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16 squirrels shot today oven ready with FX crown FAC.22 . This gun probably the best .22 FAC running at 35 ftlbs with 18 gr AA fields heavy . Shots from 15 - 55 yards  . If any one thinking about FAC

Fx impact at 110-115 yards  5 shot group 

Just did a different way tonight. Mixed olive oil , drop of red wine ,  drop lemon juice , Cajun seasoning about 4 teaspoons , pour over squirrel legs from 4 squirrels  , marinate for a few hours or o

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If we are all confessing, I will say my Rapid Mk2 was as accurate as any of the FX guns I have owned and I do wish I still had it but having said that my Impact Mk1 .25 was bloody brilliant but some spare parts are getting very difficult to get ( I suppose that could be the wankers who now import them ) and that was the only reason I sold it but the Wildcat .22 I have is a lovely and light and that is the downside to the Rapid, it was a heavy lump compared to the FX guns.  The FX would be my first choice on every session but it would be nice just to still own my old Rapid.


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5 hours ago, foxdropper said:

I know the fx is good but does it really have the edge on any other fac airgun for accuracy .My rapid Mk 1 ,27 years old will put  pellet on pellet  at 50 yards  and cost a 1/4 of the price even now .

Gunshop owner tried selling me an fx  recently until he realised I had a rapid lol.

Make who’s mad on his airguns had one recently .Top of tge range whatever that is but found it too heavy to cart about hunting and couldn’t get it to rest on quad sticks properly .My rapid has a small bipod on to combat this .

Going to shoot some targets when the weathers better .Out with tonight on  the rats if it dosnt rain .Retro fac suits my wallet ???


Most FAC air will put pellet on pellet at that distance  , virtually on zero . But can you turn your rapid down shooting it sub 12 or turn it up shooting 42 ftlbs with in seconds including adjusting the scope !!

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5 hours ago, foxdropper said:

I know the fx is good but does it really have the edge on any other fac airgun for accuracy .My rapid Mk 1 ,27 years old will put  pellet on pellet  at 50 yards  and cost a 1/4 of the price even now .

Gunshop owner tried selling me an fx  recently until he realised I had a rapid lol.

Make who’s mad on his airguns had one recently .Top of tge range whatever that is but found it too heavy to cart about hunting and couldn’t get it to rest on quad sticks properly .My rapid has a small bipod on to combat this .

Going to shoot some targets when the weathers better .Out with tonight on  the rats if it dosnt rain .Retro fac suits my wallet ???


Fx impact at 110-115 yards  5 shot group 



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10 hours ago, villaman said:

Most FAC air will put pellet on pellet at that distance  , virtually on zero . But can you turn your rapid down shooting it sub 12 or turn it up shooting 42 ftlbs with in seconds including adjusting the scope !!

Fair comment mate .I believe the fx was based on the rapid if I’m correct .

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5 minutes ago, villaman said:

Same  Phil ,  but it might be the old fx Phil 

The thing is the old rapids were built that simple even a monkey could improve them, But that's what made them so good, My old rapid fac in .20cal was great. quick turn of the Allen key on the back and 12,24 or 42ftlbs even though at 42ftlbs no pellet would stabilise enough to be accurate at that time, The wildcat even though it looks totally different appears to be fundamentally the same but with the addition of new technology. I may be talking bollocks but that's not unusual Lol

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On 06/01/2023 at 18:52, tb25 said:

Nice..how will cook them and what with?



Just did a different way tonight. Mixed olive oil , drop of red wine ,  drop lemon juice , Cajun seasoning about 4 teaspoons , pour over squirrel legs from 4 squirrels  , marinate for a few hours or over night is better .  Now this part is different , cook in air fryer on 160 C for 52 minutes . Cooking on a lower heat but for longer has made them more tender and juicy 


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On 11/01/2023 at 07:20, foxdropper said:

Fair comment mate .I believe the fx was based on the rapid if I’m correct .

Ben Taylor (Theoben/Rapid) got involved in a FX, is that the same or a completely different FX?

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