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5 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Free will? Bollocks. So Adam used his free will to nick an apple. Therefore, hundreds of cursed  generations later, we have all got to suffer for his mistake. Bit f****n severe of JC that isn't it? Whatever happened to the idea of forgiveness and love? Chill out God we've suffered enough.

Wasn’t Adam and Eve pre JC mate .Might be wrong but JC couldn’t of known Adam ?

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Not as simple as that. Theres a "buffer zone " around abortion clinics, to stop protesters harassing women going into the clinics. This woman has form for this, and runs some sort of anti ab

There are many medical and personal reasons to abort a fetus and seeing as you don't own a womb,what the fcuk has it got to do with you except to push your warped god shit upon people?... .

should only be available for victims of rape/abuse and on medical grounds imo ....NOT because your to lazy to put something on it or got no elastic in your draws....

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4 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Not all evil is about wealth Francie .More wars started over faith than money .

No they didnt start because of faith,they started because man wanted to conquer imo an used it as an excuse

In the ot God did tell certain people to go an kill certain people, because they were evil,padeos,cannabils,sacraficing children to there 'gods'

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2 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Wasn’t Adam and Eve pre JC mate .Might be wrong but JC couldn’t of known Adam ?

That's another huge anomaly, mate.

Jesus never claimed to be God or the son of god, in fact he went out of his way to say he was the son of man.

early Christians never thought of him as god, it was only hundreds of years after his death, at the Council of Nicea, that they voted to make him god.

Just like they voted which scriptures would be in the bible and which ones wouldn't.

The bible and the scriptures are full of contradictions.


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2 minutes ago, Francie, said:

No they didnt start because of faith,they started because man wanted to conquer imo an used it as an excuse

In the ot God did tell certain people to go an kill certain people, because they were evil,padeos,cannabils,sacraficing children to there 'gods'

They did start because of faith mate .Christians went to war  in the Middle East over their god back before oil was ever found .In fact Christians have gone to war  with every other faith just because it was different and they wanted to stamp their faith on the world .

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Just now, Francie, said:

Im just a simple man lads i aint got all the answers to life,iv my faith an thats were im standing, so why dont you ask God himself these questions lol im going out way dogs to get some fresh air

Dont be nicking any apples Francie, or else we are  all fecked.?

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Just now, foxdropper said:

They did start because of faith mate .Christians went to war  in the Middle East over their god back before oil was ever found .In fact Christians have gone to war  with every other faith just because it was different and they wanted to stamp their faith on the world .

Wasn't a good idea for England supporters to be dressed as crusaders in Quatar. Good job there was no booze about, could have been ugly.

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3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Im just a simple man lads i aint got all the answers to life,iv my faith an thats were im standing, so why dont you ask God himself these questions lol im going out way dogs to get some fresh air

Understand Francie .If the most holy members of the faith don’t have the answers to simple questions ,why would a commoner .No hurt meant mate .

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4 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

That's another huge anomaly, mate.

Jesus never claimed to be God or the son of god, in fact he went out of his way to say he was the son of man.

early Christians never thought of him as god, it was only hundreds of years after his death, at the Council of Nicea, that they voted to make him god.

Just like they voted which scriptures would be in the bible and which ones wouldn't.

The bible and the scriptures are full of contradictions.


Thats bollocks charts, put up your contradictions to we hear them mate.

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