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Walk in the snow

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Went out this afternoon tracking in the snow , not a lot of snow but enough to find fox tracks.

I had only been on the ground 10 minutes when I could smell fox , you wouldn't believe it but it appeared around 60 yards away out of some cover and sat down. Luckily I was to its left and I managed to get the rifle on my sticks and take a lovely vixen.

Carrying on not 10 minutes later I spied a doe couched on the edge of the wood. Neck shot 150 yards through the neck ?

A beautiful afternoon to be out, made me feel alive ?





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Well done FH . The snow here is about 4” deep and it’s been coming down all day . Fog this morning. The shoot I should have been loading on tomorrow is cancelled. But I got a call from a mate who is struggling for beaters , so I will try to get out beating instead tomorrow, and because I’ve got a 4x4 I’ve been roped into putting the daughters horse in this evening and putting out in the morning. I’m envious, I love getting out with a rifle in the snow . I might get out tomorrow afternoon if we finish early enough. Nothing like spotting Charlie against a white backdrop. 

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