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Leave the mods alone and get outdoors?Pics from your walk ?

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1 hour ago, mackem said:

Never heard of ousting spring?Silkie when I was there had nothing in,must be stocked?

Yes they do a yearly take then restock with the EA same as fatfield over Washington as that is another decent coarse pond 

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Ok I wil start, lovely morning 2 degrees and sunny, so been out walking from valley floor to ridge top, very little about apart from someone else’s pheasants that kept the dogs amused for an hour, few

Put a bit of meat on the table yesterday

just got back from fishing...

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5 minutes ago, BEARINATOR said:

Yes they do a yearly take then restock with the EA same as fatfield over Washington as that is another decent coarse pond 

Fatfield is another pond that had no fish in back then.

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Swan was attacked on the nest and had 10 eggs stolen a while back but she has rebuilt and is trying again, 4 eggs last night when I had a peak the cormorant only has one wing and has been here for a few years and the river frome in the morning sun 




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Just put a camera up on the swans nest she had 10 eggs but was attacked on here nest just before they hatched and eggs stolen there was a vixen with cubs in the marina at the time but I thought it more likely to be an otter attacked her and eggs scavenged by fox’s shes on 4 eggs last time I looked, also my lads spinning a 72 footer round in the marina and the weights on the end of the crane arm is full off screaming jackdaw chicks ?




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Playing field right in the middle of Bentham....must of been 100 rabbits sat out. Sat right out in the middle as well, we were nearer to them than they were to cover. Sign of the times I guess that none of the local kids were chasing em with dogs or catapults. Good to see em back though, I've not seen rabbits like that for 20 years




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