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Willful Blindness.....just the beginning?

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Sandy no one takes you seriously because you never reply to others,i could post a million memes about labour but its pointless,you dont seem to catch on that both pafties are scumbags an playing us li

It's not a new thing both parents working ffs. My old man and mother both worked to make ends meet but then the old man was a drinker and did the horses so we never had much. The Wife and I both worke

You sound like a SNP nut now, everything is the tories fault,  don't get it twisted I have no love for the tories either,  it's not the parties that  are  wrong it's the system that is fault it's the

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21 minutes ago, Francie, said:

Them scientists an doctors are all quacks obviously scotty lol

I’d rather Listen to the professionals in their fields they say ….. only the ones that suit their narrative though mate 


justice will be served in due time mate never forgive and never forget ?

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12 hours ago, Francie, said:

Somebodys wrong here, voon said earlier that THE TOP SCIENTISTS they didnt think it would mutate like that, but your saying the rollout was a sucess?which is it?

An your wrong also about it being a sucess, the trial aint done yet, so the whole picture isnt seen.

So if you want to take your fifth shot go ahead, but dont think your going to bully or ostresize us again, it wont work.

You are cherry picking small pieces out of a much larger pie in desperation. The rollout of vaccines worked. You might not think so  but those who actually know about these things agree that it was. Mutations were encompassed in successive generations of vaccines. There was no blue print for all this. Different people hsd different theories. If we had followed your idea we would still be waiting for clinical trials of the first vaccine to be approved. There wasn't time. 

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1 hour ago, Nicepix said:

You are cherry picking small pieces out of a much larger pie in desperation. The rollout of vaccines worked. You might not think so  but those who actually know about these things agree that it was. Mutations were encompassed in successive generations of vaccines. There was no blue print for all this. Different people hsd different theories. If we had followed your idea we would still be waiting for clinical trials of the first vaccine to be approved. There wasn't time. 

Desperation? Iv already told you im not antivax at all, just this new mrna, which didnt work on animals in the past(not covid jab)kiled most,an alot of info coming out to prove that.

Remember when they said it does nothing to your dna haha have a look now an see, the games up, faccui company nih made the virus through gain of function then supplied the antidote,if your happy with that then crack on but dont expect others to follow blindly like yourself

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Here Francie

Here's what i was referring to about electromagnetic fields


Is it possible for the human body to create an electromagnetic field?

I want you to imagine me punching you hard, in the nose.

Trust me, it’ll help make this description much more fun! Imagine you said something rude about my mother, if it helps.

Did that hurt? I’m no fighter, but I imagine it probably did.

Why did it hurt?

Well my fist connected rather rapidly with your face, and that ought to do it.

But what does it mean to “connect”, or “touch”?

Our bodies are made up of cells, which are made up of atoms. And atoms are… well they’re mostly empty space.


An atom is a centralized region of extreme density and positive charge (the nucleus), surrounded by a region of standing ‘probability waves’ which describe the wave function of the electron.

In other words, an atom is basically a ‘fuzzy’ (technical term) ball of charges.uncaptioned

Something like this (image credit: The Electron Cloud ).

(The planetary orbital model you probably have in your head is about 100 years out of date — it comes from the 1913 Bohr model of the atom, which was superseded in 1925 by the Schrodinger model).


How can I punch you, if your face, and indeed my hand, are just made up of fuzzy balls?

There’s no concept of “solid” at this level — so why should my hand make contact with your face?

The answer lies in the electric field.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.

In some circumstances, this “messing around” is what leads to atomic bonding — the atoms and their electrons “find a way” to coexist in a way that minimizes their mutual energy, and they resist being pulled apart. This is what we interpret as an atomic bond.

But sometimes, it means they just bounce off each other. The two electron fields repel each other, and the atoms go flying apart.

So, what you experience when my fist connects with your nose is actually the electrons in my fist repelling those in your nose.

This repulsion obviously then causes a chain reaction with all the other atoms in your face, which are all mutually interacting with each other, and they all repel in unison from my fist (that’s why your nose doesn’t atomize into trillions of atoms!)

Specialized sections of your body then generate electrical signals, which are fired along other specialized sections of your body, into a really specialized section of your body — which results in a cascade of electrical signals being transmitted through the entire unit.

In other words — the sensors in your nose send a message along the nerves into your brain, which you then process as pain.

“Ow”, you say, “what was that for?”

Don’t you see?! Everything that just happened was because of the electric fields of our bodies!

Everything you just experienced occurred because we’re both surrounded by our own personal force field, and the insides of our bodies contain electrical generators, which they use to send signals through our body.

Virtually every single process which is keeping you alive can be traced back to an electric field that some component of your body is creating.

Even as I’m typing this, the only thing letting me do it is the electric field in my fingers depressing the keys in my laptop! The only thing stopping me falling through the chair is my body’s specialized ArseField™ which is repelling the chair!

My eyes are intercepting the electromagnetic radiation (and let’s not even get started on the fact that I am constantly outputting a low level radiation field in the infrared region!) and turning that into yet more electrical signals.

Not only is it possible that the human body creates EM fields — it is the only way you can possibly exist as a coherent entity!

You are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds your atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of yourself.

Everything is so cool when you break it down like this, right?!

This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. More questions:



Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

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2 hours ago, paulus said:

Here Francie

Here's what i was referring to about electromagnetic fields


Is it possible for the human body to create an electromagnetic field?

I want you to imagine me punching you hard, in the nose.

Trust me, it’ll help make this description much more fun! Imagine you said something rude about my mother, if it helps.

Did that hurt? I’m no fighter, but I imagine it probably did.

Why did it hurt?

Well my fist connected rather rapidly with your face, and that ought to do it.

But what does it mean to “connect”, or “touch”?

Our bodies are made up of cells, which are made up of atoms. And atoms are… well they’re mostly empty space.


An atom is a centralized region of extreme density and positive charge (the nucleus), surrounded by a region of standing ‘probability waves’ which describe the wave function of the electron.

In other words, an atom is basically a ‘fuzzy’ (technical term) ball of charges.uncaptioned

Something like this (image credit: The Electron Cloud ).

(The planetary orbital model you probably have in your head is about 100 years out of date — it comes from the 1913 Bohr model of the atom, which was superseded in 1925 by the Schrodinger model).


How can I punch you, if your face, and indeed my hand, are just made up of fuzzy balls?

There’s no concept of “solid” at this level — so why should my hand make contact with your face?

The answer lies in the electric field.

Every atom has its own electric field, and when you put two atoms close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.

In some circumstances, this “messing around” is what leads to atomic bonding — the atoms and their electrons “find a way” to coexist in a way that minimizes their mutual energy, and they resist being pulled apart. This is what we interpret as an atomic bond.

But sometimes, it means they just bounce off each other. The two electron fields repel each other, and the atoms go flying apart.

So, what you experience when my fist connects with your nose is actually the electrons in my fist repelling those in your nose.

This repulsion obviously then causes a chain reaction with all the other atoms in your face, which are all mutually interacting with each other, and they all repel in unison from my fist (that’s why your nose doesn’t atomize into trillions of atoms!)

Specialized sections of your body then generate electrical signals, which are fired along other specialized sections of your body, into a really specialized section of your body — which results in a cascade of electrical signals being transmitted through the entire unit.

In other words — the sensors in your nose send a message along the nerves into your brain, which you then process as pain.

“Ow”, you say, “what was that for?”

Don’t you see?! Everything that just happened was because of the electric fields of our bodies!

Everything you just experienced occurred because we’re both surrounded by our own personal force field, and the insides of our bodies contain electrical generators, which they use to send signals through our body.

Virtually every single process which is keeping you alive can be traced back to an electric field that some component of your body is creating.

Even as I’m typing this, the only thing letting me do it is the electric field in my fingers depressing the keys in my laptop! The only thing stopping me falling through the chair is my body’s specialized ArseField™ which is repelling the chair!

My eyes are intercepting the electromagnetic radiation (and let’s not even get started on the fact that I am constantly outputting a low level radiation field in the infrared region!) and turning that into yet more electrical signals.

Not only is it possible that the human body creates EM fields — it is the only way you can possibly exist as a coherent entity!

You are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds your atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of yourself.

Everything is so cool when you break it down like this, right?!

This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. More questions:



Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Interesting stuff paulas

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