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Leave the mods alone and get outdoors?Pics from your walk ?

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5 hours ago, Greyman said:

If you ever do go there the wine shop is an experience my misses was three parts pissed last time the geezer in the shop obviously likes the wine a bit to much and was just cracking open expensive bottles just for the misses to taste, fabulous baker boys have the bakery and the butcher sells lots of game great deli and fish restaurant nothings cheap but a nice day out 

That sounds like a top day out gm 👍.

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Ok I wil start, lovely morning 2 degrees and sunny, so been out walking from valley floor to ridge top, very little about apart from someone else’s pheasants that kept the dogs amused for an hour, few

Put a bit of meat on the table yesterday

just got back from fishing...

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Little wander out buzzard sat in the top of the pylon calling had six others circling above it before it joined them water finally getting drawn up by new growth it’s all happening again love it 







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4 minutes ago, Arry said:

What a morning frost just giving. Out with Ferrets.





Cheers Arry

Beautiful day mate enjoy, I'm in an indoor pool while kids have their training , it's a bit tropical....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick run out with the dogs early as I had to take the misses into town at 10 anyways saw this on the river sadly I was in a rush and couldn’t stalk up on it looked like an eagret but was 3ft tall and seemed a bit different 



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13 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Quick run out with the dogs early as I had to take the misses into town at 10 anyways saw this on the river sadly I was in a rush and couldn’t stalk up on it looked like an eagret but was 3ft tall and seemed a bit different 



Think in might be "The Great White Egret" Mate.

One I photographed last year. About the size of a Heron and fishes in a similar way to a Heron.


Cheers Arry

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29 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Quick run out with the dogs early as I had to take the misses into town at 10 anyways saw this on the river sadly I was in a rush and couldn’t stalk up on it looked like an eagret but was 3ft tall and seemed a bit different 



Been seeing more and more Egrets about by us on the ponds. Was in Looe last June a tree on the river bank was heaving with them. 

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1 hour ago, Arry said:

Think in might be "The Great White Egret" Mate.

One I photographed last year. About the size of a Heron and fishes in a similar way to a Heron.


Cheers Arry

Spot on mate that’s it, used to seeing them small ones all the time with   Slim bridge and the foreshore just down the road brings a lot of visitors there is also a colony of storks two mile down the canal but I’ve only seen them in flight


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