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View from your swim part 2

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1 hour ago, DIDO.1 said:

Any good?

Didn’t get the grayling I was after but missed a few hits and had 3 out of season brownies . The river was up a bit and pushing through and also a bit more coloured than I’d like but I wanted to try my new rod otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered staying 

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Already looking forward to the warmer weather.

Drove down to the gulf. When I started to release the shark,someone set off a firework display.Good timing lol.    

Still plenty bass about  

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On 31/12/2022 at 17:20, Nicepix said:

13C overnight rising to 18C today and dry. For once they got it right and the car had been packed last night ready for the off at 9am. Local tackle shop was closed so I detoured to a larger national chain that opened bang on 10am. There were five trays of what used to be maggots to choose from. Mostly it was casters and bran. I reckon they hadn't ordered any this week and what was there was last weeks order. I filled a hallf litre tub by taking the best few from each tray so I had squatts, pinkies, red maggots, white maggots and gozzers all in the same tub. The guy at the counter never opened the box. I reckon he was ashamed. Instead he picked the box up, shook it once and from that deduced that I owed him €3.95.

Next stop was a boulangerie where I got a quiche, apple crumble and custard flan and the nice lady gave me a pen as a momento of my visit. Then after arriving at my chosen swim all I had to do was walk the dog, put her back in the car, carry most of my stuff 200 metres to the swim, return for the rod and dog and after all that I could start fishing.


The method was simple; one rod length deep, one rod length out and one rod length downstream. Bait was applies via a dropper on my mini-spod rod



I also invested some groundbait based on ground maize, hemp and Gros Gardons mix. The water was clear enough to see the bottom, 10 feet down and I saw my first customer enter the swim. The bite was typical bream, i.e. fannying about then bobbing a few times before the sliding float went under. The fight however was not typical bream. It actually took line. Then it realised its mistake and became a bream again.


I didn't want to waste good worms on such unworthy quarry so I put a large grain of sweetcorn on for the next cast. The bite was more decisive and the fish took off towards the far bank. I really struggled to control it and on landing the fish I saw why. Whilst it was hooked fairly somehow the line had lasooed one of its pectoral fins and that was the point of contact.


And that was it. I packed up at 3:30pm, walked the dog again and made my way home in the last of the sunshine. The local tackle shop was still closed so tomorrow on the Vienne will see a combination of dead maggots from the freezer along with half dead maggots from today.

Some brilliant images. The image that got me is seeing the rustle type dog there with you. It's nice to have a steady small companion with you when fishing on your tod.

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9 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

what rivers that P?

The Tame that runs through Tamworth, Birmingham and then into the Trent, Some nice fish in there but there's always a heavy flow on it, I have seen it in flood, nearly to the top of that grass bank you can see. 

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On 26/01/2023 at 20:25, neil r said:

Didn’t get the grayling I was after but missed a few hits and had 3 out of season brownies . The river was up a bit and pushing through and also a bit more coloured than I’d like but I wanted to try my new rod otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered staying 

Do you fish for grayling much?

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11 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Do you fish for grayling much?

Yes , sometimes on the float and also on the bfs gear with lures like that day . There’s loads in a few local rivers and are usually not hard to catch except on that day , they just weren’t having it . There was a couple of people on the stretch that day and unusually nobody had one 

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5 hours ago, neil r said:

Yes , sometimes on the float and also on the bfs gear with lures like that day . There’s loads in a few local rivers and are usually not hard to catch except on that day , they just weren’t having it . There was a couple of people on the stretch that day and unusually nobody had one 

Do you catch them all year round?

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4 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Do you catch them all year round?

Yes , the rivers i fish are full of them , especially the Calder . They can be an absolute nuisance if you go down with a maggot feeder , they will be on your bait as soon as you put your rod down and are a pain for deep hooking . I like catching them on the float though . Last time I went trotting for a couple of hours I had about a dozen in amongst the dace and chublets and 4 were over 2lb . I try and get them on lures now if I can . Don’t get as many but it’s not as hard as you’d think 

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