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Just bought a clulite blazerlite, what a piece of **** !!!!! GUTTED! :thumbdown:

Take it back and demand your money back :gunsmilie:



I would do but they messed my first order up and i have just recieved this a month later!!!!! couldnt be bothered with the hassle i'll probably just keep it as a spare and get another the lightforce!!!

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lightforce has the best beam i think nice and tight spot and the nightstalker you cant focus the head to change the beam size from flood to spot cant beat a striker

lads/lasses i have a light force 140 lance nice tidy little beam!! wouldnt change it any thing else on the market but it let me down the other night in the middle of no mans land!it just went dead so checked the battery conections they where fine checked the bulb with the light off my phone that was granda hold up the f**k i said to meself ended up making my way back to the car had a look at it when i got home no loose conections or earths so im putting it down to the switch are these easy to get a hold of if not!! my mates one is in car might do a swap! I ONLY HAVE THIS LAMP 6 MNTHS WHAT KIND OF GAURANTE IS WITH THEM

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Guest oldskool
Yes you can but you have to take the front off then loosen the two screws at the back of the reflector, then you can move the reflector back and forward to focus the beam.




that doesnt work... there is a wide beam on them and thats it but they are a very good lamp... i went out on sat night for a shine and my lightforce 170 went on the blink in the middle of no where, i'd of given my right arm for the feckin blaserlite that was lying at home at that time... the flip up filter is bloody good as well... with out doubt the lightforce has a far superior quality of beam but they often go on the blink where as clulite seldom do... at most a bulb will blow but at least you have the side light to walk home with...

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