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Leave the mods alone and get outdoors?Pics from your walk ?

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4 hours ago, mackem said:

Freezing earlier down to -21 with windchill,went to feed the trail out the back and checked out a few places for ice fishing next week to see if the ice is thick enough,even the river is freezing over,got a coffee afterwards and went to the seating area in cabelas to warm up and read some magazines.










Great pic's mate. I have watched a few American squirrel hunting clips and often see a few variations in colour. 

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7 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Great pic's mate. I have watched a few American squirrel hunting clips and often see a few variations in colour. 

There's lots of melanistic eastern grey local tats,they show up really well against the snow,the tiny one is a red,temps are dropping daily,soon be time for ice fishing its going to -20 today,will be lower with windchill.

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29 minutes ago, mackem said:

There's lots of melanistic eastern grey local tats,they show up really well against the snow,the tiny one is a red,temps are dropping daily,soon be time for ice fishing its going to -20 today,will be lower with windchill.

when’s it warm mack ? 

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Had a mooch about this morning, i got out in dark just before sunrise, avoid all cragrats. Seen a few more pheasants knocking about , seen 3 roe in the thermal at bottom of a wood. Normally great views here, but was very foggy a pea souper. And only seen 1 Walker as I headed back to the motor . No great pics , fog ruined it. 




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Went just outside town yesterday to feed the birds,saw three different species of woodpecker including a pileated which is maybe a foot and a half long,I could hear it then saw it flying from a tree it had been hammering so couldn't get a pic.









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1 hour ago, Arry said:

Shot the long nets three times for five rabbit and two of them buggers we had to dig. A farm track trying to get the pins in was a right b*****d. Still good to be out.




Cheers Arry



Some nice country Arry 👍🏻

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