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Lead Ban C*ckup?

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With non toxic reportedly showing some better terminal results than lead, it appears that in small low energy calibres, they can be not as accurate.

It appears the transition period may no longer long enough for small calibre bullets.


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There is apparently a stumpy 100gn 6mm bullet. Some manufacturers are speeding up the twist on 243w barrels. It's utter bigotry and prejudice driving this. My advice is stock up and hide it.

a ban on lead ammunition is what BASC had wanted?,

Most common is 1/10, as far as I’m aware it’s because it will stabilise a 100gn round ( lead )( i could be wrong im not very technical) mine shoots 90’s  better than 100’s a lad I know has been u

Yes it will be a disaster for target shooting in UK , varminting become expensive and have to be made with bigger calibers. Old shotguns almost useless. I cant see why they ban target shooting with lead as you can pick it up/filter it from the range if you need the area for different use. Different caliber classification? a .243win may not stabilize a 100gr copper bullets.

Edited by KimE
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Talk of a buy back on calibres that will be of no use ie .22 ,17 and the hornets .but can’t see it myself .Just another fold to the antis .Apparently France who buy a lot of our processed shot game from dealers have stated they won’t buy steel shot anymore as the shot rusts in the journey to their outlets .Couldn’t make that up tbh .Be some cheap small calibres about soon for sure .

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  On 01/01/2023 at 16:32, foxdropper said:

What’s the standard twist of a tikka in 243 please 


Most common is 1/10, as far as I’m aware it’s because it will stabilise a 100gn round ( lead )( i could be wrong im not very technical) mine shoots 90’s  better than 100’s

a lad I know has been using non lead on deer in his .243 for over a year now and he’s had no problems with them other than the price, I think he uses 85’s or 90’s

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That’s a shame as he knows a lot more than me about these things 

he was using sako and nosler but had supply problems with them, so started using Winchester ( think they are 85’s) and hasn’t had any problems with them 

he still uses lead ballistic tip for foxes because like me he’s not a fan of sp’s for fox, but they are getting harder to get hold of now, I’ve not been able to get hold of any Sako 70’s BT for months now 

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  On 01/01/2023 at 16:27, Sausagedog said:

I don't quite understand KimE but will add that they have speeded up the twist of 243.


SAAMI specification for .243win are 1/10 //saami.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ANSI-SAAMI-Z299.4-CFR-Approved-2015-12-14-Posting-Copy.pdf

Then Remington discovered they had a disadvantage for the .244rem its only stabilizing 90gr bullets they had to make a renaming to 6mm rem with a faster twistrate to compete with .243win who had already became popular. A new example are 6,8Westerner who is a shorter 270wssm with a faster twistrate to take heavy bullets. If new ammunition get produced what old rifles cant handle the customers will get confused, of cause a reloader will have a benefit of the faster twistrate.


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