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:hmm: My dad, we have very similar views and he was the one to introduce me to the world of war planes, I've been addicted ever since


My old school teacher, he taught me, i can be whatever i want to be.


My parents both taught me that i should always stand up for what i believe in, people wont always like it, but you should never sell your beliefs to be popular.

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:hmm: My dad, we have very similar views and he was the one to introduce me to the world of war planes, I've been addicted ever since


My old school teacher, he taught me, i can be whatever i want to be.


My parents both taught me that i should always stand up for what i believe in, people wont always like it, but you should never sell your beliefs to be popular.

My Dad...........his favourite saying used to be. "The people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away, and the real pains in the arse are permanent, :laugh::laugh:;)



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I'm wracking my brains thinking of someone I look up to... which is sad in itself as I can't think of anyone.


All of the people I've ever looked up to have been disappointingly shabby and tawdry when you delve beneath the surface which may be my fault for putting them on pedestals.


Van Gogh...Edvard Munch....Daley Thompson...Steve Ovett.....Ronnie Lane.....a few of the people who I think are/were decent types.


I've got a few good mates that inspire me and make me want to better myself and I'm blessed to have a family that I adore.

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Don't forget Linda Lovelace mate!




My kids look up to Stab's, but it has got me f#cked why, he is GINGER.


It's because I'm devilishly handsome and a silver tongued cavalier to boot :laugh:


Why wouldn't your kids look up to a short, fat, ginger Pom? :laugh:

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