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Beaters / Keepers days?

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Out again today . A famous Oxfordshire shoot that I have been loading on this season . They split us into two teams , one team shot three drives before lunch while the other beat , then we swapped. I copped the morning and had two very good drives . Unfortunately a stray dog got to the third drive before we did and emptied it . So as a consolation the head keeper said we could all stand on the last drive which was the duck . I had been shooting well on my previous days and was confident of showing the other loaders that they were in the presence of “ greatness “. Shall we just say that my shooting was “suboptimal “ today . I shot some nice partridge but I missed some easy overhead, classic driven pheasant that I would have put money on folding up . I guess if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun . Needless to say I was humbled and brought back down to earth where I belong. 
But tomorrow is my last day on a fantastic private estate where I get to stand all the drives and have a posh meal afterwards, I can’t wait !!



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Last day for me yesterday . Plenty of birds , started off with the duck with instructions to clear them out , if it’s safe shoot them . Well I obliged as it would have been rude not to . I had some memorable birds , some maybe not so memorable. 
         The day was a very mixed bag and I had a fantastic day out with my mate Tim who tries his best to stitch me up and take the piss . I often think to myself ,”with mates like that , who needs enemies “. 
          There is an award on this shoot for the loader who drops the biggest bollock . I’ve dodged it for years but I guess it was my turn for the “cock head “ award . I thought Tim was going to get it for losing his way to his peg and dropping a gun , “ he  is bound to get it “   I thought . But no , at the after shoot meal , which was I’ve got to say a lavish no expense spared affair , it came to the head keepers speech and thank you’s to everyone for their help . Then came the time for the cock head award , and I was chuckling and nodding at Tim . But to my horror the keeper related a story that I had confided to someone who doesn’t even have anything to do with shooting and he had told Tim and Tim phoned the keeper up and grassed me up . Trust no one !!! 
            I might as well tell the story. I was asked just before Christmas to load for a very elderly and quite disabled gentleman. This guy is very rich and very famous, so I’m not going to name him . I was to be the only loader that day and my job was to drive him to his peg and generally assist him with his guns and load for him . I literally had to take him to his peg in an ATV . I followed the gun bus with him in the passenger seat to the first drive . I slowed to a stop behind the bus and the keeper signalled for me to pass the bus and drive straight to the peg . As I pulled past the bus  a cocker spaniel leaped straight out of the bus and straight in front of the ATV and I slammed on the brakes. I heard a dull hollow sounding “ thud” and saw in horror my charge “ face plant “ the windscreen. His hat and glasses were all lopsided and he appeared dazed but other than that none the worse . He thereafter made sure his seatbelt was on and looked at me reproachfully as he buckled up the rest of the day . If it had been anyone else it was just an amusing anecdote, but such is this guys wealth and status, it’s highly embarrassing . 
          So I have taken the award and hold it for a year . I promise, that it will be going home with Tim next year . 



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  On 02/02/2023 at 13:23, Sausagedog said:

You know what they say.....once a cock, always a cock!


Go easy on me sausagedog . My ego has taken a pounding as it is without you lot chipping in . I thought I might of got a bit of support. You are as bad as the rest of them !!! 

Edited by shovel leaner
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  On 31/01/2023 at 18:47, foxdropper said:

What a charmed life you lead mate .Not jealous at all .?

The bloke I work with has had 5 days straight on beaters shoots and off again tomorrow .I’m doing something wrong ,must be .


It’s just the crumbs from the rich guys table . I don’t get carried away thinking I’m in that world, but it is nice to get just a taste of it . It’s a sport on that level that would be otherwise out of my reach . 

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  On 02/02/2023 at 15:45, BenBhoy said:

Really?????? Why, because most of us are cock heads too!! 


People are so quick to pick up on the negative things you do . It doesn’t matter that I have provided faultless loading services all season . An out of control cocker spaniel that I avoided killing, got me the cock head award . 
               Take you for example , you are no doubt an attentive and caring husband , do people say there goes Ben , the great husband ? No they don’t . You are a great father to your kids , do people say “ there goes Ben the great father ? No they don’t. You are good at your job , do people say “ there goes Ben the greatest Shepherd “? I doubt it ………. You shagged one sheep !!!!

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