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Hello all,


Was out with Clip yesterday and we had an unexpected and very untimely chase on a hare that popped up from out of knowwhere (he normally smells them if they're about and he hasn't seen them but there was no indication yesterday from him that anything was hiding around us) Anyway, after a good chase that seemed to go on forever he came back looking very lame. He wanted to sit and when io got him to his feet he would'nt put weight on his left fore leg and right hind, he was just putting his claws down basically tip toeing on the two mentioned legs. Now he's booked in to see my running dog man on Friday but i just wondered if anyone has any clues as to what might have happened to him. By the time we had got home i had my girlfriend trott him about a bit and he seemed fine. Could it have been something as simple as standing on something like nettles or the like that has made him do this?


Any thoughts appreciated.





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for it to be the opposite front and rear legs on a diagonal angle i would suspect that would be a back problem ... a twisted or pulled muscle or he has pinched a nerve on the turn maybe ..............

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Hello all,


Was out with Clip yesterday and we had an unexpected and very untimely chase on a hare that popped up from out of knowwhere (he normally smells them if they're about and he hasn't seen them but there was no indication yesterday from him that anything was hiding around us) Anyway, after a good chase that seemed to go on forever he came back looking very lame. He wanted to sit and when io got him to his feet he would'nt put weight on his left fore leg and right hind, he was just putting his claws down basically tip toeing on the two mentioned legs. Now he's booked in to see my running dog man on Friday but i just wondered if anyone has any clues as to what might have happened to him. By the time we had got home i had my girlfriend trott him about a bit and he seemed fine. Could it have been something as simple as standing on something like nettles or the like that has made him do this?


Any thoughts appreciated.





cramp get some vic C in him
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