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1 minute ago, Daniel cain said:

Sandy,no offense pal but you truly are deluded, if you think today's problems are only because of the Tories...they inherited the NHS, Immigration problems and a ton of other shit... all from your mates New Labour who was in power beforehand....and just to top it off,They Ban hunting with dogs and made us all,and our children after us ,criminals for doing what we love...I would rather my balls turn black,and fall off before I ever considered voting for any of the main party's...everyone of them is corrupt,they are a cancer that needs removing as soon as...

Look at the funding, I was a nurse under labour and the conservatives and trust me I and my patients were much better off under labour.

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Sandy seems to think if you are anti Labour, anti EU and think having Corbyn, Mc Donnell and Abbot running the country is absolutely insane, you are automatically a Tory ! Well, no, I voted Labou

Why would the government and big energy companies want to invest money into ways people can live off-grid and independent from them??  It's a business and the world is a business. It has nothing

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1 minute ago, sandymere said:

Lots of words but little value in real terms, for that you should look at funding, its the crux...


Key facts about the funding of the NHS. Has the NHS got enough resources. How does our spending on health compare with other countries. What about the staffing...



Read what i posted, its part of a plan to privatise the NHS that's been going on for decades, As for funding, well you lost that argument when The NHS is spending millions on diversity!. multi coloured rainbows painted everywhere and actual diversity managers that Told me all i needed to know about funding, 

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1 minute ago, sandymere said:

Look at the funding, I was a nurse under labour and the conservatives and trust me I and my patients were much better off under labour.

They were planning to sell the bed from under your noses. 

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2 minutes ago, sandymere said:

Lots of words but little value in real terms, for that you should look at funding, its the crux...


Key facts about the funding of the NHS. Has the NHS got enough resources. How does our spending on health compare with other countries. What about the staffing...



The nhs would be fine if your mate Blair hadn’t opened it up to the world which you still fully support and want to encourage your just an ideologist like the rest of your comrades it ain’t working it’s taking us all down the pan and it’s time to pull up the drawbridge and take care of us and our own 

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Just now, sandymere said:

Look at the funding, I was a nurse under labour and the conservatives and trust me I and my patients were much better off under labour.

Is that because you have to actually do some proper work then these days under the Tories???

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28 minutes ago, TOMO said:

that is such a generalisation. ..

not necessarily working class to be left wing

and so on....

is it OK to be centred anymore? grab a bit from both sides etc..

Left wing or right wing neither have it right imo

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Would be  a refreshing change if suddenly along came a party ,that had the people's best interests at heart ,and actually listened to the people and our suggestions on what we need from area to area ...maybe if it was voluntary and you didn't get payed it would remove the cancer of today  current crop of  MP'S ???

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5 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Would be  a refreshing change if suddenly along came a party ,that had the people's best interests at heart ,and actually listened to the people and our suggestions on what we need from area to area ...maybe if it was voluntary and you didn't get payed it would remove the cancer of today  current crop of  MP'S ???

As long as people see Labour or Conservatives as the only choices it will never happen, I voted conservatives last time as I couldn't stand the thought of Corbyn in charge of the country and Abbot anywhere near a cabinet role... I'd do the same again tomorrow if that was the alternative! lol

The whole world has gone mad over the last few years and no one in power in any country can legislate for what we have seen, Covid was a world wide issue that had similar responses from every major countries leaders, lock downs were disastrous for economy and eventually it would seem peoples health, but it wasn't just this country.

Brexit, energy crisis, Ukraine, Covid etc... there has been no stability around the world for a few years so in this country it's the conservatives fault as they are in power, they've not done much to change peoples opinion though and quite frankly it's an embarrassment how the party have acted.

I think many people are now looking for a major change, and there has never been a better time for a break up of the monopoly we have seen with the 2  main parties.... 

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1 hour ago, sandymere said:
41 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Sandy,no offense pal but you truly are deluded, if you think today's problems are only because of the Tories...they inherited the NHS, Immigration problems and a ton of other shit... all from your mates New Labour who was in power beforehand....and just to top it off,They Ban hunting with dogs and made us all,and our children after us ,criminals for doing what we love...I would rather my balls turn black,and fall off before I ever considered voting for any of the main party's...everyone of them is corrupt,they are a cancer that needs removing as soon as...


even look at schools dc i was at secondary school when labour got in we went from haveing cooked meals and a big choice to have a burger bar canteen burger and chips  

i can’t believe sandy thinks the working class are left wing the loon ? 

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1 minute ago, mC HULL said:

even look at schools dc i was at secondary school when labour got in we went from haveing cooked meals and a big choice to have a burger bar canteen burger and chips  

i can’t believe sandy thinks the working class are left wing the loon ? 

That c**t Blair come to my school done some speech talking shit funny cos our canteen was full of choice. Then was just pizza and chips and burgers 

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Just now, lurcherman 887 said:

That c**t Blair come to my school done some speech talking shit funny cos our canteen was full of choice. Then was just pizza and chips and burgers 

same mate cd burger bar 

before that the dinner lady’s cooked loads a stuff from fresh 

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2 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

even look at schools dc i was at secondary school when labour got in we went from haveing cooked meals and a big choice to have a burger bar canteen burger and chips  

i can’t believe sandy thinks the working class are left wing the loon ? 

? nuts you came out with that...but it's a FACT!!!??

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