in England and Wales if we are to have any hope of not following the same path as Scotland we must make our selves heard. I urge every member on here to write to Countryside Alliance, BAC,s and your MP making it clear how passionate you are about keeping our sport alive. It may make no difference but I for one will stew in my anger a lot better if I know I did what I could. Every minority under the sun seems to get their voice heard in this country and it’s about time we had ours heard. f**k the ban and keep doing what we all do. 

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They basically banned hunting with running dogs in 2005, apart from rabbits on permission . I never had permission before or after the ban, but I kept hunting. This shite law will affect me

As everyone reading this is no doubt aware this week was a dark dark day for Scottish hunters with all kinds of actual killing of animals with dogs (bar rats and mice) completely banned by the Scottis

Nothing will ever be overturned... doesn't matter who takes care of the Helm and how much noise we all make...accept it's over,the only thing that is certain,is they will keep chipping away at what ev

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Understand completely  what you're saying, and sent an email TWICE, to my LABOUR member of Parliament, a few years ago, telling him about how stupid, unfair and against the 'common man' etc, all these bans and regulations are. 

Only to receive a letter, exactly 5 days later,  TELLING me that in no way would he support hunting in any way, and how cruel it is, and he'd do all he could to make sure it all stays banned!!

This is in the labour ward of South wales.

Absolute tosser of a person, I won't call him a man!!


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  On 27/01/2023 at 20:47, Bobtheferret said:

As everyone reading this is no doubt aware this week was a dark dark day for Scottish hunters with all kinds of actual killing of animals with dogs (bar rats and mice) completely banned by the Scottish government. No longer can you catch even a rabbit without the fear of a potential 5 year prison sentence. The organisations that are supposed to be on our side The Countryside Alliance and BACs claimed that no one uses dogs for catching rabbits anymore and as per the main ban and coursing threw us dog men (and women) right under the bus. Make no mistake this will become an issue in England and Wales if we are to have any hope of not following the same path as Scotland we must make our selves heard. I urge every member on here to write to Countryside Alliance, BAC,s and your MP making it clear how passionate you are about keeping our sport alive. It may make no difference but I for one will stew in my anger a lot better if I know I did what I could. Every minority under the sun seems to get their voice heard in this country and it’s about time we had ours heard. f**k the ban and keep doing what we all do. 


Too right bob lets go

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  On 28/01/2023 at 16:11, The drover said:

Imagine wee nicola being told the motorway at Gretna is blocked both ways with 50,000 men and 100,000 dogs 


Who.would organise such chaos, who would be prepared 2 be the instigator of such an event ,oil for arseholes or whatever the called umsens done it nowt happened 2 them cos they probably had dicks and fannies and dint know ote about what gender the were, if,hunting people done it they would treat it as a terrorist attack 

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the self proclaimed elitists will start executing poachers or deporting you next. just like they used to do. what do they care if people starve? in their minds it would decrease the excess population ? which is the ultimate goal.

want to fix it? educate your children on the facts and reality of life, stop relying on the public indoctrination camps. get yourself and as many friends as you can involved in every aspect of local politics and above. weasel your way in there the same way they did. you have to play the game by their ever changing rules. it has to start small. it will appear pointless and a waste of time. do it anyway. at least you can say you tried as they usher you into their concentration camps for "reeducating".... 

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  On 28/01/2023 at 17:26, SNAFU said:

the self proclaimed elitists will start executing poachers or deporting you next. just like they used to do. what do they care if people starve? in their minds it would decrease the excess population ? which is the ultimate goal.

want to fix it? educate your children on the facts and reality of life, stop relying on the public indoctrination camps. get yourself and as many friends as you can involved in every aspect of local politics and above. weasel your way in there the same way they did. you have to play the game by their ever changing rules. it has to start small. it will appear pointless and a waste of time. do it anyway. at least you can say you tried as they usher you into their concentration camps for "reeducating".... 


Wilf?!  ?

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It all makes me so incredibly f***ing angry, as many others have said above the truth is there is probably nothing we can do. If a million marching on London did nothing last time then whatever we do now probably won’t make any odds. Just feel so ignored and impotent about the entire thing. Only thing to be said in our favour (not that it helped Scotland) is it really worth the parliamentary time? Blair said he regretted it in the end as was just not worth the time. Far far more important issues than killing a rabbit with a dog in the country. 

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  On 28/01/2023 at 20:36, Bobtheferret said:

It all makes me so incredibly f***ing angry, as many others have said above the truth is there is probably nothing we can do. If a million marching on London did nothing last time then whatever we do now probably won’t make any odds. Just feel so ignored and impotent about the entire thing. Only thing to be said in our favour (not that it helped Scotland) is it really worth the parliamentary time? Blair said he regretted it in the end as was just not worth the time. Far far more important issues than killing a rabbit with a dog in the country. 


Blair were a c**t hole 

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i think the march lacked was it was to piecfull could you imagine if it went off the goverments would of thought twice of upseting us  it seems that the kid who screems the loudest gets the sweets so to speak  whar are they going to do stick f****n rabbit wardens in the dead of winter giving out tickets if so we put muzzels on are dogs and take them off because its not against the law f**k the ban just be sensible 

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