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I was at a shoot last week and there was a wreath on the door to the shoot lodge. I thought that’s nice , I will make my own . A trip up to the grave yard and found a wreath frame on the compost heap.  I collected some 28 bore cartridges and set about drilling them and cable tying them to the frame , a couple of fancy decorations and voila, a wreath fit for any shooting man’s front door . 
                Then the sister in law comes around and says “ you are advertising to the world that you have guns “ . Now my wife wants it down . But I’m digging my heels in . What do you think ? Up or down ? 


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Stick to your guns, so too speak, I think it’s looks spot on and we should be proud of what we do, I can bore the pants off anyone who will listen to me about what guns I own, everyone around here knows I shoot because I’ll often be dragging deer or birds out the car, when we first moved here I felt I had to explain to Keith next door what I did because he said “ you come and go at all hours” ( he’s a proper nosy bugger, if a parcel gets dropped off at his if I’m not in he’ll ask me what it is before handing it over) I think he thought I was a drug dealer 

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3 minutes ago, Stavross said:

Stick to your guns, so too speak, I think it’s looks spot on and we should be proud of what we do, I can bore the pants off anyone who will listen to me about what guns I own, everyone around here knows I shoot because I’ll often be dragging deer or birds out the car, when we first moved here I felt I had to explain to Keith next door what I did because he said “ you come and go at all hours” ( he’s a proper nosy bugger, if a parcel gets dropped off at his if I’m not in he’ll ask me what it is before handing it over) I think he thought I was a drug dealer 

I think they would try my mate Carls house first . He has BASC stickers and feeders in his truck , dead pheasants handing in his porch , and only wears realtree . ??

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39 minutes ago, shovel leaner said:

set about drilling them and cable tying them to the frame

For that fact alone I'd be reluctant to take it down!!

You ever tried killing time on pornhub?? Or is it your age the issue there....!! ??

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leave it up... looks good/something a bit different?

was on phone to the old man today,sorting out me and the boy down next weekend for an early Christmas ,

reckon I'll be having a few across the road:drinks: hes nominated tomorrow off due to all the snow

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17 minutes ago, si brown said:

leave it up... looks good/something a bit different?

was on phone to the old man today,sorting out me and the boy down next weekend for an early Christmas ,

reckon I'll be having a few across the road:drinks: hes nominated tomorrow off due to all the snow

I should have been playing skittles in there tomorrow. Give me a bell Si when you get down , if you and your lad fancy a trip out , I can sort it . ?

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8 minutes ago, shovel leaner said:

I should have been playing skittles in there tomorrow. Give me a bell Si when you get down , if you and your lad fancy a trip out , I can sort it . ?

cheers for the offer but it'll be a bit of a carnage visit, have to fit a visit to Cheltenham in to to see me brother and drop his kids presents off to. 

ill take you up on your kind offer when the weathers a bit better, you'd laugh if you saw me at moment, im hobbling round like a pensioner cos I had a sheep run full speed and headbut me kneecap.. its black and blue:censored:

if you want any powders or anything dropping off on the way down give me a nod. 

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22 minutes ago, si brown said:

cheers for the offer but it'll be a bit of a carnage visit, have to fit a visit to Cheltenham in to to see me brother and drop his kids presents off to. 

ill take you up on your kind offer when the weathers a bit better, you'd laugh if you saw me at moment, im hobbling round like a pensioner cos I had a sheep run full speed and headbut me kneecap.. its black and blue:censored:

if you want any powders or anything dropping off on the way down give me a nod. 

No problem Si . Have a good visit . I’m ok for powder , thanks anyway. See you when the weather is better . Enjoy the Stirrup cup  , or stomach pump as it’s known locally.?

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