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Short bullet for a short barrel ?

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Haven't touched my little 6.5 Grendel pistol ( yes legally this is a pistol lol ) in clos two two years and I've been in need of something a little .. handier then my other guns .


Now I don't have any rounds loaded for it and factory ammo isn't cheap. So I started digging around my supplies to see what I have and what I got are two perticular bullets I could try 


Now looking more at the Hornady because I think it will hold together better for some applications ( honestly for the shots I tend to take that TNT should work ) but aiming I'm wondering ..... Think that shorter or longer bullet would be more optimal for this short barrel ? 

I guess it will really just be whatever the gun likes but I wonder if there's anything to barrel length and bullet length, well opposed to some stuff dealing with the chamber..... Mabye the twist rate would be he deal breaker more then anything ???

Last bunch of reloads I did for it shot a hair over 1.1" @100yd which is fine for hunting 


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No I dont think barrel lenght has any thing to do with how long bullet you can use, but speed and twist rate. Vihtavuori lists all from 100gr to 156gr bullets for a 1-10twist raate barrel so you should be fine with a short barrel and light bulllets. Maybee long pointy bullets get stuck in the action during cycling. Perfect cartridge for hunting birds in top of trees in Scandinavia.

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