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Chicken killers

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68BF8B01-B720-41D1-9260-77CB56CEC843.jpeg.e8f7dd4dd7cf160069aee4e027f6f73b.jpeg7CD5C016-7E15-447A-820F-B551308799E4.jpeg.952eabfd61e21c6ec29cbb9441136414.jpegOk so the chicken shed saga isn’t quite over yet .The losses from a while back pale into insignificance when faced with 475 dead chickens all killed not suffocated. .I’m starting to think that one fox does the hard work by digging under and killing a few then others join in the kill at will afterwards because nearly 500 kills is ridiculous for one fox surely
Anyway last night after several fruitless forays in the freezing weather while back and twarted by rain and fog ,last night the stars aligned perfectly and myself and a mate spent from 9pm to 2.30 am at the farm just stood ,rifles on sticks watching and waiting .
My mate was about 200 m from the target shed and I was about same at 90 degrees to him .At about 11 ,a fox came from the big wood and started circling the shed eventually starting to dig along the side facing my mate .He text me telling me all this and for me not to move as the fox was pretty wary ,looking up and round between digging .
I saw Karl on sticks and new the .243 would speak very soon and it did with the resounding body whack .I was pleased as …. that he’d killed the fox in the act as this might even be the one that’s causing ,starting the issue .
We met at the scene and this is the culprit .Small dog .Stayed on until 2.30 am and bagged another 3 ,two each .Silly  amount of foxes on this place .


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