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Willful Blindness.....just the beginning?

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Personal I don't know anybody that has any ill affect from the vaccine other than feel bit rough for a day. 

I do however know people that have died from Covid even an old couple (well I say old one year older than me ffs). Wifey works as dental receptionist and knows  loads of people that are patients with long Covid and that have died.

Cheers Arry

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Sandy no one takes you seriously because you never reply to others,i could post a million memes about labour but its pointless,you dont seem to catch on that both pafties are scumbags an playing us li

It's not a new thing both parents working ffs. My old man and mother both worked to make ends meet but then the old man was a drinker and did the horses so we never had much. The Wife and I both worke

You sound like a SNP nut now, everything is the tories fault,  don't get it twisted I have no love for the tories either,  it's not the parties that  are  wrong it's the system that is fault it's the

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4 hours ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Wilful blindness.....case in point.

It shows really that most folk just do what their told and don't care either way. If it was actual health reasons that people took these injections they would be interested in the health benefits or dangers to their health.....their not. 

Been done to death this topic. You now have a higher chance of suffering a serious side effect from the vaccines than of covid. Wow, what a surprise!

It's you that's willfully blind. You laugh off evidence which demonstrates the MP is dodgy ( no wonder the commons was empty, he's a blow bag) and criticism of the medic's research by his peers. The guys ' evidence ' is  cherry picked and skewed to favour his pre existing beliefs. Bridgen states the evidence is peer reviewed. He's correct , but the peer review finds major flaws in the study!

However there's no point in reasoning with you because your opinion was not formed by reason in the first place,  but by suspicion and prejudice.

Edited by jukel123
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35 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

However there's no point in reasoning with you because your opinion was not formed by reason in the first place

My opinion like many others is formed by the facts mate. Your in denial like most, that chose to believe the word of government and politics and still do! Stop embarrassing yourself?


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33 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

My opinion like many others is formed by the facts mate. Your in denial like most, that chose to believe the word of government and politics and still do! Stop embarrassing yourself?


Please allow us to be embarrassed and post your facts.?

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5 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

They will never learn. They will live in a cashless society, a mortgage they will never pay off, an electric car on the drive of their new build eating food from the other side of the world...... owning nothing and being told they are happy 

Our 1960's house is paid for, as are the three diesel fueled vehicles, we eat local products from local supermarkets, we own everything in the house, no debt, tens of thousands €  in the banks, €500 or €600 cash in the dingle pot, and are very happy. But thanks for the concern. 

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20 minutes ago, Nicepix said:

Our 1960's house is paid for, as are the three diesel fueled vehicles, we eat local products from local supermarkets, we own everything in the house, no debt, tens of thousands €  in the banks, €500 or €600 cash in the dingle pot, and are very happy. But thanks for the concern. 

glad your happy shame it won’t be like that for your grandkids though 

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1 minute ago, Nicepix said:

What has that got to do with Neo's claim? ? 

Trying to move the goal posts back two generations ?

? your from a generation were it was a piece of piss to get a houses payed for and money in the bank you could do it working part time by the time you was 25 ? 

kids leaving school now won’t be in that position until 60 if there lucky 

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1 minute ago, mC HULL said:

? your from a generation were it was a piece of piss to get a houses payed for and money in the bank you could do it working part time by the time you was 25 ? 

kids leaving school now won’t be in that position until 60 if there lucky 

And what has that got to do with Neo's statement?

Moving the goalposts again ?

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Just now, Nicepix said:

And what has that got to do with Neo's statement?

Moving the goalposts again ?

it was dido that said it wasn’t it and that’s what is happening before our eyes it won’t effect the old like you be the young it will effect for the worse won’t it ? 

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Just now, mC HULL said:

it was dido that said it wasn’t it and that’s what is happening before our eyes it won’t effect the old like you be the young it will effect for the worse won’t it ? 

OK. Ask Dido whether he had an age range in mind for his opinions. Old 'uns got vaxed too.

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15 minutes ago, Nicepix said:

OK. Ask Dido whether he had an age range in mind for his opinions. Old 'uns got vaxed too.

your the ones should be protesting against it and want the same for the youth as you had not this shit show your leaving for them. 

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17 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

your the ones should be protesting against it and want the same for the youth as you had not this shit show your leaving for them. 

Hang on. The thread is about covid  jabs not the feckin economy.

How many time this week have you been accused of moving the goal posts? We can't all be wrong. 

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