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1 hour ago, gnasher16 said:

I can watch a game at any level or any venue and get pleasure from it but naturally you like to see " the best " do it occasionally and unfortunately that comes at a cost both moral and financial....re Billericay ive dipped my toes in the water again recently mate :cry:....much lower level,less expectancy etc hope for a better outcome than before.....raising our attendance from 2 figures to 3 is the first goal 😂....i'll have a look for that Youtube thing sounds a good gig.

Well, you won’t get rich mate but if it’s breaks even and you enjoy yourself doing something that benefits the community then that ain’t bad is it.

Local to you is it ?

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10 minutes ago, WILF said:

Was the mighty Joe Bolton playing ?

No, he wouldn't have been trusted. Leeds would have targeted him and he would have willingly accepted the bait and been sent off. He was not what you would call an intelligent, subtle or creative player. If players were rated he would not be adult content, he would have been triple xxx.

Amazing how the game has changed. Way way back I remember an Arsenal centre half, Ian [BANNED TEXT]. He marked Denis Law one week . He literally spat at, thumped and kicked Law the whole game. The spit was captured in a photograph published by the sports papers.

Man Utd signed him  the next week and  he and Law were pictured in training  with their arms around each other laughing their heads off.

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30 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Leeds' style


It’s all a bit “old boys” talk mate, but I think there are not enough teams who know how to win ugly these days…..it used to be a skill teams had in the locker.

Now of course it’s all non league stuff really, but some games ain’t all wonderful passing football, sometimes you have to get in and f**k stuff up…then, when you are under the opponents skin you can play your football.

Maul em, roll em, bruise em, stick your foot in and make it bobble about, hit with an early half late challenge…..I think the top flight game is poorer without those things.

Its easy to play against players who are Mr Nice, let’s all play fair….that don’t take no effort at all.

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38 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I’ve never understood why Sunderland fans hold Joe Bolton in such high regard, Charlie Hurley was a far better defender for them.


That’s you on “Ze List” ! Lol 

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1 hour ago, WILF said:

Well, you won’t get rich mate but if it’s breaks even and you enjoy yourself doing something that benefits the community then that ain’t bad is it.

Local to you is it ?

Just a little local club thats it,as you say its not about making money the biggest thing was securing the future of the club/ground what with so many clubs going to the wall and then getting eaten up by developers....we've managed to get 10 years of what's called ACV which is Asset of Community Value so now its just a matter of how far we can go on the competitive side....i think one of your old clubs is propping up our league Grays ? or have i made that up....its just a nice little interest to be involved in and a slight improvement on the football im watching down the Hammers at the minute 🤣

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38 minutes ago, WILF said:

It’s all a bit “old boys” talk mate, but I think there are not enough teams who know how to win ugly these days…..it used to be a skill teams had in the locker.

Now of course it’s all non league stuff really, but some games ain’t all wonderful passing football, sometimes you have to get in and f**k stuff up…then, when you are under the opponents skin you can play your football.

Maul em, roll em, bruise em, stick your foot in and make it bobble about, hit with an early half late challenge…..I think the top flight game is poorer without those things.

Its easy to play against players who are Mr Nice, let’s all play fair….that don’t take no effort at all.

I dont know what its like in Ireland but i think theres a bit of a misconception about lower league and non league football as regards the " get stuck in " attitude.....referees are bound by the same rules from top to bottom and are clamping right down even at non league level......the Bremner/Norman Hunter types will not be missed in my opinion but you're right there has to be a certain amount of physicality or you just dont have the same sport.....seems like todays physical battles are more about fitness levels than strength/aggression.

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15 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Just a little local club thats it,as you say its not about making money the biggest thing was securing the future of the club/ground what with so many clubs going to the wall and then getting eaten up by developers....we've managed to get 10 years of what's called ACV which is Asset of Community Value so now its just a matter of how far we can go on the competitive side....i think one of your old clubs is propping up our league Grays ? or have i made that up....its just a nice little interest to be involved in and a slight improvement on the football im watching down the Hammers at the minute 🤣

Yes mate, Grays Athletic…..the hammers used to do the occasional pre season friendly down there at their old ground (it’s all flats and houses now ! ) 

Remember that Marco Boogers (think that was his name) who Harry signed ?……disaster of a player ! Lol 

Watched him play for the hammers down there, diabolical mate….poor f****r took dogs abuse that evening.

I like the sound of that “community asset” thing, get someone enthusiastic doing the youth side, put a load of teams together from U5 to U18 and they can’t take that away from you then, it’s a good revenue stream as well, get all the mums and dads bringing the kids and coming along to games to watch the first team …….before you know it, you have created something fantastic. 

From football supporter to supporter of football…..and doing what we always gas about, a native bloke doing something for his community.

Win/win mate, good on you.

Edited by WILF
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Just now, gnasher16 said:

I dont know what its like in Ireland but i think theres a bit of a misconception about lower league and non league football as regards the " get stuck in " attitude.....referees are bound by the same rules from top to bottom and are clamping right down even at non league level......the Bremner/Norman Hunter types will not be missed in my opinion but you're right there has to be a certain amount of physicality or you just dont have the same sport.....seems like todays physical battles are more about fitness levels than strength/aggression.

It’s more upper body than smashing the granny out of a blokes ankles now mate, but I think they allow more Lee way at lower leagues/non league than you see at the top of the tree…..no var and no play station nerds to keep happy down there.


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1 hour ago, WILF said:

It’s all a bit “old boys” talk mate, but I think there are not enough teams who know how to win ugly these days…..it used to be a skill teams had in the locker.

Now of course it’s all non league stuff really, but some games ain’t all wonderful passing football, sometimes you have to get in and f**k stuff up…then, when you are under the opponents skin you can play your football.

Maul em, roll em, bruise em, stick your foot in and make it bobble about, hit with an early half late challenge…..I think the top flight game is poorer without those things.

Its easy to play against players who are Mr Nice, let’s all play fair….that don’t take no effort at all.

Everything in moderation. I played with a bloke who thought he'd had a good game if he hurt as many opposition players as he could. We found him an embarrassment. And eventually he was told to f**k off by us all even though he was a very good mate and a decent player.

I think the only time somebody seriously  intended to hurt me was when I was elbowed right on the Adam's apple whe I was defending a corner. I couldn't breathe properly for ten minutes and had to come off. I was a bit naive and I thought it was an accident until the other lads told me different. Apparently he was well known for it. The sod didn't come anywhere near me for the rest of the game.

Football isn't a martial art. And even those sports have rules. Sneaky violent and dangerous play is something we could do without in the game but the game has lost its physicality and robustness. The new rules are aren't fit for purpose. They 'fixed' something which  wasn't broken.

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

Everything in moderation. I played with a bloke who thought he'd had a good game if he hurt as many opposition players as he could. We found him an embarrassment. And eventually he was told to f**k off by us all even though he was a very good mate and a decent player.

I think the only time somebody seriously  intended to hurt me was when I was elbowed right on the Adam's apple whe I was defending a corner. I couldn't breathe properly for ten minutes and had to come off. I was a bit naive and I thought it was an accident until the other lads told me different. Apparently he was well known for it. The sod didn't come anywhere near me for the rest of the game.

Football isn't a martial art. And even those sports have rules. Sneaky violent and dangerous play is something we could do without in the game but the game has lost its physicality and robustness. The new rules are aren't fit for purpose. They 'fixed' something which  wasn't broken.

I think the “thug” player is bigger in the remembering than they ever were in actual reality…..fact is, there just wasn’t that many.

There were good, physical lads who asked for no quarter and gave none, tackled at 100mph but always good and fair, contested every header and meant it, wouldn’t back out of a 50/50, would be wrestling and having a pull but mostly just with the arms and using the upper body……the absolute donkeys were rare.

Sometimes full speed tackles go wrong and then they inevitably look bad but that ain’t the story of the player and it’s no reason to just not make them.

If you contest headers you will from time to time go through the back of someone, get your brow split, split someone else’s, cop a bang to the head…..again, that’s not a dirty player, that’s just a physical player.

If you are a forward using your upper arms and shoulders to get in front of a defender you will occasionally catch one up the chops and vice versa, you will get your heels caught as you run across him….all of which people cry about now but are in reality the ordinary, good part and parcel of the game.

All this VAR has made everyone Fanny’s mate.

Physical isn’t the same as dirty (although the very rare and occasional bit of dirt don’t go amiss if required) 

Absolute donkeys don’t play football for a long time imho because they ain’t players. 

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