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Willful Blindness.....just the beginning?

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Sandy no one takes you seriously because you never reply to others,i could post a million memes about labour but its pointless,you dont seem to catch on that both pafties are scumbags an playing us li

It's not a new thing both parents working ffs. My old man and mother both worked to make ends meet but then the old man was a drinker and did the horses so we never had much. The Wife and I both worke

You sound like a SNP nut now, everything is the tories fault,  don't get it twisted I have no love for the tories either,  it's not the parties that  are  wrong it's the system that is fault it's the

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4 hours ago, Nicepix said:

Or, possibly someone quotes a report without actually bothering to read it? Seems to happen quite a lot on here. 

Anyway, don't worry about the WHO taking over the country. Its the St John's Abulance Brigade you really need to keep an eye on. They have increased numbers of their paramilitary wing ready for their own bid for world domination. ?

Didn’t you realise that the who and the worlds governments were considering consultancy tenders from the hunting life general talk section ?? 

common sense and all that jazz 

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2 hours ago, VOON said:


Original jab was quite effective against the original strains.  I would wager most scientists did not expect Covid to mutate the way it did, but no doubt in my mind it saved lives.  

Part of the reason it’s endemic is the efficacy of the jab, whether it lasts a month or 4.


???? you would wager most scientists did not expect covid to mutate the way it did,BOLLOCKS bare face lies that is,how come the conspiracy heads knew,are we supposed to beleive this?

I remember specifically posting what that geert vandrbosche or something said,do not vaccinate durning a pandemic,an what happened,called all the conspitacies under the sun,an you wonder why we didnt listen to your so called experts mate

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17 hours ago, VOON said:

People who had COVID-19 early in the pandemic had a heightened risk of clots up to 49 weeks later, according to a large study from England and Wales.


Think that one has been totally debunked mate look deeper, there is no link between catching covid and blood clots, unless your jabbed it was another fib by those wishing to push the vaccine, also your previous post simply highlights what the people you have been arguing with for two years have been trying to tell you, the vaccine does not work simple, it don’t protect, it don’t stop transmission and it don’t make your symptoms any less when you do get it, ??? 

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8 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Think that one has been totally debunked mate look deeper, there is no link between catching covid and blood clots, unless your jabbed it was another fib by those wishing to push the vaccine, also your previous post simply highlights what the people you have been arguing with for two years have been trying to tell you, the vaccine does not work simple, it don’t protect, it don’t stop transmission and it don’t make your symptoms any less when you do get it, ??? 



The UK’s covid-19 vaccination programme has been a success and has delivered value for money so far, but future success could be undermined by staff burnout...

In The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Eric Haas and colleagues1 estimated the benefits of the rapid mass roll-out of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine in Israel...



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19 hours ago, VOON said:


Original jab was quite effective against the original strains.  I would wager most scientists did not expect Covid to mutate the way it did, but no doubt in my mind it saved lives.  

Part of the reason it’s endemic is the efficacy of the jab, whether it lasts a month or 4.


Please stop, my daughter is a scientist, she is also jabbed up and believes the bullshite like yourself but one thing she did say to me at the start of all this, was she didn’t understand why they were making such a fuss about it mutating as it is perfectly normal for all viruses to mutate regularly, there are around 250 flu variants so stop being so silly by saying scientists were caught off guard it’s what they expected and new would happen ?

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3 minutes ago, Nicepix said:



The UK’s covid-19 vaccination programme has been a success and has delivered value for money so far, but future success could be undermined by staff burnout...

In The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Eric Haas and colleagues1 estimated the benefits of the rapid mass roll-out of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine in Israel...



If any of that were even a tiny bit true we would be coming through it in the clear, not bracing ourselves for the next wave, we have all seen the numbers for those that took the jab, it should be a roaring success but if you open your eyes it clearly ain’t, none of you jabbers are any safer or further forward than those that chose not to take it, yet your still following the science ??

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