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One of my landowners has recently lost a kitten ,yes I know good riddance but she reckons it was a fox and I say fair play but as I have the stalking here for free I’m obliged to take a look .I’ve been baiting an area with a camera on said bait that pings my phone when it has a hit .8 pm on the dot for 3 days a fox has come in and taken the spread dog food in the field behind her house .No idea if it’s the same fox or whether it killed the cat ,if indeed it did .

Quarter to 8 I was on sticks at about 150 m away as there was a cross wind to where I wanted to be .Fox appears through a hedge on camera 

Bang on 7.59 in comes Charlie from across the field ,cautiously which tells me it’s not the only one using the bait site .

Gave it a squeak as it looked a bit like it was going to veer off to which it came in like a gundog .

30m before it stopped to a shout and looked huge in the pard .Number 100 down 


Chubby little vixen .

The farm is quite large so waited a while longer and spotted two coming the same route as the last almost side by side .Time to video this pair .A soft lip squeak stopped them at about 70m .The vixen was a bit behind the dog so shot her then followed the dog as it ran out into the hedge a bit .Shot him at 130 ish .Shot was a bit back and he made it to the hedge .Using the thermal I spotted him in the ditch but I was too close for a shot and he up and went down the ditch out of sight .School boy error on my part .Went out into the next field to about 60m and searched again and there he was just up against an alder tree .Dispatched him luckily ,a nice big dog fox ?.


The crescent moon appeared and time for me to head home .Had a good season on the foxes which isn’t over yet by a long way .

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