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True Polecats

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No I didn't notice the eye colour John but yes the brute was a solid chap.

When it was first caught it was a dirty thing lousy with ticks & fleas, it would always hide in its sleeping box during the day and apparently was most active after dark.

His first crosses were all very dark in colour very near coal dust colouring.

It will be interesting to see if the second cross youngsters have a more stable temprement.

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No offence compo but i have favored polecats all my life for there greater speed! and dig rarely,

where do you get your information.The only plus for a white ferret is they can be seen in the undergrowth when they leave the berry before all the rabbets have bolted,( to often). :boxing:



i myself have three different colours within my 5 ferrets.


however i dont have any Polecats.....i have polecat coloured ferrets but not wild polecats cross domestic ferrets which is what the lad was on about ;)


I have a mate whose Black, he couldn't survive in the african bush, but he looks just like the lads who can! :D


well said :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...
This year I had a great idea, why not cross a wild pole cat in to my exellent line of working ferrets to make them better hunters???

A friend saved me a year by sorting me out with two first cross wild pole cat/ferrets thing could'nt get any better,they arrived no problems nice friendly easy to handle, spoke to a couple of hunters on another site about them some of how had tryed this cross them selves in the past, all of who said the sane thing give in before you go any further, my being stubern and Im sure most other folk in my place would have been the same, pushed on, the little criters where fast as lightening and would climb walls get and go any where, then one day out of the blue bang they turned in to demons you cant touch them, they shy away, I will not be using them in my breeding programe, and now see that I all ready have an exellent working line of ferrets and dont need to add the wild blood, no dowt there will be another like myself that knows better or will try it any way, after all I belive we all have to try these things for our selves, I have never worked them this year but will do just out of intrest, all I can say lads and lasses if you see them let them pass you by, but then Im sounding just like the people that talked to me as said before some of us just have to find out for our selves, if some one was after making a quick buck then Im sure if I lined 20 jill's with them I would be able to sell the young for daft money because belive me there are folk out there who will buy them get sick and move them on and they will get in to working lines of ferrets and I feel this is not a good thing, (from hind sight) like I say it ok me saying this but people will still want to try

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