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5 minutes ago, WILF said:


“Aye, it’s Dave, winning 3-1….now what do I do ?”


He looked like he was ready to top himself when we equalised, Wilfy ! 
Bettleguise is a bit of a joke up here after his spell at Sunderland, only time the Geordies and Mackems agreed on anything ! LOL !


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The way we've treated Moyse is f****n disgusting....im not against a new manager it probably is the right time but theres ways of doing things and the man deserves respect and a good send off yet we'v

West Ham fans in town all day and not a murmur until wives/families get attacked by " ultras " at the game itself.....embarrassing !! There was a handful of chaps on each stairwell stopping them

My Hammers will struggle this year ,some fans want Moyse gone but personally i cant see the point we have a manager thats proved he can improve the club,owners willing to throw money at it.....at what

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5 minutes ago, WILF said:


“Aye, it’s Dave, winning 3-1….now what do I do ?”


He looked a lot more fired up than that at 3 1 great game for a neutral I thought taking Antonio of West ham seemed to lose that outlet up front and invited Newcastle forward Bruno/ paquet was a interesting match up in midfield 

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How fickle are fans , ehh ?

West Ham fans giving it the “ole’s” and singing “ sit down if your 3-1 down”.

Ten minutes later the Newcastle fans singing “stand up if your 4-3 up” and the West Ham fans abusing the manager and the players and one of the players giving the fans the finger as he boarded the bus ! 
As someone once said; “ it’s a funny old game” !


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1 hour ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

“If kalvin Phillips plays for England , 

so can I “ 


“Good teams with big budgets get rid of players for a reason……..”

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On 30/03/2024 at 14:50, chartpolski said:

Well, Gnash and Wilfy won’t be happy but what a game !

Barnes has looked very good in his last two games, but more injuries for Newcastle.


Wasnt too disappointed with our lot i thought we had some good spells in the game,probably a fair result Moyse made a few terrible decisions...but then they are only terrible decisions when they dont work i suppose.

Thought the second penalty was absolutely diabolical ,how Philips can get tackled from behind in his own box and the opposing player go's down and gets a penalty for it is a mystery to me....apart from that no complaints really,cracking atmosphere as always in the ground and a good game to watch.

Edited by gnasher16
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Its funny with Moyse im not too fussed either way whether he stays or go's to be honest i think he's done a brilliant job getting all these " new fans " what they wanted 😉......but now having tasted a bit of European football,nicking a trophy and experiencing the things with your pals you dont think you'll ever experience as a West Ham fan i just feel a bit nonplussed about Moyse now.....as a club we gave up on everything we valued so to now make demands is a bit rich.

On the way home from the game last night i was listening to Talksport and they had at least 3 Everton fans phone in talking about the nights games and all of them said they'd have Moyse back in a heart beat....which when you think of where they've gone since he left them is probably understandable,they was actually taking the piss out of West Ham fans for wanting him gone,with a " who the f**k do they think they are " attitude,which i think is a shame as i always booked us quite similar good traditional old fashioned clubs.....going to tournaments with England over the years i always saw how other fans tended to like West Hams following we was seen as chirpy cockneys always good humoured but realistic about who and what our club is,now since moving grounds i think we're just seen as whingeing pricks who think we're something we're not.

Most chaps of my generation that have been following the club around over years feel the same its just not our club anymore.....Moyse gave us our little experience which we'll always be grateful for but beyond that i/we will just go with the flow now,we'll live and breathe the club and support them as always but hopes and aspirations are different now,again its not our club anymore so do with it what you will.....apologies for a late night ramble just bored out my mind and cant sleep !

Edited by gnasher16
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8 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Its funny with Moyse im not too fussed either way whether he stays or go's to be honest i think he's done a brilliant job getting all these " new fans " what they wanted 😉......but now having tasted a bit of European football,nicking a trophy and experiencing the things with your pals you dont think you'll ever experience as a West Ham fan i just feel a bit nonplussed about Moyse now.....as a club we gave up on everything we valued so to now make demands is a bit rich.

Good post mate.

Obviously you are at the coal face week in/week out but do you think people are “making demands” ?

Im sure some are because that the nature of football but we have always been a pretty humble lot, so is some of it not just lads who just want to see a bit of football ?

I know we can get all clever about finances and premier league survival and all that, but putting that aside I have always thought that when it comes down to it people from the areas that would be going down the hammers understand what a bit of proper football looks like and how the game should be played…..after all I’d personally say it’s one of the best footballing areas in the country from grass roots up so lads know what they are looking at.

Surely some just want to see the game played “right” (whatever anyones version of that is ?) 

8 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

On the way home from the game last night i was listening to Talksport and they had at least 3 Everton fans phone in talking about the nights games and all of them said they'd have Moyse back in a heart beat....which when you think of where they've gone since he left them is probably understandable,they was actually taking the piss out of West Ham fans for wanting him gone,with a " who the f**k do they think they are " attitude,which i think is a shame as i always booked us quite similar good traditional old fashioned clubs.....going to tournaments with England over the years i always saw how other fans tended to like West Hams following we was seen as chirpy cockneys always good humoured but realistic about who and what our club is,now since moving grounds i think we're just seen as whingeing pricks who think we're something we're not.

I think it’s Everton fans who have a cheek, they obviously have not studied what Moyes did when he came into that club.

He changed them from a normal team just winning some/loosing some and playing a bit of football into a defensive team who were perennial 10th placers.

f**k all wrong with 10th, but not if you have to sit through 38 games of absolute negative shite every season…..that’s not my cup of tea but if Everton fans like it then that’s down to them.

The things that have happened to Everton came from the level above management, Boardroom level I believe, so basically, those fans are talking out of the jacksy ! 

8 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Most chaps of my generation that have been following the club around over years feel the same its just not our club anymore.....Moyse gave us our little experience which we'll always be grateful for but beyond that i/we will just go with the flow now,we'll live and breathe the club and support them as always but hopes and aspirations are different now,again its not our club anymore so do with it what you will.....apologies for a late night ramble just bored out my mind and cant sleep !

Of course it’s your club, that’s why it’s important to remember the footballing pedigree of that area and the type of football getting played to this day at parks and little non league grounds all over that catchment…..

I know we disagree about this point but I don’t think having good facilities has to be at the expense of what you were always famous for, winning things and all that comes with it is nice but you don’t have to loose your soul to do it…..it’s too high a price. 

Produce youth, try and play some attractive football and let the cards fall where they will…..I don’t think that is “making demands” really mate, imho that’s just being what we always were surely ? 
There are plenty of coaches doing well at clubs very similar to us who are playing the game nice, they may not be winning European cups but who cares ?…..the game has to come first imho.

My aspirations as a fan go as far as “play some football”……anyway, I may see you in Dublin and we can bore the arsehole off everyone having this conversation in person ! Lol 

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14 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Its funny with Moyse im not too fussed either way whether he stays or go's to be honest i think he's done a brilliant job getting all these " new fans " what they wanted 😉......but now having tasted a bit of European football,nicking a trophy and experiencing the things with your pals you dont think you'll ever experience as a West Ham fan i just feel a bit nonplussed about Moyse now.....as a club we gave up on everything we valued so to now make demands is a bit rich.

On the way home from the game last night i was listening to Talksport and they had at least 3 Everton fans phone in talking about the nights games and all of them said they'd have Moyse back in a heart beat....which when you think of where they've gone since he left them is probably understandable,they was actually taking the piss out of West Ham fans for wanting him gone,with a " who the f**k do they think they are " attitude,which i think is a shame as i always booked us quite similar good traditional old fashioned clubs.....going to tournaments with England over the years i always saw how other fans tended to like West Hams following we was seen as chirpy cockneys always good humoured but realistic about who and what our club is,now since moving grounds i think we're just seen as whingeing pricks who think we're something we're not.

Most chaps of my generation that have been following the club around over years feel the same its just not our club anymore.....Moyse gave us our little experience which we'll always be grateful for but beyond that i/we will just go with the flow now,we'll live and breathe the club and support them as always but hopes and aspirations are different now,again its not our club anymore so do with it what you will.....apologies for a late night ramble just bored out my mind and cant sleep !

It must of been a case of 'distance lends enchantment ' with the evertonians ,I don't know one efc supporter who was sad to see him go ,he is a shoulder shrug of a manager ,much like Hodgson or Fat Sam ,he will organise a team ,make them hard to beat ,keep them safe ,,BUT sacrifices ambition or  risk ,and there is never attractive football without them ,in the end his negativity wears you down ,some managers make you dream ,he just puts you to sleep .

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36 minutes ago, Astanley said:

It must of been a case of 'distance lends enchantment ' with the evertonians ,I don't know one efc supporter who was sad to see him go ,he is a shoulder shrug of a manager ,much like Hodgson or Fat Sam ,he will organise a team ,make them hard to beat ,keep them safe ,,BUT sacrifices ambition or  risk ,and there is never attractive football without them ,in the end his negativity wears you down ,some managers make you dream ,he just puts you to sleep .

“A shoulder shrug of a manager”……perfect mate, absolutely perfect.

That’s him in a nutshell.

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2 hours ago, Astanley said:

It must of been a case of 'distance lends enchantment ' with the evertonians ,I don't know one efc supporter who was sad to see him go ,he is a shoulder shrug of a manager ,much like Hodgson or Fat Sam ,he will organise a team ,make them hard to beat ,keep them safe ,,BUT sacrifices ambition or  risk ,and there is never attractive football without them ,in the end his negativity wears you down ,some managers make you dream ,he just puts you to sleep .

The lads on the phone in thing had a " be careful what you wish for/grass is always greener " outlook ....it was interesting to listen to as they were knowledgeable fans with a " you lot have changed your tune " attitude regards West Ham.

The reality is we havent changed our tune at all the " new fans " who wanted to be a big club have.....laughably its Moyse who gave THEM everything they wanted but now they dont want him because he doesnt give us what we already had !!

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7 hours ago, WILF said:

Good post mate.

Obviously you are at the coal face week in/week out but do you think people are “making demands” ?


Yes they are demanding what we already had......sorry Wilf but it will always come back to the move with me.....maybe im just too scarred by it to move on i dont know :laugh:

7 hours ago, WILF said:


Im sure some are because that the nature of football but we have always been a pretty humble lot, so is some of it not just lads who just want to see a bit of football ?


No,its lads who want to see a bit of football that wins games and takes us to " the next level "......thats how yous all described it as i remember......we used to be pretty humble yes,now we have an entitlement.

7 hours ago, WILF said:


I know we can get all clever about finances and premier league survival and all that, but putting that aside I have always thought that when it comes down to it people from the areas that would be going down the hammers understand what a bit of proper football looks like and how the game should be played…..after all I’d personally say it’s one of the best footballing areas in the country from grass roots up so lads know what they are looking at.

Surely some just want to see the game played “right” (whatever anyones version of that is ?) 


I wouldnt disagree.....but that " seeing the game played right " went down the list of priorities when we moved....it got replaced by the thing you are putting aside.......again,its just not our club anymore mate...and we knew it would be like that.

8 hours ago, WILF said:


I think it’s Everton fans who have a cheek, they obviously have not studied what Moyes did when he came into that club.

He changed them from a normal team just winning some/loosing some and playing a bit of football into a defensive team who were perennial 10th placers.

f**k all wrong with 10th, but not if you have to sit through 38 games of absolute negative shite every season…..that’s not my cup of tea but if Everton fans like it then that’s down to them.

The things that have happened to Everton came from the level above management, Boardroom level I believe, so basically, those fans are talking out of the jacksy ! 


I cant speak for them but i understood their logic........an annual 10th or an annual relegation battle,better or worse ?

8 hours ago, WILF said:


Of course it’s your club, that’s why it’s important to remember the footballing pedigree of that area and the type of football getting played to this day at parks and little non league grounds all over that catchment…..


Its not my club anymore mate....these are my people yes but its no longer our club....we gave it away to the modern fans who were willing to sacrifice the footballing values you describe.


8 hours ago, WILF said:


I know we disagree about this point but I don’t think having good facilities has to be at the expense of what you were always famous for, winning things and all that comes with it is nice but you don’t have to loose your soul to do it…..it’s too high a price. 


But we dont have good facilities we just have a big flashy ground along with a global brand that makes us attractive to players like Paqueta who should be playing Champions League football.....as big clubs go we are the ultimate bullshitters !

8 hours ago, WILF said:

Produce youth, try and play some attractive football and let the cards fall where they will…..I don’t think that is “making demands” really mate, imho that’s just being what we always were surely ? 

And if that carefree attitude results in relegation we become Leeds or Forest......years and years in darkness before clawing our way back to where we already was.......again,we used to be little fun West Ham doing things our own way producing youth,playing some attractive football letting the cards fall where they will.......now its serious business and we're forced do whatever works.

8 hours ago, WILF said:

There are plenty of coaches doing well at clubs very similar to us who are playing the game nice, they may not be winning European cups but who cares ?…..the game has to come first imho.


Who cares....yous care,its why we became the club we are.......and what attacking/attractive football type of coach is going to want to come to a club who now have to rigidly ensure above anything else that we dont end up having those funny old relegation battles we had when we used to play good football ?

8 hours ago, WILF said:


My aspirations as a fan go as far as “play some football”……anyway, I may see you in Dublin and we can bore the arsehole off everyone having this conversation in person ! Lol 

aaaarrrrgghhhh !!! this is the thing that drives me mad.....before yous took the love of our lives away from us " becoming a global brand and attracting the worlds best players in order to go to the next level and win a trophy " was the name of the game.......now you just want to play some football again .......aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh !!

As you can probably tell im slightly damaged mate :laugh:....again no offence.......and yes i dare say we'd fill a few cups of rosie over this topic in the real world.

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2 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Yes they are demanding what we already had......sorry Wilf but it will always come back to the move with me.....maybe im just too scarred by it to move on i dont know :laugh:

No,its lads who want to see a bit of football that wins games and takes us to " the next level "......thats how yous all described it as i remember......we used to be pretty humble yes,now we have an entitlement.

I wouldnt disagree.....but that " seeing the game played right " went down the list of priorities when we moved....it got replaced by the thing you are putting aside.......again,its just not our club anymore mate...and we knew it would be like that.

I cant speak for them but i understood their logic........an annual 10th or an annual relegation battle,better or worse ?

Its not my club anymore mate....these are my people yes but its no longer our club....we gave it away to the modern fans who were willing to sacrifice the footballing values you describe.


But we dont have good facilities we just have a big flashy ground along with a global brand that makes us attractive to players like Paqueta who should be playing Champions League football.....as big clubs go we are the ultimate bullshitters !

And if that carefree attitude results in relegation we become Leeds or Forest......years and years in darkness before clawing our way back to where we already was.......again,we used to be little fun West Ham doing things our own way producing youth,playing some attractive football letting the cards fall where they will.......now its serious business and we're forced do whatever works.

Who cares....yous care,its why we became the club we are.......and what attacking/attractive football type of coach is going to want to come to a club who now have to rigidly ensure above anything else that we dont end up having those funny old relegation battles we had when we used to play good football ?

aaaarrrrgghhhh !!! this is the thing that drives me mad.....before yous took the love of our lives away from us " becoming a global brand and attracting the worlds best players in order to go to the next level and win a trophy " was the name of the game.......now you just want to play some football again .......aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh !!

As you can probably tell im slightly damaged mate :laugh:....again no offence.......and yes i dare say we'd fill a few cups of rosie over this topic in the real world.

Yep, fair opinion mate…..not saying I agree totally but I don’t think you are metal for holding those views, it’s all reasonable enough. 
Very hard to get the nuance of a conversation over in the written word so that’s  why these things get a bit 6s & 7s from time to time. 

How’s your little club doing, been meaning to catch up and give them a watch this week but haven’t got round to it. 

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8 hours ago, WILF said:

…anyway, I may see you in Dublin and we can bore the arsehole off everyone having this conversation in person ! Lol 

And yes i didnt quite twig there.......cant see it now mate Leverkusen are some side we was unlucky drawing them but who knows eh

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