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Sandy seems to think if you are anti Labour, anti EU and think having Corbyn, Mc Donnell and Abbot running the country is absolutely insane, you are automatically a Tory ! Well, no, I voted Labou

Why would the government and big energy companies want to invest money into ways people can live off-grid and independent from them??  It's a business and the world is a business. It has nothing

Other than knocking lights off,stuff off standby,we have carried on regardless since all these energy price hikes started....Gas, Electric and the mortgage,is just shy of £1200 per month,add fuel to g

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2 hours ago, chartpolski said:

wants to hand over sovereignty and law making of the U.K. to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels.



Brexiters claim that the EU is run by unelected bureaucrats. It’s a laughable claim because it’s untrue. The EU is a democracy, run by elected Contrary to...



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24 minutes ago, sandymere said:

Oh yeah he was left wing 

May be an image of text that says "The greatest threat to Britain is the Hard Right that gave us austerity, the Bedroom Tax and Brexit. Not the Hard Left that gave us the NHS. Harry Leslie Smith"

Well, it was you who first mentioned Hitler, thus invoking "Godwins Law", and immediately losing the argument.

But, I'll see your Hitler, and raise you some of Labours "heroes";

Chairman Mao,




Ho Ci Minh,


Kim Jong-Un,


Hugo Chavez,


Fidel Castro,


And, of course the man who idolised all of the above, the man you want as Prime Minister,

Comrade Corbyn !





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3 minutes ago, sandymere said:

Brexiters claim that the EU is run by unelected bureaucrats. It’s a laughable claim because it’s untrue. The EU is a democracy, run by elected Contrary to...




17 minutes ago, sandymere said:

May be an image of text that says "Chevron bp EXXON Mobil Shell Last year, Shell made $21.7 BILLION in profit, and bragged about its "momentous year." Last year, Chevron made $15.7 BILLION in profit, calling 2021 its "most successful year ever." Last year, BP made $14.8 BILLION in profit, and touted its "highest profits in 8 years." Last year, Exxon made $23.2 BILLION in profit, and boasted about its "highest cash flow since 2012." THESE HIGH GAS PRICES ARE CORPORATE PRICE GOUGING ON A MASSIVE SCALE."

as for that...I think we would all agree these companies are taking the piss

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

Well, it was you who first mentioned Hitler, thus invoking "Godwins Law", and immediately losing the argument.

But, I'll see your Hitler, and raise you some of Labours "heroes";

Chairman Mao,




Ho Ci Minh,


Kim Jong-Un,


Hugo Chavez,


Fidel Castro,


And, of course the man who idolised all of the above, the man you want as Prime Minister,

Comrade Corbyn !





Game set and fckn match

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17 minutes ago, sandymere said:

May be an image of text that says "I'm Proud to be Left Wing it means I'm working class it means I care about the poor it means I care about the ill it means care about our NHS it means care about the homeless But Most of all it means I'm not a self centred greedy bastard"

So what do you actually do apart from care for all those people do you do volunteering at a homeless shelter, soup kitchens, give a percentage of your wages over or do you just sit back like a little limp wristed lettuce telling everyone how much you care about all these people whilst doing nothing about it apart from posting stupid little memes to make yourself feel better ?

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2 hours ago, paulus said:

Have a read

The New Labour approach was later summed up by Blair’s Pensions Secretary John Hutton in a 2007 speech to the CBI in which he argued that the “core” of the reform programme including “an open minded approach to who provides” – was being “built into the DNA of our public service infrastructure.”

etc Stc

Lots of words but little value in real terms, for that you should look at funding, its the crux...


Key facts about the funding of the NHS. Has the NHS got enough resources. How does our spending on health compare with other countries. What about the staffing...



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Sandy,no offense pal but you truly are deluded, if you think today's problems are only because of the Tories...they inherited the NHS, Immigration problems and a ton of other shit... all from your mates New Labour who was in power beforehand....and just to top it off,They Ban hunting with dogs and made us all,and our children after us ,criminals for doing what we love...I would rather my balls turn black,and fall off before I ever considered voting for any of the main party's...everyone of them is corrupt,they are a cancer that needs removing as soon as...

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Just now, Greyman said:

So what do you actually do apart from care for all those people do you do volunteering at a homeless shelter, soup kitchens, give a percentage of your wages over or do you just sit back like a little limp wristed lettuce telling everyone how much you care about all these people whilst doing nothing about it apart from posting stupid little memes to make yourself feel better ?

I start by not repeatedly insulting the nursing profession. ?

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