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I think there are 3 mini leagues within the Premier league. The elite teams..only 3 at the moment. The mid table league and the relegation battle. The wages bill of the different teams matches almost exactly the positions in the table.

I think we've seen a fairytale in the name of Leicester. The odds are against us seeing another.

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The way we've treated Moyse is f****n disgusting....im not against a new manager it probably is the right time but theres ways of doing things and the man deserves respect and a good send off yet we'v

West Ham fans in town all day and not a murmur until wives/families get attacked by " ultras " at the game itself.....embarrassing !! There was a handful of chaps on each stairwell stopping them

My Hammers will struggle this year ,some fans want Moyse gone but personally i cant see the point we have a manager thats proved he can improve the club,owners willing to throw money at it.....at what

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2 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

I think there are 3 mini leagues within the Premier league. The elite teams..only 3 at the moment. The mid table league and the relegation battle. The wages bill of the different teams matches almost exactly the positions in the table.

I think we've seen a fairytale in the name of Leicester. The odds are against us seeing another.

Leicester made every true football fan feel good I would like to think, it’s a fairytale but it’s also a marker mate imho…..it’s a marker that says anyone can achieve which is what I have always believed about football.

That may be a silly notion but it’s how I view football.


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It’s interesting Leicester being mentioned because it’s actually a really good example of what a myth how “good” Moyes is…..

Leicester when they won the league played a 4-4-2 mid/low block and fast counter attack style with really busy front players who had real pace…..they conceded like 35-40 goals that season ? 

We have conceded 70 this season playing low block counter attacking football with about the same possession stats.

Moyes achieved 1 thing at Preston was it ?

f**k all at Everton, f**k all at Manchester United, f**k all in Spain, got Sunderland relegated  and 1 thing with us…….where the f**k is all the plaudits this bloke gets coming from ?

As someone described it much better than me earlier in the thread, the bloke is a shoulder shrug of a manager.

And fans want to fall out over this bloke ?…….f***ing hell like ! 


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Newcastle have had a roller coaster ride with managers over the years, some, like Alladyce, McClaren, Joe Kinnear, Bruce, we’re hated by the fans and achieved nothing.

Some, like Robson, Keegan, Benitez, we’re loved by the fans but, again, achieved nothing.

We’ve had the all out attacking and flair of Keenan’s “Entertainers” to the dire, soul destroying negativity of Bruce, who championed “ not getting beat over winning” !

Now we have a manager in Howe, who is adored by the fans and is playing the football most fans anywhere would like to see.

Will he win anything ? I hope so !

One thing is sure, if he DOE’S win a trophy, he will go down in Newcastle folk lore !


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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

Newcastle have had a roller coaster ride with managers over the years, some, like Alladyce, McClaren, Joe Kinnear, Bruce, we’re hated by the fans and achieved nothing.

Some, like Robson, Keegan, Benitez, we’re loved by the fans but, again, achieved nothing.

We’ve had the all out attacking and flair of Keenan’s “Entertainers” to the dire, soul destroying negativity of Bruce, who championed “ not getting beat over winning” !

Now we have a manager in Howe, who is adored by the fans and is playing the football most fans anywhere would like to see.

Will he win anything ? I hope so !

One thing is sure, if he DOE’S win a trophy, he will go down in Newcastle folk lore !


Win, loose or draw its football you can get behind and long May he continue doing it. 

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18 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

But you dont go to West Ham games or even particularly like the club....you are a fan of football yes no problem but to have your nose in the air about the club the way you do is what cracks me up with lads like you.....i remember you on here years ago talking all about West Ham and the values/morals/traditions,what made us a special club,local talent,football area,raw atmosphere,pride in the badge,sense of history,youth academy,production line of players,pride of 66,sense of togetherness and camaraderie following our little club gave us and bla bla bla bla bla

Well what a complete load of old bollocks that was !!

None of that matters to yous anymore you's sold your souls for a trophy,dropped any values you ever had.....and your mates are now a bunch of drunks ffs !.....when it suits eh.

I dont like to say it as its a bit of a cheap shot......but aint you a South London lad anyway 😉

Just reading back through a few of these posts and caught this one again.

I have not risen at all to the little jibes and insults and all that caper because I’m a big believer in not pissing on people, no matter what, who have been polite to you and kind with their offers.

So I say this without any animosity at all, but who the f***ing hell do you and all the fans like you think you are ?

You ain’t all the be all and end all, last word in everything West Ham related, you have no more ownership over what it means to be a West Ham fan than the next bloke. 

And talking to people about sacrificing their morals for a trophy, no mate, I didn’t……you all did that.

You hated it that much that you all still forked out to watch it.

You all protested so hard against getting a f**k you from spades that you forked out 200 sovs a week to get it……I didn’t, I got called all the c**ts under the sun for refusing to watch it.

Don’t talk to me about morals at football because you will all endure any shit, any insult to have your day out at “the best  league in the world”……I won’t do that, I won’t even watch ! 

Yous are telling lads with vastly superior knowledge of the actual front line of the game what’s what about how you have to play and what you have to do to “compete in the best league in the world” when half of you probably wouldn’t know a 4-3-3 from a double pivot if they ran you over in the away bus from Manchester City ! 

Most of you have sat on your arse and watched football for 40 year and now you know the intricate ins and outs of what it takes to play a game of football…..no mate, you don’t ! 

Absolute snobs the lot of you mate, crying your eyes out and lecturing people about what they should think about their own football club.

The reason you all hate it when people talk honestly about football is because you all know that you don’t really care, you just want to “go there and have your day out” and f**k the football really.

If you lot don’t like the reality’s that come with the premier league then have a bit about you and sacrifice it for something a bit more real. 

I ain’t bothered if that what you all want to do but don’t all point fingers as your excuse and say it’s your fault, just go your football and shut up about it……or don’t …….easy innit ! 

See it all the time on various fan forums and such like, and no it ain’t “the vast majority of fans” it’s a 50/50 split……does me in. 

Edited by WILF
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Well pne are 144 year old today and we still are the only Lancashire side never to play in the premier League a lot of fans would love to do it some are sayings try and get moyses back to do it  but it won't happen moyses did play fast attacking football here his style changed at Everton 

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Moyes has won Premier league manager of the year 3 Times, manager of the month 10 Times and London manager of the year twice. He also delivered the first silverware WH have won for 43 years. He's no mug.

He is well respected by Everton Fans and the majority of West Ham fans. He is very well respected by his fellow managers ... especially for his integrity. Could he have delivered more  successful and expansive football at Man U? We'll never know because he was never given time. He was recruited by Fergie as his worthy successor and he knows a thing or two about management.

He is a marmite figure,but that's football. Opinions are what keeps us all chewing the fat.

Edited by jukel123
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24 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Moyes has won Premier league manager of the year 3 Times, manager of the month 10 Times and London manager of the year twice. He also delivered the first silverware WH have won for 43 years. He's no mug.

He is well respected by Everton Fans and the majority of West Ham fans. He is very well respected by his fellow managers ... especially for his integrity. Could he have delivered more expansive football at Man U? We'll never know because he was never given time.

He is a marmite figure,but that's football. Opinions are what keeps us all chewing the fat.

Well respected here I believe his wife and daughter still live here he was touted for a few years to be come fergies assistant then the Everton job came up I agree jukel a Marmite figure but I think he will get a good reception tomorrow at home do you think fergie knew utd dominance was coming to a end left on a high and who ever took over was on a hiding to nothing trying to fill fergies shoes 

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6 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

Well respected here I believe his wife and daughter still live here he was touted for a few years to be come fergies assistant then the Everton job came up I agree jukel a Marmite figure but I think he will get a good reception tomorrow at home do you think fergie knew utd dominance was coming to a end left on a high and who ever took over was on a hiding to nothing trying to fill fergies shoes 

Yes, probably mate. But the established players didn't help. They thought they were above him. I'm told Rio Ferdinand and others treated him like a supply teacher. If given time he could have gotten rid of the troublemakers. Big time Charlies were soon gotten rid of in Fergies time and that was part of his success. Unfortunately Moyes wasn't given time,but that's football.

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8 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Yes, probably mate. But the established players didn't help. They thought they were above him. I'm told Rio Ferdinand and others treated him like a supply teacher. If given time he could have gotten rid of the troublemakers

Yes I heard the Same he was went in at half time starting ranting and someone said what have you ever won I have won more in a season than you have in your whole career but it looks like Radcliffe will shake things up will ten Haig go what do you think jukel be interesting to see how one of there old coaches McKenna does in the prem with Ipswich back to back promotions hes done a fantastic there 

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1 minute ago, Blackmag said:

Yes I heard the Same he was went in at half time starting ranting and someone said what have you ever won I have won more in a season than you have in your whole career but it looks like Radcliffe will shake things up will ten Haig go what do you think jukel be interesting to see how one of there old coaches McKenna does in the prem with Ipswich back to back promotions hes done a fantastic there 

Agree mate.I hadn't heard that about players asking him what he'd won.

There's loads of good managers about. I think Ten Haag is a good manager but modern day players are hard to manage and discipline .Sancho for example. Plus he should never have been allowed to sign players like Antony on his say so alone. 

Looks like a root and branch job at Utd and not before time.

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8 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Newcastle have had a roller coaster ride with managers over the years, some, like Alladyce, McClaren, Joe Kinnear, Bruce, we’re hated by the fans and achieved nothing.

Some, like Robson, Keegan, Benitez, we’re loved by the fans but, again, achieved nothing.

We’ve had the all out attacking and flair of Keenan’s “Entertainers” to the dire, soul destroying negativity of Bruce, who championed “ not getting beat over winning” !

Now we have a manager in Howe, who is adored by the fans and is playing the football most fans anywhere would like to see.

Will he win anything ? I hope so !

One thing is sure, if he DOE’S win a trophy, he will go down in Newcastle folk lore !


I was never that impressed with Rafa other than he chose to stay with us because he wanted to, not out of desperation as others did under the previous regime. The embarrassing play not to lose ethos Bruce inherited from Rafa IMO. Very disrespectful to the players. I cannot remember the quote exactly or the context but when once questioned on a few missed chances by Joselu his response was well that's what £5m gets you in the EPL. Talking about the lad who just scored 2 massive goals in the Champions League this week.

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Moyes has won Premier league manager of the year 3 Times, manager of the month 10 Times and London manager of the year twice. He also delivered the first silverware WH have won for 43 years. He's no mug.

He is well respected by Everton Fans and the majority of West Ham fans. He is very well respected by his fellow managers ... especially for his integrity. Could he have delivered more  successful and expansive football at Man U? We'll never know because he was never given time. He was recruited by Fergie as his worthy successor and he knows a thing or two about management.

He is a marmite figure,but that's football. Opinions are what keeps us all chewing the fat.

Replacing Sir Alex was never be anything other than a poison chalice. Moyes was offered it, he had the balls to take it, and became the 1st fall guy at that club. Who will be the next? 

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52 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Yes, probably mate. But the established players didn't help. They thought they were above him. I'm told Rio Ferdinand and others treated him like a supply teacher. If given time he could have gotten rid of the troublemakers. Big time Charlies were soon gotten rid of in Fergies time and that was part of his success. Unfortunately Moyes wasn't given time,but that's football.

I’m fairness mate, they were above him…..they all played and won everything in the biggest team in the world at the highest level and he was and still is a total f***ing nobody in football terms.

You mentioned his personal accolades like manager of the moth and all that but what does that actually mean in football terms ?……it’s meaningless on the pitch mate.

He tripped over one trophy in 25 year playing absolutely atrocious football…..make no mistake, we got battered in that final and I mean battered and he looked like a man in need of a lifeboat until a lad out of non league nicked a goal on the break.

Lads can dress it up how they like, that’s exactly how it was.

The semi final the year before was much better football, we played really well but couldn’t get it over the line so I’m not just slagging, but we played some team in Malta and scored 4 but we were bloody awful……as I said mate, the bloke has done nothing his whole career so where is all this “he is fantastic” coming from with people ? 


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