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Leave the mods alone and get outdoors?Pics from your walk ?

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Ok I wil start, lovely morning 2 degrees and sunny, so been out walking from valley floor to ridge top, very little about apart from someone else’s pheasants that kept the dogs amused for an hour, few

Put a bit of meat on the table yesterday

Walked in a small creek in town today.I seen bubbles.I knew it was a yearling otter.I sat and watched him hunt. I didn't move as otter can't see good.He made his way right to my feet.He was

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Absolutely pissing down but thought I’d take the dog out anyways sluices wide open on the canal, river frome will burst it’s banks into the fields in the next hour or two surprising how much stuff was out had a few runs on rabbits and three squirrels way out from cover ever flushed a green woodpecker hiding under a walnut tree soaked through but really enjoyed it 




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18 hours ago, Greyman said:

Absolutely pissing down but thought I’d take the dog out anyways sluices wide open on the canal, river frome will burst it’s banks into the fields in the next hour or two surprising how much stuff was out had a few runs on rabbits and three squirrels way out from cover ever flushed a green woodpecker hiding under a walnut tree soaked through but really enjoyed it 




That's another bird i haven't seen around me for a while the green woodpecker. Though I like the name yaffle they are called by some. Though I see plenty of lesser and great spotted woodpeckers regular. 

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5 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

That's another bird i haven't seen around me for a while the green woodpecker. Though I like the name yaffle they are called by some. Though I see plenty of lesser and great spotted woodpeckers regular. 

Same as tomo loads here hear them most days and see them regular also the black and white ones not sure if it’s lesser or greater always confuses me I know it’s the more common of the two I see regularly I,m blessed were I am moored as it’s right bang on a migration route so as well as the plentiful residents get lots of interesting ones passing through had an osprey last year 

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Got a few days to kill as going to Syracuse (new York state) for the weekend,had a decent day in Niagara and going to Toronto tomorrow.

A fifth of the world's fresh water flows over the falls,saw an osprey and got soaked.












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8 minutes ago, low plains drifter said:

Looks nice there Mack 

It's 4am here, I'm dehydrated cannot sleep, had to get up for water and cookies

I'm like this


I have just been down to watch the falls light up and the fireworks on the American side.









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5 minutes ago, mackem said:

Toronto,shopping and the CN Tower.









Quality set of pics those mate! They've brought some nice memories back for me. Myself and wifey visited Toronto and Nigeria on for our first wedding anniversary back in 2003 and it's actually our 22 anniversary tomorrow!! So it's 21 years ago since we were there as 26 year olds. I'd like to go back some day with our daughters and have meal up the CN Tower like we and wifey did back then. One day hopefully!!

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