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5 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Yes you did heap praise on that side i remember, so whats the difference between old Dave Basset or Joe Kinnear doing it and David Moyse doing it ?.....are you that down on West Ham/London that you'll only praise something if its someone else doing it......or are you secretly realising that the whole move thing you wanted has backfired on you but dont want to admit f****n up ( in which case dont worry about it theres plenty of yous in the same boat ) 😆

Correct me if I’m wrong because I genuinely don’t remember but if I praised them it was probably along the lines of they did wonders playing in a certain way with the players they had….attitude trumped ability maybe type of sentiment ? 

If you are saying our squad of players are so shite that Moyes has to play like Wimbledon then I just don’t know what to say mate ?

I think that’s a ludicrous comparison personally……it’s like saying a squad from 1970 could have come out the cafe at 2pm with a belly full of egg and chips and a hangover from the night before then gone and played like todays Liverpool !……you are talking about different times pal.

At least compare apples with apples…..you have seen more games than me so you tell me, are we a Brighton or a Bournemouth ?, are we a Villa or a Brentford ?…..do we play nicer football than any of them ?, the same ?, worse ? 
I genuinely don’t know because I have not watched enough full games to give an honest assessment.

As I said to a lad the other day on this thread, I don’t like Moyes football….it’s got nothing to do with West Ham (when did Moyes become Mr West Ham ?)……you can’t like things that you just don’t like.

Bloke is cheating a living, the yids should have been 4-1 and the bloke gets gifted a 2-1….on any other day they ruin us in that game like Fulham did in the game after.

He bullshitted his way to that trophy last year with shit performances against shit teams that only got masked by some of the outrageous score lines…..I watched enough of those games to know that good teams would have killed us.

We were better the season before in Europe football wise and worse last season but we won a trophy.

Moyes playing this style of football with this group of players is as outrageous as it is gutless…..I still maintain that a coach like Ljinders plays better football if you gave him that group of players.

The move gives you some of the tools to be more professional, more progressive in your systems and facilities and attract players to that kind of set up, it just does !

We have not backed it up properly with training facilities or back room staff but we have an extra 20,000 arses on seats every other week and a bigger commercial profile because of it so the question isn’t “did blokes like me get it right or wrong”, no, the question is “where is the f***ing money ?” 
And I can even give you a clue as to the answer mate, because Sullivan etc has tried to buy his way into being the club fit for that ground and his commercial profile instead of using the money on the right things that really make clubs a proper outfit….hence why we are up there in Europe’s top spenders over however many of the last seasons.

I don’t really know what me being down on London has to do with the conversation squire, but for the record I’m a Londoner and I’ll say what I like about the gaff and here it is, it’s a 3rd world piss hole….so that’s that one out the way ! Lol 


Its nothing to do with going home and away i dont book myself any more of a fan than the next man chaps like you or me have been arguing over footie since school days dont start going all sulky now mate its only a natter on tinternet for gawd sake !

I wasn’t sulky mate, I just didn’t want it going boss eyed because I didn’t think there was any point….it’s pretty obvious we don’t agree about this whole Moyes and “his” West Ham so why keep covering old ground. 

In your eyes lads like me wanted to be “the big club” and you blame us for supporting the move…..in my eyes lads like you just don’t understand that in football if you ain’t going forwards you are going backwards, what good facilities help you do is have better things, better things help you do better things……that let’s you (or it should) get better players, it helps your coaches do things better, it creates a better environment…..that’s progress.

I understand that it has to be the case even though it means my football club moves further away from me the ordinary fan, I also understand that in the premier league I don’t mean shit and neither does any fan.

A club like West Ham ain’t in a position to go back to being a non league team, they would have to cease to exist and start again…..so that’s football reality, they have to go forward.

The Upton Parks of this world have no place in the modern American sports model of the premier league.

The little thing you have got involved with local has more soul to it than the West Ham you have loved for 50 years mate, fact !…..that’s just life mate.

If you want to watch the best, you go Premier league, if you want your proper football experience that proper football lads love then  I’m coming down your place and putting money in the turnstile and you can buy me a tea for hurting my fragile feelings ! Lol 


Edited by WILF
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I see the premiership is about to get it's first woman ref just the start after the fa are trying to recruit 50% more black and ethic referees as there under represented be better investing that in better training for the ones they have I see that a ref copped one in Turkey of a chairman 

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23 hours ago, WILF said:

Correct me if I’m wrong because I genuinely don’t remember but if I praised them it was probably along the lines of they did wonders playing in a certain way with the players they had….attitude trumped ability maybe type of sentiment ? 

If you are saying our squad of players are so shite that Moyes has to play like Wimbledon then I just don’t know what to say mate ?

I think that’s a ludicrous comparison personally……it’s like saying a squad from 1970 could have come out the cafe at 2pm with a belly full of egg and chips and a hangover from the night before then gone and played like todays Liverpool !……you are talking about different times pal.

At least compare apples with apples…..you have seen more games than me so you tell me, are we a Brighton or a Bournemouth ?, are we a Villa or a Brentford ?…..do we play nicer football than any of them ?, the same ?, worse ? 
I genuinely don’t know because I have not watched enough full games to give an honest assessment.


Having got to know the type of football you like it surprised me when you said that about Wimbledon....thats why it stuck in my mind.........but im not comparing them as teams im comparing your attitude to them as teams,and why it warranted praise when Dave Basset had success with it but not when David Moyes has success with it.....the intricacies of it are not important its the fundamental basics of getting the best from a side in whatever unpopular or unfashionable style it takes to win football matches.

23 hours ago, WILF said:


As I said to a lad the other day on this thread, I don’t like Moyes football….it’s got nothing to do with West Ham (when did Moyes become Mr West Ham ?)……you can’t like things that you just don’t like.

Bloke is cheating a living, the yids should have been 4-1 and the bloke gets gifted a 2-1….on any other day they ruin us in that game like Fulham did in the game after.

He bullshitted his way to that trophy last year with shit performances against shit teams that only got masked by some of the outrageous score lines…..I watched enough of those games to know that good teams would have killed us.

We were better the season before in Europe football wise and worse last season but we won a trophy.



But what is a " Mr West Ham " now ? i know what it used to be but lads like you didnt want that identity anymore.... yet now it suits you're moaning that someone isnt a " Mr West Ham " type

And yet when Jose Mourinho started to become universally despised for that kind of cheating and bullshitting his way to trophies it was acceptable because......wait dont tell me " he is a winner " !

23 hours ago, WILF said:


We were better the season before in Europe football wise and worse last season but we won a trophy.

Moyes playing this style of football with this group of players is as outrageous as it is gutless…..I still maintain that a coach like Ljinders plays better football if you gave him that group of players.

The move gives you some of the tools to be more professional, more progressive in your systems and facilities and attract players to that kind of set up, it just does !

We have not backed it up properly with training facilities or back room staff but we have an extra 20,000 arses on seats every other week and a bigger commercial profile because of it so the question isn’t “did blokes like me get it right or wrong”, no, the question is “where is the f***ing money ?” 
And I can even give you a clue as to the answer mate, because Sullivan etc has tried to buy his way into being the club fit for that ground and his commercial profile instead of using the money on the right things that really make clubs a proper outfit….hence why we are up there in Europe’s top spenders over however many of the last seasons.


Moving into the new stadium in order to become a " big club " it was absolutely vital that we didnt get relegated,financially it would have been disastrous to the point we may not have recovered......we nearly came unstuck a couple of times so the idea of playing attractive Johan Cruyff style football in order to please fans like you is totally unrealistic and quite frankly naive as f**k....regards money you cant become a big club and then carry on with the same financial outlook of " whats coming in/whats going out " mentality you had as a little club.....you wanted the club to be run as a worldwide brand not the local cash & carry,you are chopping and changing as it suits.

23 hours ago, WILF said:


I don’t really know what me being down on London has to do with the conversation squire, but for the record I’m a Londoner and I’ll say what I like about the gaff and here it is, it’s a 3rd world piss hole….so that’s that one out the way ! Lol 


What it has to do with the conversation is that its clearly not just London you've come to dislike but West Ham as well.....yes you can say what you like about the gaff but you clearly dont have the fight to do anything apart from moan about it even though you obviously have a passion for both....coupled with the way you dig out people for sticking in and putting up a bit of resistance quite frankly reeks of disloyalty and i dont know any man who approves of that.....so yes as you say thats that one out the way.

23 hours ago, WILF said:


I wasn’t sulky mate, I just didn’t want it going boss eyed because I didn’t think there was any point….it’s pretty obvious we don’t agree about this whole Moyes and “his” West Ham so why keep covering old ground. 


Why would it go boss eyed.....i still have arguments with folk about Paul Allen being brought on in the 1980 Fa Cup Final its part and parcel of a clubs fan base to disagree and give each other a bit of ribbing why get all serious about it all of a sudden.....again,to me part of the problem with chaps like you who have moved off the plot is you lose touch with the vibe of other fans and the area, you become on a different wavelength and it becomes just what you as an individual thinks as theres no real affiliation to the club anymore.....this precise debate we are having i have several times per week with several different people and probably will continue to do so for years to come,whats wrong with that ?

23 hours ago, WILF said:


In your eyes lads like me wanted to be “the big club” and you blame us for supporting the move…..in my eyes lads like you just don’t understand that in football if you ain’t going forwards you are going backwards, what good facilities help you do is have better things, better things help you do better things……that let’s you (or it should) get better players, it helps your coaches do things better, it creates a better environment…..that’s progress.

I understand that it has to be the case even though it means my football club moves further away from me the ordinary fan, I also understand that in the premier league I don’t mean shit and neither does any fan.



And this is precisely where " ordinary fans " like us just cant have this type of snobbery we shouldnt give 2 shits about facilities and doing things better, we are club fans whatever happened to the raw old competitive emotions of basic bragging rights down the pub or across the manor....since when did " ordinary fans " become sensible forward thinking business men looking deeply into how the club shapes up behind the scenes....again,its yet another downside of the move, we did away with the simple essence of what it is to be a struggling fan and replaced it with some kind of entitlement.

Yes i blame chaps like you supporting the move and if you was a regular as i am you would see and hear that the vast majority of genuine fans are as well....and how the togetherness of fans is largely back strong again as most who thought they was right at the time now accept they f****d it !......again,a tv fan in another country wont have picked up on all that with all due respect.

On 14/12/2023 at 13:51, WILF said:



A club like West Ham ain’t in a position to go back to being a non league team, they would have to cease to exist and start again…..so that’s football reality, they have to go forward.

The Upton Parks of this world have no place in the modern American sports model of the premier league.



Then why are you not happy with the absolutely fantastic competitive gains the club has made......why are you pretending not to understand that competing at the highest level is priority and how you play the game with the whole tradition and culture of the old " West Ham way " is now totally irrelevant.......you are picking and choosing the parts of the club you want to take forward and what parts of the club you want to go back to the past !

On 14/12/2023 at 13:51, WILF said:


The little thing you have got involved with local has more soul to it than the West Ham you have loved for 50 years mate, fact !…..that’s just life mate.

If you want to watch the best, you go Premier league, if you want your proper football experience that proper football lads love then  I’m coming down your place and putting money in the turnstile and you can buy me a tea for hurting my fragile feelings ! Lol 


What did you say earlier in your posts about apples and oranges again ?.........you're just making silly point scoring comparisons now mate.....or wait dont tell me,Man City have more soul than their local 2 bob non league outfit because its not London/West Ham !

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1 hour ago, Blackmag said:

I see the premiership is about to get it's first woman ref just the start after the fa are trying to recruit 50% more black and ethic referees as there under represented be better investing that in better training for the ones they have I see that a ref copped one in Turkey of a chairman 

f****n ridiculous i hope she falls over and makes a complete bollocks of it......have you been listening to Joey Barton on about the treacle referees.....i always booked the geezer a bit of a toby to be honest but he's bang on with all this.

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2 hours ago, WILF said:

On a lighter note, Wondering if you know Black Rupert ?…..don’t know why I never asked before 

Not sure if you're on about the same chap i know we called him Rupert but not black Rupert was he on the Konening Beatrix with us when it all went wonky with the Mancs he ended up doing a few months for it as i remember.

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36 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Not sure if you're on about the same chap i know we called him Rupert but not black Rupert was he on the Konening Beatrix with us when it all went wonky with the Mancs he ended up doing a few months for it as i remember.

I suppose there ain’t too many lads called Rupert but I just pointed out he was black to identify him.

Anyway, just thought I’d ask as he used to live round my old way and I’d bump into him and say hello quiet regular, a very nice chap.

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1 hour ago, gnasher16 said:

f****n ridiculous i hope she falls over and makes a complete bollocks of it......have you been listening to Joey Barton on about the treacle referees.....i always booked the geezer a bit of a toby to be honest but he's bang on with all this.

Yes I had the same view as you about him but at least he's said what a lot think I think he even offered a debate about it to women presenters but none took him up on it if I remember right Keegan was the first to say something about it 

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18 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Having got to know the type of football you like it surprised me when you said that about Wimbledon....thats why it stuck in my mind.........but im not comparing them as teams im comparing your attitude to them as teams,and why it warranted praise when Dave Basset had success with it but not when David Moyes has success with it.....the intricacies of it are not important its the fundamental basics of getting the best from a side in whatever unpopular or unfashionable style it takes to win football matches.

But what is a " Mr West Ham " now ? i know what it used to be but lads like you didnt want that identity anymore.... yet now it suits you're moaning that someone isnt a " Mr West Ham " type

And yet when Jose Mourinho started to become universally despised for that kind of cheating and bullshitting his way to trophies it was acceptable because......wait dont tell me " he is a winner " !

Moving into the new stadium in order to become a " big club " it was absolutely vital that we didnt get relegated,financially it would have been disastrous to the point we may not have recovered......we nearly came unstuck a couple of times so the idea of playing attractive Johan Cruyff style football in order to please fans like you is totally unrealistic and quite frankly naive as f**k....regards money you cant become a big club and then carry on with the same financial outlook of " whats coming in/whats going out " mentality you had as a little club.....you wanted the club to be run as a worldwide brand not the local cash & carry,you are chopping and changing as it suits.

What it has to do with the conversation is that its clearly not just London you've come to dislike but West Ham as well.....yes you can say what you like about the gaff but you clearly dont have the fight to do anything apart from moan about it even though you obviously have a passion for both....coupled with the way you dig out people for sticking in and putting up a bit of resistance quite frankly reeks of disloyalty and i dont know any man who approves of that.....so yes as you say thats that one out the way.

Why would it go boss eyed.....i still have arguments with folk about Paul Allen being brought on in the 1980 Fa Cup Final its part and parcel of a clubs fan base to disagree and give each other a bit of ribbing why get all serious about it all of a sudden.....again,to me part of the problem with chaps like you who have moved off the plot is you lose touch with the vibe of other fans and the area, you become on a different wavelength and it becomes just what you as an individual thinks as theres no real affiliation to the club anymore.....this precise debate we are having i have several times per week with several different people and probably will continue to do so for years to come,whats wrong with that ?

And this is precisely where " ordinary fans " like us just cant have this type of snobbery we shouldnt give 2 shits about facilities and doing things better, we are club fans whatever happened to the raw old competitive emotions of basic bragging rights down the pub or across the manor....since when did " ordinary fans " become sensible forward thinking business men looking deeply into how the club shapes up behind the scenes....again,its yet another downside of the move, we did away with the simple essence of what it is to be a struggling fan and replaced it with some kind of entitlement.

Yes i blame chaps like you supporting the move and if you was a regular as i am you would see and hear that the vast majority of genuine fans are as well....and how the togetherness of fans is largely back strong again as most who thought they was right at the time now accept they f****d it !......again,a tv fan in another country wont have picked up on all that with all due respect.

Then why are you not happy with the absolutely fantastic competitive gains the club has made......why are you pretending not to understand that competing at the highest level is priority and how you play the game with the whole tradition and culture of the old " West Ham way " is now totally irrelevant.......you are picking and choosing the parts of the club you want to take forward and what parts of the club you want to go back to the past !

What did you say earlier in your posts about apples and oranges again ?.........you're just making silly point scoring comparisons now mate.....or wait dont tell me,Man City have more soul than their local 2 bob non league outfit because its not London/West Ham !

Is it my turn to say “don’t sulk” ?…..

Anyway, that went the way I knew it would which is why I said it’s not worth talking about in the first place mate.

I don’t know how many lads I have to tell in this thread but I’ll say it again, I don’t like Moyes and I don’t like his football and so I don’t feel any connection to it…..I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon of success pretending something I think is shit is gold.

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1 hour ago, Blackmag said:

I wonder if ten haig will go this weekend if he does I see potter being mentioned recently it's certainly a massive job for anyone 

Surely he stays until the end of the season mate at least ?


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4 hours ago, Blackmag said:

I see the premiership is about to get it's first woman ref just the start after the fa are trying to recruit 50% more black and ethic referees as there under represented be better investing that in better training for the ones they have I see that a ref copped one in Turkey of a chairman 

I put Sky Sports News on the other night. The anchorman, a black man, was in a "Skype call" with a white woman and they were discussing this. She was an expert or official or something. She was overjoyed that something positive was happening in regard to female referees  but angry with male football fans who "may" have a problem with it.

I came back after the kettle had boiled and the same chap was having a call with another person about black referees. This expert was a man, not a women, but black. He was overjoyed that something positive was happening in regard to black referees  but angry with white football fans who "may" have a problem with it.

FFS I only tuned to see if Sunderland had got beat!

PS. A nephew of mine used to ref games when he was a student for £50 a match. If these women and black men/women endured the same shit that he used to week in week out and got through it and wanted to carry on then good luck to them. The lad is no shrinking violet but eventually thought "f**k this for a game of soldiers" and started working the doors as soon as he was old enough for some extra cash.

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8 minutes ago, WILF said:

Surely he stays until the end of the season mate at least ?


I would thought so but it's rumoured radcliffe has already met with  potter and with allsorts of records being broke for the wrong reasons already this season out of Europe ect  and players are said to not understand what there being asked to do and fans aren't happy 

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17 minutes ago, eastcoast said:

I put Sky Sports News on the other night. The anchorman, a black man, was in a "Skype call" with a white woman and they were discussing this. She was an expert or official or something. She was overjoyed that something positive was happening in regard to female referees  but angry with male football fans who "may" have a problem with it.

I came back after the kettle had boiled and the same chap was having a call with another person about black referees. This expert was a man, not a women, but black. He was overjoyed that something positive was happening in regard to black referees  but angry with white football fans who "may" have a problem with it.

FFS I only tuned to see if Sunderland had got beat!

PS. A nephew of mine used to ref games when he was a student for £50 a match. If these women and black men/women endured the same shit that he used to week in week out and got through it and wanted to carry on then good luck to them. The lad is no shrinking violet but eventually thought "f**k this for a game of soldiers" and started working the doors as soon as he was old enough for some extra cash.

I read a report about how many assaults or incidents reported about that the figure was high and something they looking to seriously clamp down on there was a game abandoned a few weeks ago due to a linesman being chinned near me player banned for life 

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