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Hi all, On an average day when I go out I Might catch 3 or 4 rabbits. This is not alot I know but my hob always kills and lies up under ground. This slows down the day alot and I am sure I could catch more if only the rabbits bolted. I feed my ferrets well before I bring them out so i was wondering does anyone have any tips or is there nothing I can do??


thanks, Richard

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Well Richard there are a few things you could do


1. Put a muzzle on the big lad He would bolt rabbits quickly ( not recommended as he may meet something that can bite harder than he can.

2. Get a locater & collar (not forgetting a good spade)

3. Use smaller Gills ( 2 is better than 1)I would still recommend a Locater)


What ever you do don't give up

Good hunting :victory: :victory:

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take no notice of number 1, muzzels are a thing of the past,


are we to assume you only have a hob?

most people use jills as they are quicker at clearing a warren, entering a hob if the rabbits arnt budging sometimes gets them bolting, but as hobs are bigger, therefore slower, expecting a single hob to cover all the holes without getting tired, is asking a lot, I'd suggest get yourself a jill, and definatly get a locator :thumbs:

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ive had quite a few ferrets and think ive had 3 hobs and the one i got now is only aboout 3 inches bigger than the average size jill

and he is the best worker ive ever had.a hob will always be slower than a jill but get a good hob and he does the job.

whats the problem about waiting? ive never used a locator or anything and the longest ive waited is an hour.

if u love your ferrets then u will wait patiently for him

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there will always be difference of opinions on locators or not,


those of us that clear rabbits for pest control as well as sport will always opt for locators, as I see it as a waste of daylight, waiting at a burrow thats empty, for an hour or two,


and the quote;if u love your ferrets then u will wait patiently for him

the same could be said

if you love your ferrets, you will get them a locator


small area's with prehaps 6 holes, not so much of a problem, but what if your ferreting a large warren, 20 plus holes, brambles etc, running a 200yd longnet around, unless you have a small army of helpers/spotters with you (which you dont want) how can you garentee the fert aint gonna wander off from a miss looked bolt hole, and LOST

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Its maybe me but whats the problem. i work jills but i know if i put my two oldest silvers or albino's down a burrow and the rabbit dont bolt its a spade job .Thats why i use them last three times iv'e been out iv'e dug more than iv'e ferreted but i can just see the farmers face when a hour after i leave his farm bald arsed rabbits start coming out the burrows i dont think i'd be welcome on that farm again .

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there will always be difference of opinions on locators or not,


those of us that clear rabbits for pest control as well as sport will always opt for locators, as I see it as a waste of daylight, waiting at a burrow thats empty, for an hour or two,


and the quote;if u love your ferrets then u will wait patiently for him

the same could be said

if you love your ferrets, you will get them a locator


small area's with prehaps 6 holes, not so much of a problem, but what if your ferreting a large warren, 20 plus holes, brambles etc, running a 200yd longnet around, unless you have a small army of helpers/spotters with you (which you dont want) how can you garentee the fert aint gonna wander off from a miss looked bolt hole, and LOST


Yes for a locater Wait for an hour if he is 7ft down or dig him out in 2mns if he's a foot down but at least you will know where he is.

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