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Lost the plot

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In a world where I now utter the words ‘the world’s gone mad’, or ‘we’ve lost the fcukin plot’ with depressing regularity, yesterday’s goings on at Holyrood hit a new low for me.

Despite opinion polls showing the majority of the public do not want this, the Scottish parliament voted to approve a bill enabling a person to officially change their gender identity after 3 months of ‘living’ in that gender…, although there appears to be no criteria laid out to determine what that actually even means.

Worse still, a late appeal to amend the bill to prevent registered sex offenders changing gender was rejected! Theoretically I think this means a man (maybe already on the register) could rape a woman, be arrested for it, apply to change gender, and by the time he goes on trial, be tried as a ‘woman’ with the court having to refer to the accused as she/her, and then if convicted, be sent to a female prison. Words actually fail me.

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They also don't need a medical diagnosis of "gender diaspora " from a doctor or psychiatrist as was the rule previously, they just need to say " I identify as a woman, and three month later they get a "gender certificate ".

They are then legally able to use women's changing rooms, women's fefuges, and as has been said, if they are charged with rape, the court and victim and witnesses MUST use the feminine pronouns or be in contempt of court !

This applies, at the moment, only in Scotland.....what happens if the come to the rest of the UK ?

Sturgeon forced this through, the woman is an insane , meagalomaniac, Sc, this is only a glimpse of what is to come.....scots separatists, beware what you wish for.


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Why, When the reality is very simple, Your gender is determined even before your birth, Your either a man or a women. No piece of paper issued afterwards will change this biological fact. Chopping bits off or adding bits on, even growing bits or changing your name, will still not alter this FACT. 

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1 hour ago, pesky1972 said:

In a world where I now utter the words ‘the world’s gone mad’, or ‘we’ve lost the fcukin plot’ with depressing regularity, yesterday’s goings on at Holyrood hit a new low for me.

Despite opinion polls showing the majority of the public do not want this, the Scottish parliament voted to approve a bill enabling a person to officially change their gender identity after 3 months of ‘living’ in that gender…, although there appears to be no criteria laid out to determine what that actually even means.

Worse still, a late appeal to amend the bill to prevent registered sex offenders changing gender was rejected! Theoretically I think this means a man (maybe already on the register) could rape a woman, be arrested for it, apply to change gender, and by the time he goes on trial, be tried as a ‘woman’ with the court having to refer to the accused as she/her, and then if convicted, be sent to a female prison. Words actually fail me.

Not 1 person I know in Scotland would be happy about this how the fck can people vote these back in after this shower

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Pesky is right, she has lost the plot. She gets a bad press on here, but most scots I know support her. For a serving politician she has an amazing approval value in Scotland.  But she has stubbornly and determinedly forced this bill through against the will of the Scottish people. Politicians must be aware of and take note of the people they represent. She has ignored that and and shot herself in the foot. And for for what? So rapists can legally enter women's toilets etc. She's turned herself into a  rebel without a cause and lost her party votes. Weird.

Edited by jukel123
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15 minutes ago, cragman said:

Glad I’m the age I am. The  world is fooked 

I think every generation probably says the same its why old people tend to not be particularly happy people ?

But i do find it hard to imagine another generation of people who have had to endure as much radical change to " normal life " than the era we currently find ourselves in.

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