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Beaters / Keepers days?

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It’s that time of year . The last days of the season are almost upon us . The guys who “ make it happen “ are given their chance to shine. A thank you from the shoots they help throughout the season. 
               I have gone from being a keeper to  loader and host . I have got 4 days , the 27th,  28th , 30th and 31st . 
             My expectations are more modest than they would have been in previous years. But AI and the lack of birds have  meant that there will be less to shoot at. 
           But I am not downhearted. Far from it . I am raring to go . My absence from the forum recently is because I have been up at  6am and driving to a well known shoot in Oxfordshire and loading all day not getting back till 5.30- 6.00 pm . Then hosting days on a syndicate near home and loading on a fantastic shoot , keepered by a very good friend. This shoot is owned by a multibillionaire and no expense is spared. The shoot puts on a “ loaders “ day , and I get to stand all day and have a meal in the lodge afterwards  , a real treat.  

        I also been invited to shoot “ up north “   this Saturday , not far from junction 40 M6 near Penrith . It’s going to mean an early start . But I am assured that there are plenty of birds left and a good chance of a right and left , or in my case a , top and bottom at Woodcock. This is my holy grail   . AI’ve achieved it twice before when out with my spaniels, but not witnessed. And I want to get that tie and be in that club . So I’m going to drive 41/2 hours there , shoot and then drive back the same day “ red bull , gives you wings “ ? I will sneak a couple of photos, but the Billionaire doesn’t like it as he sees it as invasion of his privacy , fair enough. I’ve got a couple of professional Photos of yours truly, on a days loading in Oxfordshire and out with the gang in Gloucestershire. 





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Its a fascinating world, and you cannot really describe the feeling of the seasons work, you have to be there.......................


(just the same, there are some days I wonder why)

...................and beaters days are always eagerly anticipated! 


Edited by Deker
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  On 26/01/2023 at 19:57, foxdropper said:

Going to miss the beaters days this year as fecking work has meant I havnt put a shift in on any shoots .First year I can remember when I’m not shooting a beaters day or two .Excellent write up SL .Your looking in tip top form mate ??.

You shooting with Whaler this year ?


Cheers mate . If I see Whaler it will be tomorrow . He has been loading this season but not much . Let’s hope you get out later in the year . 

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Well 2 down , 2 to go . Had a very nice day on Friday at  my local shoot that I’ve been helping on for over 25 years . Not as many birds as in previous years, but a good day none the less.  The older I get and the more I shoot the less numbers mean . I can enjoy a 30 bird day as much as a 250 bird day if the company is good.  
           However we did Two drives for 86 pheasant, then elevenses and then they got the clay traps out for a couple of simulated drives . And it was a laugh . Then on to a local barn / bar that has got a license for Fridays . They are a small brewery and I had a pint and left them to it ,  I had an invite to a shoot up north so I got my head down early and had an early start up the M5/M6 to Micks shoot near Penrith . A great bunch of lads that I’ve shot with a few times before . There could have been a lot more pheasants shot but it was cocks only as he is catching up this year “f@ck the French “!!!  Sadly for me , no woodcock club tie . But I managed 6 woodcock a few pheasants and some duck at the end of the day . The drive back was a gruelling experience though. 






Edited by shovel leaner
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  On 28/01/2023 at 23:35, shovel leaner said:

Well 2 down , 2 to go . Had a very nice day on Friday at  my local shoot that I’ve been helping on for over 25 years . Not as many birds as in previous years, but a good day none the less.  The older I get and the more I shoot the less numbers mean . I can enjoy a 30 bird day as much as a 250 bird day if the company is good.  
           However we did Two drives for 86 pheasant, then elevenses and then they got the clay traps out for a couple of simulated drives . And it was a laugh . Then on to a local barn / bar that has got a license for Fridays . They are a small brewery and I had a pint and left them to it ,  I had an invite to a shoot up north so I got my head down early and had an early start up the M5/M6 to Micks shoot near Penrith . A great bunch of lads that I’ve shot with a few times before . There could have been a lot more pheasants shot but it was cocks only as he is catching up this year “f@ck the French “!!!  Sadly for me , no woodcock club tie . But I managed 6 woodcock a few pheasants and some duck at the end of the day . The drive back was a gruelling experience though. 







Did you Peep your horn? Never heard it ?

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